
  • 网络hengshui lake
  1. 层次分析法在衡水湖生态旅游资源评价中的应用

    APH Application in Evaluation on Eco-tourism Resources of Hengshui Lake Wetland

  2. 这是衡水湖最宝贵的文化财富。

    This is the most precious cultural hengshui lake " fortune " .

  3. 衡水湖湖滨带植被恢复及植物景观规划研究

    Study on the Vegetation Restoration and Landscape Planning of Hengshui Lakeshore

  4. 摘要衡水湖蕴藏了丰富的旅游资源。

    The Hengshui Lake has contained the rich traveling resources .

  5. 衡水湖湿地水环境分析及保护对策

    Water Environment Analysis of Hengshui Lake Wetland and Conservation Strategy

  6. 衡水湖国家级自然保护区的生态旅游价值研究

    Research on the Value of Ecotourism of Hengshui Lake National Nature Reserve

  7. 加强对衡水湖旅游区的规范管理。

    Strengthening the Hengshui lake tourist area 's standard management .

  8. 衡水湖湿地生态系统供给功能的价值估算

    Value Assessment on the Supply Functions of Hengshui Lake Ecosystem

  9. 衡水湖国家自然保护区生态敏感性分析

    The Ecological Sensitivity Analysis in Heng-shui Lake National Nature Reserve

  10. 衡水湖空气微生物污染的调查分析

    An Investigation and Analysis of Air Pollution Caused by Microorganism in Hengshui Lake

  11. 衡水湖湿地植物群落初探

    Studies on the Plant Communities of Hengshui Lake Wetland

  12. 衡水湖自然保护区湿地恢复预案的生态环境需水研究

    Eco-environmental Water Requirement based on Scheme of Wetland Restoration in Hengshui National Nature Reserve

  13. 衡水湖自然保护区高等植物名录

    Higher Plant Catalogue of Hengshui Lake Natural Reserve

  14. 逐步完成衡水湖生态旅游基础设施的建设;

    Gradually completing the Hengshui lake eco-tourism construction ;

  15. 空气中的微生物进入水体影响衡水湖的水质。

    Microorganism in the air gone into the lake affected water quality of it .

  16. 衡水湖香蒲群落调查及其对水质的影响

    Investigation on Typha Angustifolia Community in Hengshui Lake and its Influence on Water Quality

  17. 完成衡水湖生态旅游规划;

    Making the Hengshui lake eco-tourism plan ;

  18. 衡水湖鱼类资源现状及其保护利用与发展

    Present Condition of Fish Stocks in Hengshui Lake and Its Protection , Utilization and Development

  19. 本文初步探讨了衡水湖开展湿地生态旅游的优势和原则。

    This article preliminarily discusses the advantages and principles of the eco-tourism development of Hengshui Lake wetland .

  20. 衡水湖目前虽然大部分区域水环境状况较好,但潜在的威胁不容忽视。

    Although Hengshui Lake wetland water environment keep in good state now , but the potential threat should not be ignored .

  21. 同时充分挖掘衡水湖的文化资源,形成自然美感和文化美感交响呼应的局面。

    At the same time fully exploit the hengshui lake cultural resources , forming natural aesthetic feeling and cultural aesthetic symphony echo situation .

  22. 研究了河北衡水湖湿地芦苇、长苞香蒲、水葱的根际与非根际土壤中.主要微生物类群的数量分布。

    The major ecological distribution of micro-organisms in non-rhizosphere and rhizosphere soil of reed , Typha and Scirpus were studied in this paper .

  23. 但是,由于该湿地水力效率并不是在入流流量恒定状态下所计算得到的,能否真实反映衡水湖的污水处理能力需要进一步的论证。

    However , since the hydraulic efficiency is not obtained at a constant flow condition , whether it can represent the waste-water treatment efficiency is uncertain .

  24. 这些不同类型的植物群落,反映了衡水湖对维护华北平原内陆湿地生态系统的典型性、稀有性及重要性功能,具有非常重要的意义。

    It shows that hengshui lake is typical , rare and important in preserving the inland wetland ecosystem of North China plain , and it has deep significance .

  25. 它们是进行景观园林规划的基础,是衡水湖最宝贵的观赏财富。悠久的历史,灿烂的文化是神州大地特有的风采。

    They are based on landscape planning , is the most precious ornamental hengshui lake " fortune " . A long history , splendid culture is throughout the peculiar style .

  26. 衡水湖在漫长的历史发展中积淀了物质层面、精神层面、制度层面等丰富的历史人文生态文化资源。

    In the historical vicissitudes in Hengshui Lake , it accumulate rich historical human and ecological culture , ranging from conceptual culture , system culture , behavioral culture to material culture .

  27. 本文针对衡水湖开发现状及存在的问题,提出了在保护的前提下,合理规划,突出特色等生态旅游开发对策。

    Based on present exploitation condition and existing problems of Hengshui Lake , the authors put forward some exploitation strategies for ecological tourism in scientific designing and highlighting its features under protection .

  28. 湿地入流口和出流口位置对湿地水力效率也有重要影响。论文还对衡水湖湿地的水力效率进行了数值模拟,计算结果表明,衡水湖的污水处理能力处于一个比较低的水平。

    The hydraulic efficiency of a natural wetland , Hengshui Lake , is also discussed in this study , which indicates that the waste-water treatment efficiency of Hengshui Lake is at a low level .

  29. 衡水湖是华北平原惟一保存完整的内陆淡水湿地生态系统,生物多样性十分丰富,本文通过对衡水湖湿地水环境监测资料的收集整理,分析了衡水湖湿地水环境质量现状。

    Hengshui Lake is the only inland wetland ecosystem that has been preserved intact with rich biodiversity in the North China Plain . This paper analyzes the present quality of the water environment based on data gathered from water quality monitoring in Hengshui Lake wetland .

  30. 为了使结论更具可行性和合理性,本研究选取衡水湖湿地和鸟类自然保护示范项目作为实践平台,在项目设计、环境影响评价、项目实施过程中贯彻公众参与和公共管理理念等方面进行实践观察。

    For letting the conclusion become more feasibility and in reason , the study selects the protecting Hengshui Lake marsh and avifauna demonstrate project as our practice flat , we carry out public participation and public management in project design , environmental impact assessment , and actualize .