
xínɡ zhènɡ cái jué
  • administrative adjudication;administrative determination
  1. 从一起纠纷案例析档案行政裁决权限的设定

    Analyzing Establishment of Jurisdiction of Archival Administrative Adjudication From a Disputing Case

  2. 服务型政府的行政裁决职能及其规制

    The Administrative Adjudication Function of Public Service Oriented Government and Its Regulation

  3. 论我国行政裁决司法审查制度

    On the Judicial Review of the Administrative Adjudication in Our Country

  4. 笔者期望行政裁决能够发挥其应有的作用。

    I expect administrative decisions can play its due role .

  5. 论行政裁决权与民事审判权的划分

    On Division of Administrative Ruling Power and Civil Judicial Authority

  6. 行政裁决制度在这方面的优势是显而易见的。

    Administrative decisions in this system 's advantages are obvious .

  7. 明确概念可以使行政裁决从自身特征方面更能突显自己。

    Clear concept would highlight administrative decisions much more from their own characteristics .

  8. 论行政裁决社会公信力的提升

    Promotion of Social Public Confidence of Administrative Verdict

  9. 第二部分对国外行政裁决制度进行评介。

    Chapter two explain the introduction and assessment of the foreign administrative adjudication institutions .

  10. 行政裁决的救济制度研究

    Research on the Relief System of Administration Adjudication

  11. 然而在行政裁决里,关键证据通常是意见证据。

    In administrative adjudications , however , the crucial evidence is usually opinion testimony .

  12. 应在行政裁决的范围、程序、救济方式等方面完善行政裁决制度。

    We should perfect it from its range , procedure , way of relief etc.

  13. 国家渠道有不同的权力配置,即行政裁决和民事审判。

    The national channel has different authority disposition , namely administrative ruling and civil trial .

  14. 对行政裁决诉讼进行调解有法律和法理上的依据。

    The mediation of the administrative verdict lawsuit is based on the law and theory .

  15. 关于行政裁决救济途径的研究,很少有学者进行深入分析。

    With regard to the relief mechanisms of administrative adjudication , few scholars conduct in-depth analysis .

  16. 城市房屋拆迁行政裁决制度是解决拆迁纠纷的重要途径。

    Administrative adjudications system of urban housing demolition is an important way to solve the disputes .

  17. 论行政裁决制度的完善

    On the Perfection of Administrative Ruling

  18. 论行政裁决之法律救济

    On Legal Relief of Administrative Adjudication

  19. 行政裁决制度研究

    The Research on Administrative Adjudication

  20. 行政裁决以其解决民事纠纷的专业性与技术性优势,在现代社会中的作用越来越大。

    With professional and technical advantages , administrative ruling plays more and more important role in modern society .

  21. 消费者争议解决途径包括和解、调解、仲裁、行政裁决、诉讼等。

    Methods for the settlement of dispute can be conciliation , mediation , arbitration , administrative adjudication and litigation .

  22. 由于人们对行政裁决的认识不够及制度性缺陷,行政裁决作用发挥不够理想。

    Since people have not enough knowledge of administrative ruling , they can not give full play of it .

  23. 大概,许多行政裁决的最显著的特点是用书面证据代替直接的口头证言。

    Perhaps the most distinctive feature of many administrative adjudications is the substitution of written evidence for direct oral testimony .

  24. 第五章,是对行政裁决救济制度的重构,包括行政救济和司法救济两个方面。

    The fifth chapter is about the reconstruction of administrative adjudication remedial mechanism , including administrative remedies and judicial remedies .

  25. 同样的,仲裁、行政裁决等诉讼外纠纷解决方式也在社会纠纷的解决方面发挥了重要作用。

    Similarly , arbitration , administrative ruling and other litigation dispute resolution settlements play an important role in social disputes .

  26. 写作本文的目的,就在于深化对行政裁决制度的理论认识,并在此基础上对如何完善我国的行政裁决救济制度提供有价值的参考意见。

    The purpose of the writing this thesis is to deepen the theoretical understanding of administrative adjudication system on this basis .

  27. 然后阐述行政裁决的社会功能,明确其在解决社会纠纷,构建和谐社会中发挥着重要的作用。

    Then describes the social function of administrative decisions , and clear its role in resolving social disputes in a harmonious society .

  28. 行政裁决是适应社会发展而产生的解决民事纠纷的新模式。

    Administrative adjudication , a new pattern of solving civil disputes began to take shape to meet the requirements of social development .

  29. 行政裁决是行政机关依照法律授权,居间解决纠纷当事人双方发生的与行政管理活动密切相关的特定民事纠纷的一种具体行政行为。

    Administrative adjudication is a specific administrative act which used to settle civil disputes related to administration management intermediately by the administrative agency .

  30. 因而完善我国行政裁决制度,保障行政裁决的公正十分必要。本文从行政裁决机构和人员以及裁决的程序方面分析了如何保障行政裁决的公正,并在最后提出相应的对策。

    This text discusses how to guarantee the Justness of the administrative adjudication by improving the organization and personnel , as well as procedure .