
mó ɡu tānɡ
  • mushroom soup
  1. 爸爸,蘑菇汤一定好喝吧?

    Daddy , mushroom soup must be very tasty .

  2. 我可以免费提供您一些蘑菇汤,算是厨师的一点敬意。

    I can offer you some mushroom soup , complIments of the chef .

  3. 今天的特色汤是青豆蘑菇汤。

    The soup of the day is green bean or mushroom .

  4. 我想要鸭片蘑菇汤。蘑菇,蘑菇,这是一只蘑菇。

    I 'd like to have the sliced duck soup with mushroom .

  5. 我们有鸡肉面汤、意大利通心粉汤和奶油蘑菇汤。

    We have chicken noodle , minestrone , and cream of mushroom .

  6. 因此,熬制时间过长对双孢蘑菇汤风味不利。

    Therefore , long time cooking was negative for the mushroom soup flavour .

  7. 我要一杯蘑菇汤。

    I like a cup of mushroom soup .

  8. 您要一份牛排,一份沙拉,还有一份蘑菇汤。

    You want a beef steak , a salad , and a mushroom soup .

  9. 蘑菇汤:蘑菇汤可以增加人体免疫力,提高抵抗力。

    Mushroom Soup : Mushroom Soup can increase the body immune system , boost resistance .

  10. 是的,我要西红柿汤,给我朋友来蘑菇汤。

    Yes , I 'll have tomato soup and my friend will have mushroom soup .

  11. 蘑菇汤是我的最爱。

    Mushroom soup is my favorite .

  12. 我们不想吃香酥鸭。或许我们可以先吃蘑菇汤,然后再要点海鲜和土豆片。

    We don 't want that . well , perhaps we 'll begin with mushroom soup , and follow by some seafood and chips .

  13. 我们的蔬菜有蚝油菜心、杯芥菜和干煽四季豆,汤有鱼翅汤和蘑菇汤。

    A : Season Vegetables in Oyster Sauce , Mustard Greens with Scallop , Fried String beans , Shark 's Fin Soup and Mushroom Soup .

  14. 尽管有点冷,我还是忍不住到天井里用餐,顺便饱览美景,晚餐分量很足水果沙拉、野生蘑菇汤、咖喱鱼足够五个人吃。

    Though it was getting chilly , I could not resist the rolling views from the dining patio , where I was presented with enough food fruit salad , wild mushroom soup , curried fish to fortify five of me .

  15. 尽管有点冷,我还是忍不住到天井里用餐,顺便饱览美景,晚餐分量很足——水果沙拉、野生蘑菇汤、咖喱鱼——足够五个人吃。

    Though it was getting chilly , I could not resist the rolling views from the dining patio , where I was presented with enough food - fruit salad , wild mushroom soup , curried fish - to fortify five of me .

  16. 利克阴暗地认为,像我这样图省事的人不是在追逐健康的、不省事的、真正的食物,而是被餐馆、外卖、“罐装奶油蘑菇汤”以及她所说的“偶尔的冷冻食物晚餐”这样的猎食者吓倒了。

    Instead of hunting down healthful , real , inconvenient food , dinner-shirkers like myself are menaced , in Leake 's dark vision , by such predators as restaurants , takeout , " cans of cream of mushroom soup " and what she calls " even the occasional frozen dinner . "

  17. 蘑菇冻汤端上桌后,我转而问他的童年时代。

    As a chilled mushroom soup arrives , I turn to his childhood .

  18. 2002年6月18日5人同时在广州某酒店进食蘑菇猪肉汤引起食物中毒,3人相继出现嗜睡、口干、头晕等神经系统为主的症状。

    A food poisoning case in Guangzhou due to eating the soup containing mushroom and pork was reported . Among the 5 persons having a common dining history , 3 persons had poisoning symptoms including hypersomnia , thirst , dizziness , and other nervous system symptoms .

  19. 我要蘑菇煎蛋和洋葱汤。

    I 'll have the mushroom omelets and onion soup .

  20. 一个周五傍晚,我做了蘑菇炖鸡、酸辣汤、番茄炒蛋和清蒸鱼。

    A Friday evening , I did mushroom smothered chicken , Hot-and-Sour Soup , tomato scrambled egg and steam fish .