
hōnɡ dònɡ xiào yìnɡ
  • sensational effect;wild reaction
  1. 《白鹿原》是90年代引起过极大轰动效应的家族小说。

    Bai Lu Yuan is a family novel of a sensational effect in the 1990s .

  2. 他的名字发音的夸张方式,诙谐地讽刺了媒体为追逐轰动效应而利用他的方式。

    The exaggerated way the name is uttered humorously mocks the way the media exploits him for sensational effect .

  3. 如果口头传播证明有效,那么美国运通就将投入旨在创造“轰动效应”的病毒式营销(viralmarketing)攻势。

    If word-of-mouth proves effective , American Express could engage in viral marketing campaigns designed to create " buzz " .

  4. 一些行业观察者们预测,HBO新的订购流媒体服务将和《权力的游戏》的新一季同时开始,这样该电视台就能充分利用该剧带来的轰动效应。

    Some industry observers have speculated that HBO 's new subscription streaming service would start in tandem with the new season of " Game of Thrones " so that the network could capitalize on the buzz related to the show .

  5. 卡特勒已经得了个绰号“NuBo“,因为她造成的轰动效应同去年的达人明星苏珊大婶差不多。苏珊大婶被大家亲切的称为“SuBo”。

    Cutler has already earned the nickname'NuBo'after being tipped to make a similar impact to that of last year 's star Susan Boyle-known affectionately as'SuBo ' .

  6. 耸人听闻的;具有轰动效应的他也编造耸人听闻的谎言欺骗世界舆论。

    He also fabricates sensational lies to befuddle world opinion .

  7. 谈广告轰动效应的误区

    A Misconception in " Stir Effect " in Advertising

  8. 她正是汉德勒女士梦寐以求的能带来轰动效应的一款新玩偶。

    She was just what Ms handler wanted for a blockbuster new doll .

  9. 这是因我一时失察分心而发生的事故,也是媒体追求轰动效应的产物。

    They were an accident of my distraction and a product of news sensationalism .

  10. 那几部剧集产生了轰动效应,赢得了众多奖项,为公司吸引了订阅用户。

    The programs generated buzz , won awards and are credited with attracting subscribers .

  11. 小说《色·戒》被争安改编成为电影引起了轰动效应。

    Lust , Caution as a film adapted from a novel made a stir .

  12. 与任何著名的地方相似,新闻单纯的追求轰动效应往往歪曲了事实。

    As with any famous location , sensationalism by the press often distorts the facts .

  13. 如果这座冰岛火山今日喷发,产生的轰动效应将会小得多。

    If the Icelandic volcano had erupted today , it would have caused far less fuss .

  14. 在报道精神卫生问题时避免陈旧观念、追求轰动效应以及历久不衰的神话和误解。

    Avoid stereotyping , sensationalism and perpetuating myths and misconceptions when reporting on mental health issues .

  15. 因为地区性、性别多样性以及制造轰动效应的需要会在很大程度上影响编辑筛选过程。

    Variety of region , gender and the surprise factor weigh heavily in the editorial winnowing process .

  16. 他在世时影响虽小,但逝世后却在西方学界引起轰动效应。

    But , after his death , he caused a great sensation in the western intellectual circle .

  17. 以引起轰动效应的方式。

    In a resounding manner .

  18. 记者有时凭借一篇这方面的报道就可以一举成名,而新闻媒体也有可能凭借轰动效应而一夜走红。

    Some journalists can become well-known overnight relying on a single relevant report , so are the media .

  19. 我想以此先冲击诺奖,获得轰动效应后再推广我的重要理论。

    I think this first 's award , obtain impact after sensation effect to promote my important theory .

  20. 麦克-杰克逊的消息见诸报端,一些评论员都将杰克逊定位成“媒体追求轰动效应的牺牲品”。

    A clip reel displayed tabloid headlines , and several speakers portrayed the singer as the victim of sensationalism .

  21. 然而,一些媒体或个人为了狭隘的经济利益和一时的轰动效应,把真实抛到了九霄云外。

    Nevertheless , some media or people throw truth away thoroughly in pursuit of economic benefits and temporary sensation .

  22. 改革开放以来,侗族大歌走向中外乐坛大雅之堂,产生了极大的轰动效应。

    The Dong chorus has been well known both at home and abroad since reform and opening-up in China .

  23. 总部位于北京的小米公司已经通过以接近成本价销售高端手机的方式成功地在中国内地制造了巨大的轰动效应。

    Beijing-based Xiaomi has successfully created a big buzz in China by selling high-end phones for prices close to cost .

  24. 《图片报》的销售处于半垄断状态中,然而英国小报是在报摊上出售的,这就使得轰动效应的大标题更加重要。

    Whereas British tabloids are sold on newsstands , which makes sensationalist headlines even more important , Bild is a quasi-monopoly .

  25. 互联网的社会联网力量,应该也意味着一些看似不太可能的书目正被发掘,并创造它们自己的轰动效应。

    The social networking power of the Internet should also mean some unlikely titles being discovered and creating their own buzz .

  26. 影片不但在当时制造了轰动效应,历经半个多世纪的岁月后,其价值和魅力依然能够得到验证。

    The film not only made cinematic sensation then , its worth and charm could still be verified through half century .

  27. 英雄类影片是好莱坞制造的最具轰动效应的神话之一。

    The Hero style of the movies is one of the myths made by Hollywood , which have the most sensational effect .

  28. 虽然这样的报刊只注重一时的轰动效应,是因时、因利而生,但开放的社会风气、宽松的政治环境可见一斑。

    Though these types just focus on temporary social effect , the open social values and loose political atmosphere could be expressed .

  29. 他的影片有所减少,虽达不到以往的水准但仍有轰动效应。其中包括《永远的蝙蝠侠》。

    His films have come out less often but have continued to make waves if not quite of the caliber as previously seen .

  30. 有时候为了追求收视率和轰动效应,便会误导观众,也给法官造成了强大的压力。

    Sometimes the pursuit of ratings and sensational effect , it will mislead the audience , also created a strong pressure on the judges .