- 网络hengyang dialect
Degree Expression Method of Hengyang Dialect
These papers are simple description of some adverbs in Hengyang dialect , to these adverbs characteristics usage and pragmatic function analysis is not enough clearer .
Among them , " s ǐ" and " h ǎ o " is the most distinctive Hengyang dialect of the degree adverbs , usage is flexible .
Hengyang dialect and Changsha dialect belong to the same sub-xiang-dialects . This thesis is intended to study the grammatical system of Hengyang dialect , which is distributed in Hunan province .
There are three papers about the study on Hengyang dialect adverbs : " Hengyang dialects of adverb ", " Hengdong former mountain words adverb " and " Hengshan dialects of adverbs ′ d à I ′" .
As a member of the Xiang dialects , the Hengyang dialect there are some few grammatical phenomena that are different from that of the other members . This indicates the influence comes from the other dialects or linguistics and the new development results come of the dialect itself .