
  1. 行政督察专员制度有其设置的渊源背景和演变过程。

    There is an origin and course of involvement of the administrative supervision commissioner institution .

  2. 民国33年(1944)12月,隶属第九行政督察专员公署。

    In33 ( 1944 ) in December , the Office of Inspector attached to the ninth .

  3. 1932-1936年的行政督察专员制度研究&以湖北省为例

    A Study on the Institution of Administration-supervising Commissioner from 1932 to 1936 & Take Hubei Province as an Example

  4. 抗日根据地政权建设中的重要地方制度:行政督察专员制度

    An Important Local System in the Political Power Construction in Anti-Japanese Base Areas : The System of Administrative Supervisory Commissioner

  5. 行政督察专员公署的设立,也表现出南京政府时期的集权化趋势。

    The establishment of the systems also represented the tendency of the centralization of state power in the period of NNG .

  6. 几经改进演变,到了1936年,行政督察专员制度终于统一了规定,在全国大多数省份确立和通行。

    By 1936 , the administrative supervision commissioner institution was uniformed , established and taken effects in most of the provinces after several times of involvement .

  7. 赣南《正气日报》创刊于1941年10月,是时任江西省第四区行政督察专员的蒋经国创办的一份专员公署机关报。

    Zhengqi Daily was launched by Chiang Ching-kuo in south Jiangxi who was the chief inspector of the Fourth District in Jiangxi , in October 1941 .

  8. 民国24年(1935年),又改为甘肃省第四区行政督察专员公署,驻天水县(今天水市)。

    In24 years ( 1935 ), and replaced by the Fourth District , Gansu Province Chief Inspector 's Office , the Tianshui in the county ( city water today ) .

  9. 总体构想包括增强对监狱等行刑机关外部监督程序的设置,如建构严密的行政督察机制;强化司法监督;增设刑罚执行庭。

    Overall concept includes enhancing external supervisory procedures for execution organs such as the prison , like constructing a strict administrative surveillance mechanism ; strengthening judicial supervision ; adding new penalty execution division .

  10. 南京国民政府于20世纪30年代创设了行政督察专员制度,这是介于省县之间的地方政治制度的重要变革。

    The institution of administration-supervising commissioner , which the Nanjing National Government ( NNG ) established in the 1930 's , is a significant reform of regional political system between province and county .