
mó ɡu tóu
  • mushroom-shaped umbrella;a funny person
  1. 这种发型在学校里会被比较老土的人叫成“蘑菇头”,但是这并不能阻挡“西瓜头”发型的强势逆袭。

    Those who wore it risked being called a ' mushroom head ' by the less fashion forward at school but that hasn 't prevented the bowl cut from making an unlikely comeback .

  2. 本文对首钢210t大型复吹转炉采用环缝式底部供气元件的供气能力及形成的蘑菇头进行了分析研究。

    The gas supplying capacity of annular-tubes type bottom nozzle used in 210t large combined blown converter at Shougang and mushroom formed have been researched .

  3. 通过对比发现,二者的断裂机理基本相似,但侵彻时,由于90W钨合金中存在较多的粘结相而使得其蘑菇头较小,其中的钨颗粒变形也较小;

    Their fracture feature is alike . But when penetrating , because of more matrixes in 90W , the end of penetrator of 90W is smaller and its shape changing of W grains is also smaller .

  4. 底吹喷枪出口端生成蘑菇头热态试验研究

    Hot simulation experiment on mushroom head forming above outlet of bottom blowing nozzel

  5. 我留着蘑菇头,长着一双又大又圆的蓝莓般的眼睛。

    I have a mushroom haircut and large , round , blueberry eyes .

  6. 底吹喷枪出口端蘑菇头形成机理及模拟研究

    Research on the mechanism and modelling mushroom forming at the tip of bottom-blown nozzle

  7. 电路闭合(接通)。右击指定蘑菇头、推拉头。

    Circuit closing ( make ) . Right-click for mushroom head , push-pull head .

  8. 电路断开(断路)。可指定蘑菇头或推拉头。

    Circuit opening ( break ) . Mushroom head or push-pull head can be specified .

  9. 于观察孔放置蘑菇头引流管接闭式引流瓶,并鼓励患者咳嗽、屏气以利胸腔内气体排出。

    Leave a mushroom drainage tube , encourage the patient to cough to discharge air .

  10. 检查你的设备-工具,确保蘑菇头、梯子没有损坏的梯级、不安全托盘等。

    Check your equipment-tools for mushroomed heads , ladders for broken rungs , unsafe trays , etc.

  11. 蘑菇头的生成与否及尺寸主要取决于气体的冷却能力。

    The formation and the size of mushroom are dependant upon the cooling capacity of blowing gas .

  12. 船闸蘑菇头和帽接触有限元计算与优化

    Finite Element Calculation and Optimization of the Contact Stress between the Mushroom Head and Cap of the Ship Gate

  13. 普通钨合金是绝热剪切不敏感材料,侵彻过程中弹芯头部首先形成粗大蘑菇头。

    Conventional tungsten heavy alloy is well known as insensitive to adiabatic shear and such likely to form mushroom head-like during penetration .

  14. 帕尔默解释说,这只水鸟为争夺地盘竖起了羽毛,于是出现了“蘑菇头”的效果。

    Palmer explained the bird had ended up with the bizarre mop-top hairdo after flaring up its feathers for a territorial fight .

  15. 传统钨合金在穿透过程中容易形成蘑菇头而不能形成很好的绝热剪切带。

    Traditional tungsten alloy could not form good adiabatic shear bands in the process of penetrating and easily got the formation of mushrooms .

  16. 结果表明,首钢大型复吹转炉形成了具有良好通气能力的蘑菇头,保证了全炉役的底吹供气强度。

    It showed that the mushroom with good gas supplying capacity formed in large combined converter ensured bottom gas supply intensity in total campaign .

  17. 因此,广泛应用于化工过程计算与优化中。船闸蘑菇头和帽接触有限元计算与优化

    So it is used extensively in the calculation of chemical engineering simulation . Finite Element Calculation and Optimization of the Contact Stress between the Mushroom Head and Cap of the Ship Gate

  18. 据英国《每日邮报》26日报道,美国一只造型奇特的水鸟逗得众多游客开怀大笑,因为它头顶竖起的羽毛像极了披头士经典的“蘑菇头”发型。

    A winged water bird 's unusual appearance caused much amusement among onlookers , who said his ruffled head feathers made him look like a member of the Beatles , the Daily Mail of London reported Thursday .