
  • 网络Subsidy rate;Rate of Subsidization;rate of the allowance
  1. 在《WTO协定》生效之日前给予的、且利益分配给未来生产的补贴应计入总补贴率。

    Subsidies granted prior to the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement , the benefits of which are allocated to future production , shall be included in the overall rate of subsidization .

  2. 在政府选择RD补贴率后,每个企业先后确定自己的RD支出和产量。

    Each firm determines its R D expenditure and output successively after the government chooses the R D subsidy rate .

  3. 如果国内政府提高上游RD补贴率,那么国内上游企业的RD水平、行业产量、利润以及国外下游企业利润都会增加。

    If domestic government improved RD subsidy rate , domestic upstream firm ′ s RD level , industrial output , profit and downstream firms ′ profit would increase .

  4. 并对众多差数进行了讨论,包括补贴率对供应链企业其它参数的影响等。

    The influence of subsidy rate to other parameters was discussed .

  5. 但就目前我国补贴率水平而言是很难达到的。

    Nevertheless , such large subsidy is difficult to achieve in China .

  6. 并在此基础上,导出了最优关税率和最优补贴率。

    On certain assumption conditions , both optimum tariff rate and subside rate are concluded .

  7. 政府从厂商收益和社会收益(环保)之和最大化的角度去确定固定资产补贴率。

    According to the maximization of company and social benefits , government can determine the subsidy rate to support the investment of fixed assets .

  8. 通过改变财政补贴率与社会公众不满情绪的边际空间等方式,可以影响行政代理人的核价决策。

    Through changing the rate of financial subsidy and the marginal space of public dissatisfaction , the decision of price checking by the agents can be influenced .

  9. 当国内消费者购买最终产品时,增加国外下游企业数量、改善上游企业技术效率、扩大国内对最终产品的消费比例,都会导致国内政府提高R&D补贴率和补贴总量。

    When domestic consumers purchased final products , R & D subsidy rate and total subsidy expenditure would increase with the number of foreign downstream firms , the technology efficiency of upstream firm and the percentage of domestic consumers .

  10. 在地方政府利用财政补贴率作为促进本地经济发展的手段时,产品流动性上升将导致财政补贴率上升,并可能导致巨大的财政负担。

    When the fiscal subsidy rate is used as method to purse economy development , the subsidy rate will be higher as the goods fluidity is increasing , actually , it may be so higher that the fiscal subsidy become huge burden .

  11. 农业环境保护补贴能增加社会净收益,但补贴率存在一个最优的水平,不宜过高或过低,否则会影响社会净收益的最大化。

    Agricultural subsidies can increase the social protection net , but there is an optimal subsidy rate level , should not be too high or too low , otherwise it will affect the maximization of social net .

  12. 种粮农户基本享受到了粮食直补、农资综合直补和良种补贴三项补贴,但农机具购置补贴的覆盖率却不高。

    Grain farmers have get grain direct subsidy , agricultural comprehensive direct subsidy and seed subsidy , but the coverage of machinery purchases subsidy is not high .

  13. 其次,由于受非市场经济条款的约束,国外对华反补贴调查中也大量采用替代国的方法确定补贴率,从而更容易做出补贴成立的裁决、征收更高的反补贴税。

    Secondly , owing to the restriction of " Non-Market Economy Status " provisions , overseas anti-subsidy investigations on China also adopt largely the surrogate country method to determine the subsidy ratio so as to make the decision of the existence of subsidy easily and levy the higher anti-subsidy tax .

  14. 有影响力的科技博主葛甲称,他相信滴滴在补贴上的花费或许超出了准备——滴滴的规模是优步的三到四倍,为这两家公司工作的司机称,双方的补贴率差不多一样。

    Ge Jia , an influential tech blogger , says he believes Didi may be spending more on subsidies than it lets on - Didi is three or four times the size of Uber and drivers who work for both say the rate of subsidies is roughly the same .

  15. 具有影响力的科技博主葛佳(音)称,他相信滴滴在补贴上的花费或许超出了准备——滴滴的规模是优步的三到四倍,为这两家公司工作的司机称,双方的补贴率差不多一样。

    Ge Jia , an influential tech blogger , says he believes Didi may be spending more on subsidies than it lets on - Didi is three or four times the size of Uber in China and drivers who work for both say the rate of subsidies is roughly the same .