
bǔ zhù
  • subsidy;allowance;subsidize;aid;contribute;supply needs
补助 [bǔ zhù]
  • [subsidy;allowance] 补贴的钱物

  • (1) [contribute]∶为某一目标提供资金方面的援助

  • 市政府为该计划补助了100万元

  • (2) [aid]∶提供缺乏的、不足的生活津贴或工作经费

  • 以义卖捐赠品来补助经费

补助[bǔ zhù]
  1. 由于悉尼提供补助金,所以到那里的花费就减少了。

    The cost of getting there is mitigated by Sydney 's offer of a subsidy .

  2. 那个大学将得到一笔人工智能研究的补助费。

    The university will receive a subsidy for research in artificial intelligence .

  3. 额外补助对大多数单身母亲来说都是赖以生存的生命线。

    The extra payments are a lifeline for most single mothers .

  4. 补助金按平均周收入计算。

    Benefit is calculated on the basis of average weekly earnings .

  5. 这是100元,补助你去滑雪用。

    Here 's $ 100 to put towards your ski trip .

  6. 低薪者有额外补助。

    There are extra benefits for people on low wages .

  7. 申请科研补助金按常规应该怎么办?

    What 's the form when you apply for a research grant ?

  8. 你目前是否享有政府补助金?

    Are you in receipt of any state benefits ?

  9. 这些补助金用于减轻农民因难以预测的恶劣天气而遭受的损失。

    The subsidies are designed to cushion farmers against unpredictable weather .

  10. 他将领到海军补助的退役金。

    He is taking a gratuity from the Navy .

  11. 他靠每周70英镑的单亲家庭生活补助过日子。

    He lives on a single parent 's allowance of £ 70 a week

  12. 他们已经得到承诺,7月份的工资除去辛劳补助外将全额发放。

    They 've been promised their full July salary minus the hardship payment .

  13. 现今,做一名补助金少得可怜、职业前景渺茫的学生非常不容易。

    Being a student today with miserly grants and limited career prospects is difficult .

  14. 他担心在取消国家补助之前,俄罗斯将根本不会有真正自由的媒体。

    He fears that until state subsidies are removed , Russia will never have a truly free press

  15. 她曾经完全能自给自足,而现在却不得不靠收入补助金维持生计。

    Where once she had been totally self-sufficient , she now had to survive on income support .

  16. 我得知要领补助,就得回答一些问题。

    I was told that in order to get benefit payments I would have to answer some questions .

  17. 除那些依靠收入补助金的家庭外,被调查的家庭每周的净收入是500.20英镑。

    The families questioned , excluding those on income support , have a net income of £ 500.20 a week

  18. 如果小孩接受全日制教育的时间超过了您已告知我们的那个期限,您就有权申请儿童补助金。

    You may be entitled to Child Benefit if a child continues getting full-time education beyond the date already notified by you .

  19. 他摆了一大堆困难,言外之意是需要补助。

    He gave a long account of his troubles , with the implication that he needed financial aid .

  20. 这份报告分析了各种儿童保育补助费的作用。

    The report analysed the effect of various child care subsidies .

  21. 第二项计划很快取代了对停止生产粮食的农民付给补助的办法,而且这项计划确实成了国家农业政策的基石。

    A second plan soon supplanted the idea of paying farmers for not producing food and , indeed , became the cornerstone of national farm policy .

  22. Squeezedmiddle所指的人群既不属于那些靠政府福利补助的低收入者,也不是金融危机也无法撼动的大富豪。

    The term squeezed middle refers to those people who neither fall into the lowest income category , where they might get support from the welfare state , nor count among the country 's top earners , for whom financial cutbacks have little personal impact .

  23. 学校补助金明年将大大削减

    School grants are to be axed next year .

  24. 我们收到政府给予的一笔补助金。

    We received a bounty from the government .

  25. 第一百一十九条侵害公民身体造成伤害的,应当赔偿医疗费、因误工减少的收入、残废者生活补助费等费用;造成死亡的,并应当支付丧葬费、死者生前扶养的人必要的生活费等费用。

    Article 119 Anyone who infringes shall also pay the funeral expenses , the necessary living expenses of the deceased 's dependents and other such expenses .

  26. 但是,土地补偿费和安置补助费的总和不得超过土地被征用前三年平均年产值的三十倍。

    But the combined total of land compensation fees and resettlement fees shall not exceed 30 times the average output value of the three years prior to the requisition .

  27. 有关部门要落实好防护物资、生活物资保障,落实好工资待遇、临时性工资补助、卫生防疫津贴待遇,尽快出台关心关爱一线医务人员的政策措施。

    The relevant authorities should guarantee the supply of protective materials and daily necessities , implement payment and subsidy policies , and take measures to protect medical workers ’ interests as soon as possible .

  28. 中央财政下达医疗救助的补助资金达到275亿元,90%投向贫困县居多的中西部地区。

    The central government earmarked 27.5 billion yuan in health assistance to combat poverty this year , and 90 percent went to keep plans going in central and western regions , home to most of the country 's impoverished counties .

  29. 依照本条第二款的规定支付土地补偿费和安置补助费,尚不能使需要安置的农民保持原有生活水平的,经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准,可以增加安置补助费。

    Whereas the land compensation fees and resettlement fees paid according to the provisions of the second paragraph of this article are not enough to maintain the original level of living , the resettlement fees may be increased with the approval of the people 's governments of provinces , autonomous regions and municipalities .

  30. 幸亏有了该项目,León总算可以将五个孩子中的四个留在学校上学,即便在资金紧张的时期也不例外(老大今年22岁,不符合项目的补助条件)。

    Thanks to the program , she managed to keep four of her five children in school ( the oldest , age22 , isn 't eligible for the subsidy program ) even during a financial emergency .