
xínɡ zhènɡ sù sònɡ ɡuǎn xiá
  • Administrative Litigation Jurisdiction;jurisdiction over administrative actions
  1. 我国行政诉讼管辖制度若干问题研究

    Research on Centeral Issues of China 's Administrative Litigation System

  2. 为解决这些问题,也为更好地维护当事人的合法权益,完善行政诉讼管辖制度至关重要,同时,合理规定行政诉讼管辖制度也会加速以法治国的进程。

    It is very important to perfect the system of administrative litigation jurisdiction in order to solve these problems and protect litigants ' legal rights . Meanwhile , reasonably stipulating the system of administrative litigation jurisdiction will accelerate the course of administering our country according to the law .

  3. 行政诉讼级别管辖制度之完善&基于行政诉讼目的的角度

    Perfect the System of Level Administrative Litigation Jurisdiction & Based on the aim of administrative litigation jurisdiction

  4. 学界对于行政诉讼异地管辖制度制度的推行众说纷纭,而实务界也对此褒贬不一。

    For the academic administrative litigation system in place under the jurisdiction of the implementation of different systems , and industry practices also mixed .

  5. 实际上,从我国现实看,行政诉讼中管辖问题同样对案件的审理有着密切的联系。

    In fact , the reality from our perspective , the issue of administrative proceedings in the same jurisdiction of a case closely linked .

  6. 通过对行政诉讼异地管辖热进行反思,在现有制度框架内对其进行完善,使之更趋于合理化。

    Trough reflection on hot topics of administrative litigation system in place , this paper tries to perfect the system in current institutional framework and makes it tend to be more reasonable .

  7. 由于篇幅的原因,本文对其他一些重要问题没能进行研究,如不动产登记纠纷行政诉讼的管辖、举证责任、裁判方式等,这些问题有待于以后进行研究。

    Due to space reasons , the article has no research on other important issues . Such as the jurisdiction of administrative proceedings of the real estate registration dispute , the burden of proof , referees methods , theses problems need to be studied later .

  8. 行政诉讼异地管辖制度的建立,其主要功能就是保证诉讼过程的公正性和结果的可接受性。其宗旨就是树立法院独立审判的权威,免受行政机关的干涉。

    The main function for the establishment of administrative litigation system in place is to guarantee the justice in the processing of the litigation and the acceptability of the results , to establish the authority of independent trail and to keep the court away from interference of administrative organs .

  9. 按照行政诉讼法级别管辖的规定,我国绝大多数的行政案件都由基层人民法院管辖。

    According to China 's administrative litigation level of jurisdiction , the grass-roots people 's courts jurisdict the vast majority of Administrative cases .

  10. 行政诉讼原告资格的确认影响甚至决定着行政诉讼中司法管辖权的领域以及公民获得司法救济的范围。

    The confirmation of the plaintiff qualifications in administrative proceedings affects , even decides , the territory of jurisdiction in administrative proceedings and the legal redressing that the citizens get .