
  1. 我用内向人的方式轰趴,意思就是……我不轰。

    I party like an introvert1 , which is to say ...... I don 't.

  2. 与客人共同进行一两场游戏,会使他们在“轰趴”中感到自然、放松。

    Play a game or two to make the guests feel welcome and comfortable .

  3. 每一个生日轰趴每一个圣诞清晨

    Every birthday party , every Christmas morning

  4. 记住以下的这些小建议能够使你的“轰趴”活动顺利进行,并使每一个参与“轰趴”的客人玩得尽兴。

    Remembering some tips can help you have a successful home party and make everyone enjoy it .

  5. 对于结交朋友、与亲朋好友保持密切关系而言,“轰趴”是一种既有趣又有效的方式。

    Home parties can be a lot of fun , and it is a great way to make friends with others and keep close touch with your families and friends .