
xínɡ zhènɡ zǔ zhī
  • administrative organization
  1. 论行政组织的职能扩张

    Talking about the Extension of the Functions of the Administrative Organization

  2. 行政组织内部冲突的和谐管理

    On the Harmonious Management of the Internal Conflicts within the Administrative Organization

  3. 另外加入WTO本身还将间接对行政组织法产生影响,如国外管理理念和行政组织形态的传入等。

    Besides , The access to WTO itself will indirectly influence the Administrative Organic Law , including the introduction of foreign management concepts and administrative organic modality , etc.

  4. 在ccitt的术语中,指国际电信联盟的行政组织机构或其成员国或公认的私营机构。

    In the context of CCITT an administration member of ITU or a recognized private operating agency .

  5. 随着信息技术与信息系统的发展,社会环境的变化加快,传统行政组织业务流程弊端日益凸现,这就迫切要求行政组织进行流程重组(BusinessProcessReengineering,简称BPR)。

    With the development of information technology and information science amd the accelerating change of the social environment accelerates , the defection of business process of the traditional administration organizes is increasingly convex now . This requires the administrative organization to carry on the business procedure to reengineering urgently .

  6. 论行政组织的目标及目标管理

    On the Objectives of Administrative Organizations and the Management by Objectives

  7. 第2章介绍了信息流和行政组织结构关系。

    Chapter 2 introduces the relationship between information flow and administrative structure .

  8. 这种行政组织的变革战略对我国机构改革具有重要意义。

    This strategy has important meaning to our organizational reform .

  9. 行政组织文化问题初探

    The Preliminary Exploration of the Problems of Administrative Organization Culture

  10. 西方国家行政组织变革的战略研究

    Studies on Reform Strategy of Administrative Organizations in Western Countries

  11. 教育行政组织权力变质的根源及控制

    Cause and Control of Metamorphism Power in Educational Administrative Organizations

  12. 公共服务社会化对行政组织文化创新的影响

    The Influence of Public Service Socialization on the Innovation of Administrative Culture

  13. 危机环境中行政组织变革研究

    Study on the Transformation of Administrative Organizations under Crisis Environment

  14. 知识管理与交通行政组织创新

    Knowledge - based Management and Innovations in Traffic Administrative Organizations

  15. 知识管理:公共行政组织变革与创新

    Administration Ecology on the Transformation of Administrative Organization Km : Public Organization Innovation

  16. 这些障碍导致了行政组织沟通不畅,效率低下。

    These obstacles to the administrative organization communication , the efficiency is low .

  17. 简论归因理论在行政组织激励中的运用

    On the Function of Ascription Theory in Administrative Incentive

  18. 国家[教会]行政组织[机构]联合国公共行政和财政方案专家组

    Group of Experts on the United Nations Programme on Public Administration and Finance

  19. 行政组织再造的流程小组模式研究

    The Model of Team Work in Executive Organization Reengineering

  20. 海峡两岸行政组织法研究比较

    Comparison Study of Administrative Organization Law Across the Strait

  21. 中美教育行政组织比较及其对我国的启示国家[教会]行政组织[机构]

    Comparison of Sino-America Educational Administration Organization with Its Enlightenment for Our Country ;

  22. 我国行政组织体制的现状评析与发展展望

    Evaluate the Present Situation and the Forecast of Our Country 's Administration Organization

  23. 关于环境行政组织若干问题的探讨

    On the Issues of the Environmental Administration System

  24. 政府信息化对行政组织结构变革的影响

    The Effect of Government Informatization on Administrative Structure

  25. 从政府机构设置现状看地方行政组织立法

    A Survey of Local Administrative Institutions Legislation from the Current Setup of Government Apparatus

  26. 行政组织的流程重组建模技术分析

    Analysis of Modeling Techniques for Business Process Reengineering

  27. 行政组织管理学。

    The management science on administration organization ii .

  28. 公共行政组织管理层团队创新能力建设研究

    The Research on the Innovative Ability of the Management Team of the Public Administration Organization

  29. 此前它曾是苏维埃政府和其他最高行政组织的所在地。

    Earlier it was home for the Soviet Government and other Soviet top executive organizations .

  30. 它主要由行政组织成本、行政决策成本和行政执行成本构成。

    It mainly comprises administrative organizing cost , administrative decision cost and administrative implementing cost .