
  • 网络mushroom house
  1. 蘑菇房害鼠发生及为害调查

    The Investigation of Occurrence and Harm of Rats in Mushroom house

  2. 实验恢复组家兔在脱离蘑菇房后,病变可自行吸收、消散。

    After the rabbits in the experimental recovery group were divorced from the mushroom house , pathological change may be absorbed and dissipated for itself .

  3. 引起蘑菇房害螨发生的原因很多。

    There are many reasons causing the occurance of pest mites in mushroom house .

  4. 动画片中的蓝精灵部落来自中世纪的比利时,它们住在蘑菇房里,历经了一系列的冒险活动。听起来,这个情节并不那么吸引人。

    It doesn 't sound like the most promising of creative pitches – the adventures of a cartoon tribe of bright blue elves from Belgium who live in mushroom houses during the Middle Ages .