
  • 网络Compensation trade;compensation deal
  1. 这两家公司以补偿贸易的方式建造了这座工厂

    The two companies Built a factory by way of compensation trade

  2. 我们已采取了分期付款、补偿贸易等贸易方式。

    We have adopted payment by installment compensation trade and so on .

  3. 补偿贸易在这样一个繁荣复杂的法律体系下被一再搁置。

    Compensation deals got bogged down in a labyrinthine legal system .

  4. 对补偿贸易与融资租赁帐务处理的探讨

    On the Account Disposal in Compensate Trade and Financing Tenancy

  5. 在我看来,全额补偿贸易比较好。

    In my opinion , total compensation trade is better .

  6. 我们有补偿贸易和合资经营。

    193we have new methods like compe ation trade and joint ventrue .

  7. 补偿贸易实际上是一种信贷。

    Compensation trade is , in fact , a kind of loan .

  8. 补偿贸易是建立在信贷基础上的一种国际贸易形式。

    Compensation trade is a form of international trade based on credit .

  9. 中方总是用补偿贸易的方式进行交易。

    The Chinese side always uses compensation trade as way to trade .

  10. 补偿贸易进口商品怎样办理检验手续?

    How is goods of compensation trade import dealt with examine formalities ?

  11. 我认为补偿贸易安排更适合我们公司。

    I think the compensation trade arrangement suits us better .

  12. 我们能不能考虑采用补偿贸易方式呢?

    Can we consider the possibility of undertaking compensation trade ?

  13. 最近经常想到的一个方案是补偿贸易。

    The one which often comes to my mind recently is compensation trade .

  14. 我们通常不参与补偿贸易这种类型的生意。

    We usually do not enter Into this form of business compensation trade .

  15. 我们双方已就补偿贸易协议的主要条款达成了一致意见。

    We have agreed upon the major points of the compensation trade agreement .

  16. 补偿贸易实际是一种信贷,每年应付一定的利息。

    It is necessary , therefore , to pay some interest each year .

  17. 注意,补偿贸易协议一定要按期执行。

    Attention will be give to the due implementation of the compensation trade agreement .

  18. 补偿贸易实际上是一种信贷

    " Compensation trade is , in fact , a kind of loan . "

  19. 补偿贸易是一种贷款。

    Compensation trade is a kind of loan .

  20. 补偿贸易是利用投资的主要手段之一。

    Compensation trade is one of the key methods to make use of investment .

  21. 补偿贸易是一种信贷,因此必须付利息。

    Compensation trade is a kind of loan , so interest must be paid .

  22. 领导考虑用补偿贸易的方式进行。

    Compensation trade is considered by leaders .

  23. 在补偿贸易中,付款以货物而不是用外汇进行。

    In compensation trade payment is made by goods and not by for deign exchange .

  24. 请您再谈谈用作补偿贸易的商品如何作价好吗?

    Will you say something more about the way the price of compensation is fixed ?

  25. 补偿贸易项下出口许可证管理的货物;

    The goods subject to export license administration exported under the item of compensation trade ;

  26. 补偿贸易与融资租赁是企业融通资金的两条有效途径。

    Compensate trade and financing tenancy are two effective approaches to accommodate capital in a bank .

  27. 浅论汇率风险与补偿贸易

    Exchange Risk and Compensation Trade

  28. 例如,我们已经采用了分期付款、补偿贸易等等。

    We have adopt , for example , payment by instalment , compensation trade and so on .

  29. 来料加工、来件装配和补偿贸易所需进口的设备;

    Equipment and machenery required to be imported under contract processing , contract assembly and compensation trade ;

  30. 我们愿意以补偿贸易的方式采用外国专利技术和设备。

    We are willing to use foreign patent technique and equipment in the form of compensation trade .