
  • 【水产】age at recruitment
  1. 她补充说,年龄介于20岁到58岁间的378名成年人参与了这项研究,结果发现纹身者在言语攻击和愤怒方面得分更高。

    She added that the study of 378 adults aged between 20 and 58 found that those with tattoos scored higher in terms of verbal aggression and anger .

  2. 他补充道这些消费者年龄都是在25到40岁之间。

    He adds these consumers are between 25 and 40 years old .

  3. 他补充道,不同年龄群体的表现有着明显的差异,这种差异令人费解。

    The marked disparity among different age groups , he adds , is something of a mystery .

  4. 芬克尔斯坦补充道,不同年龄群体的人倾向于给对方定性,这没有任何好处。

    It doesn 't help , Finkelstein adds , that people of different ages tend to stereotype each other .