
yú jiā
  • fisherman's family;catch ;fisher family
渔家 [yú jiā]
  • [fisherman's family] 渔户。以捕鱼为业的人家

  1. 关于连云港渔家乐家庭旅馆发展的思考

    On Development of Delights-in-Fishermen 's-Families Home Hotels in Lianyungang

  2. 看你样子不像是渔家。

    You don 't look like a fisherman .

  3. 让您真正的感觉到海岛渔村别具一格的渔家特殊的生活。

    Let you truly feel the island fishing village , a unique fisherman special life .

  4. 本店以餐饮、住宿、休闲、度假于一体的渔家旅店。

    Restaurant with catering , accommodation , leisure and holiday hotel in one of the fisherman .

  5. 跟自己的妹妹喊叫、嬉戏,渔家孩子会有多欢快!

    O well for the fisherman 's boy , That he shouts with his sister at play !

  6. 此种船都为渔家水上作业的夫妻船,以前在八百里江南水乡随处可以看到,而且为数极为众多。

    It is a couple boat for fishing , and can be seen in South China before here and there .

  7. 范仲淹也因写词而出名,最著名的是《苏幕遮》和《渔家傲》。

    He was also known for his ci . Among the most famous are Su Mu Zhe and Yu Jia Ao .

  8. 在众多的渔家中,我们不约而同地选择了一家庭院中搭了网状凉棚的美丽宁谧的处所。

    Among the fisherman , we invariably choose the one erected in the courtyard of the beautiful serenity of the arbor mesh premises .

  9. 新年第一天开船捕鱼,渔家在船头放鞭炮、烧香。

    New Year 's first day of the sail fishing , fisherman in the bow of the ship setting off firecrackers , burning incense .

  10. 老琴师在归途中病倒在荒山野渡旁,渔家少年将老人安顿在自己的茅舍歇息。

    An old Lute Player falls ill in the wilds , and is saved by a fisher boy who accommodates him in his thatch cottage .

  11. 当前我国渔家乐发展模式选择&以浙江省嵊泗县渔家乐产业发展为例

    On the choices of the development mode of " Fisherman 's Family Tourism " industry in China & Take Shengsi County , Zhejiang Province for example

  12. 弹粉法,如赵斡的《江行初雪图》,就用弹粉法表现飘落的小雪的,江天寒雪纷飞,渔家之艰辛,描述殆尽。

    As the " river bank with Zhao dance chart ", with shells powder method performance falling snow . Jiang Tian snow fly fishing , hardships , described by .

  13. 日照的渔家乐旅游发展起步较晚,基本上在我国乡村旅游的全面发展阶段才开始进入旅游者视野。

    The development of the Fishing Village Tourism started up a little later in Rizhao which entered in tourists mind in the full development stage of the rural tourism in China .

  14. 中华文化春来风景异&用《文心雕龙》六观法析范仲淹《渔家傲》论杜甫与中国狂士传统

    ANALYZING YU JIA AO ( PROUD FISHERMAN ) WITH SIX VIEW METHOD OF WEN XIN DIAO LONG ( A LITERARY THEORY ) The Analysis Of Du Fu and the proud intellectual tradition

  15. 它做为荣成当地民族文化、海洋渔业文化的一部分,与渔民原始的劳动、渔家风俗和当地方言特点分不开,有其自身独特的意义。

    As part of the local culture and fishing civilization in Rongcheng , fisherman chantey was born in the work of people , local customs and dialects and these features bestowed it with unique style and significance .

  16. 纵观20多年的舟山渔民画创作,渔家生活习俗、民间传说与谚语是渔民画艺术创作的主要源泉与材料。

    From more than 20 years creations of Zhou Shan fisherman painting , it is the fisherman 's living custom , the popular legend and the proverb that are the main source and material of the fisherman painting creations .

  17. 同为清代诗人,王士祯、郑板桥笔下的渔家诗却风韵各异,笔者在赏析的基础上,从时代背景、取材视角、艺术追求三个方面将两首诗加以比较。

    As poets living in the same dynasty & Qing , WANG Shi-zhen and ZHENG Ban-qiao had written poems of quite different styles . On the basis of appreciation , the writer compare the two poems in background , source of materials and the pursuit of art .