
  • 网络Administrative Culture
  1. 论加入WTO后我国行政文化的发展

    On the Development of Administrative Culture after the Entry into WTO

  2. 仅就行政文化发展而言,WTO的精神和原则大概至少会有利于我国政府和公民强化与公共行政现代化相关的四种意识:其一是具有真正价值理性的法规意识。

    For the development of administrative culture alone , the spirit and principle of WTO will at least cultivate our government and citizen to strengthen four kinds of consciousness correlating with the modernization of public administration ;

  3. C的影响;行政文化影响深远;

    The influence of administrative cultural is far-reaching ;

  4. 而中国固有的传统行政文化与WTO的原则及价值体系却有诸多难以相容之处,这决定了观念的变革是艰难的,也是必然的。

    However , there are many conflicts between Chinese traditional administrative cultures and WTO 's systems of principles & values , which determines that although the reforms are inevitable but will be tough .

  5. 以德治国与行政文化建设

    Running State Affairs According to Ethics and Fostering of Administrative Culture

  6. 日美两国行政文化的比较分析

    The Comparative Analysis of the Administrative Culture between Japan and U.S.A

  7. 行政文化是行政体系的深层结构,是行政治理之魂。

    Administrative civilization is profound structure and soul of administrative system .

  8. 二是为什么要建设我国社会主义行政文化?

    Second , why should we build the socialism administration culture ?

  9. 公务员激励机制中行政文化的塑造

    Building the Administrative Culture in the Incentive Mechanism of Civil Servants

  10. 政府再造之行政文化战略选择

    Discussion on the Choice of Administrative Culture Strategy towards Government Reengineering

  11. 行政文化视野中的行政人格塑造

    On the molding of administrative personality in the administrative culture vision

  12. 中国古代官箴对当前行政文化建设的意义

    Significance of Chinese Ancient Official Admonitions on Present Administrative Culture Construction

  13. 这些落后的传统的行政文化正成为我们推进和谐社会的进程里的不和谐音符。

    The traditional backward administrative culture hinder the advance of compatible society .

  14. 传统文化影响下的中国现代行政文化研究

    The Research of Chinese Modern Administrative Culture under Traditional Culture

  15. 以人为本:我国行政文化发展的新趋势

    Civil Essence : The New Tendency of Chinese Administrative Culture

  16. 新时期我国行政文化创新初探

    Exploring the Innovation of Administrative Culture in Our Country in New Period

  17. 论中国行政文化现代化的趋势与途径

    A Discussion of Chinese Administrative Culture Modernization in 21st Century

  18. 以德治国的行政文化分析

    Analysing on Administrative Culture of Governing a Country with Virtue

  19. 不同社会形态的国家有不同的行政文化。

    In different societies , the administrative culture differs greatly .

  20. 中国传统行政文化的缺陷与现代转型

    The Defect and Translation of the Chinese Traditional Administrative Culture

  21. 县域行政文化对服务型政府构建的影响

    The Impact of County Administrative Culture upon the Building of Service-Oriented Government

  22. 因此,消解行政文化中的游民意识绝非朝夕之功。

    To digest the administrative culture consciousness takes not only one day .

  23. 行政文化对行政管理的影响及行政文化建设

    Impact of administrative culture on administration and administrative culture construction

  24. 公共行政文化创新的意义、转变及其理念

    Importance , change and ideas of public administration culture innovation

  25. 行政文化创新具有非常丰富的内容。

    The innovation of administrative culture has extraordinarily plentiful content .

  26. 服务型行政文化:特征、意义、构建

    Service-oriented Administration Culture : Characteristic , significance and construction

  27. 论转型期行政文化的创新

    On Innovation of Administrative Culture during the Transferring period

  28. 当前中国行政文化基本上承袭了官本位体制下的传统行政文化。

    The current Administration Culture of China originates mainly from traditional Administration Culture .

  29. 政府执行力与行政文化的隐性链接

    The Latent Link between Government 's Excutive Ability and Administrative Culture Executive Force

  30. 粤赣边区客家乡村客体行政文化研究

    Research of Hakka Rural Object Administrative Culture in Guangdong and Jiangxi Border Region