- 【水产】fishery resources survey

Survey of Fishery Resource in Yibin District in the Yangtse River
Primary Studies on Fishery Resources Investigation and Evaluation of the Yellow River Estuary
The Research of Fishery Resource Investigation and the Sustainable Utilization in Yellow River Area
This paper was written based on the 1979-1987 fishery resources investigations in inland water areas of Shandong Province .
Based on marine fishery resources investigation and fishery statistics data in Liaoning province , an analysis of the structure of offshore fishery resources was made .
Investigation on Fisheries Resources with Deep Water Drifting Net in the Northern Part of the East China Sea and in the Southern Part of Yellow Sea
According to the data selected from bottom trawl fishery resource monitoring in the East China Sea from 1997 to 2000 , the species composition and seasonal variation of small-sized fish were analysed .
If the survey data and historical catch data of fishery are available , and the relationship between surveyed biomass index and absolute biomass is known the history of surplus production from the fishery can be estimated .
During June to August , 1993 , the acoustic survey for walley pollock and the investigation of environment inhabited by them in the Aleutian Basin of Bering Sea were carried ort by R / V BEI DOU .
Based on monthly investigation data of beam trawl and hang trawl in the Pearl River estuarine waters in 1998 , the paper analysed species composition , biological characteristics and seasonal variation of fishes by principal components , regression , and hierarchical cluster analysises .
According to the fisheries resources investigation in Taiwan strait during 2003 to 2004 , combining with monitoring data of pelagic fish in Minnan-Taiwan bank fishing ground during 1990 to 2004 , this paper analyzed the fishing population structure and resources utilization status of Pneumatophorus japonicus in Taiwan strait .
An adaptive approach is often used in fisheries surveys to allocate sampling efforts , which usually follows stratified random design .
Survey and Analysis of Light Lift Net Catching Fishery Resource in Zhoushan of Zhejiang Province
Based on the bottom trawl surveys in the coastal waters of Qingdao in May and Octomber , 2004 , the community structure of fishery resources was preliminarily analyzed .
Size selectivity of gillnet , which is crucial to fisheries management , stock survey and assessment , is a main subject in research on selectivity of fishing gear .
Based on production investigation and sampling data by fishing vessel in2005 , composition and monthly variation of by-catch were analysed with data analysis tool of Microsoft Excel .
Based on the data collected from bottom trawl surveys conducted in the autumns of 1985 and 2000 , the temporal and spatial changes in structure of demersal fish assemblage in the Yellow Sea were analyzed .
Based on the survey data conducted by East China Sea Region Fishery Resources Dynamic and Minitor Net , an analysis of the hairtail resources during summer closed season was made and the hairtail production prospects for autumn and winter fishing seasons were given .
Based on the data collected by fishing records and field survey of state-owned fishing companies in the South China Sea during 1993-2002 , the authors analyzed species composition and quantity dynamics of main commercial fishes from bottom trawl in southwestern continental shelf of Nansha Islands .