
  • 网络presentation skill
  1. 我们培训公司的管理层以增强其表达技巧。

    We train our agency leaders to enhance their presentation skills .

  2. 优秀的人际关系技巧和有效的表达技巧,扎实的人力资源知识。

    Strong interpersonal skills as well as effective presentation skills in contributing sound ideas with solid human resources knowledge .

  3. 她在创作中重视小说的形式和表达技巧。

    She attached great importance to both the form and technique .

  4. 高水平的朗读离不开朗读者对朗读表达技巧的恰当运用。

    High level reading demands a proper use of reading techniques .

  5. 许多当代书面表达技巧出现在网络上并且能够跨网络运用。

    Much of modern written communication happens on and across computer networks .

  6. 重点探讨了服装品牌广告语写作所需要的构思技巧与语言表达技巧。

    Mainly discuss the writing skills of conception of the advertisement slogans .

  7. 心理辅导技术对教学口语表达技巧的启示

    Enlightenment of Psychological Counseling to Expression Skill of Oral Language in Teaching

  8. 口头表述在交际中是一项重要的语言表达技巧,在现今与未来社会发展中表述能力将会越来越受重视。

    Presentation is an important skill in conveying one 's ideas in communication .

  9. 论声乐艺术中的语言表达技巧

    On the techniques of vocal expression in singing Arts

  10. 谈谈论述生产工艺的英语表达技巧

    On Technics of Expression of Production Process in English

  11. 如何掌握实用表达技巧

    How to Master the Skill of Practical Expression

  12. 钢琴弹奏中的情感表达技巧

    Skill of Feeling Expression in Piano Performance

  13. 《第二十二条军规》的结构及表达技巧

    Structure and writing techniques of Catch-22

  14. 沟通密集课程会被委派来帮助你发展及练习口头表达技巧。

    Communication Intensive courses are charged with helping you to develop and practice oral communication skills .

  15. 英语口语表达技巧

    My Tips on Oral English

  16. 让我们看一下…客户服务和表达技巧肯定在他们的清单上。

    Let 's have a look ... customer care and presentation techniques were certainly on their list .

  17. 朗读表达技巧运用简论

    On Expressive Reading Skills

  18. 扎克伯格毕竟不像别的科技巨头那样,有艺人般的表达技巧,每每活动结束,他都会被众人批评表达欠佳。

    Zuckerberg is often criticized after these events because he is not the showman that other tech giants are .

  19. 他选修的一个知识产权课程肯定了他的想法,也磨练了他的表达技巧。

    A course on intellectual property confirmed his direction , and gave him the chance to polish his presentation skills .

  20. 因此清晰与条理是可以通过施以教诲得到,而表达技巧上的极端无能也可以部分地得到矫正。

    Therefore clearness and arrangement can be taught , sheer incompetence in the art of expression can be partly remedied .

  21. 鉴赏中国古典诗歌,可从鉴赏诗歌的形象、语言、表达技巧和评价作品的思想内容入手。

    Appreciation of Chinese classic poems may proceed from poetic image , language , skills of expression and content of the work .

  22. 学习另一种语言,不仅仅是学习一种表达技巧,而是转换成另一种思维方式和习惯。

    Learning another language is not just learning an expression skill but it is to change to another pattern of thought and custom .

  23. 大学英语阅读既是掌握扩大词汇的有效途径,也是巩固已有语言知识,丰富表达技巧,提高表达质量的有效途径。

    College English reading is an effective approach to enlarging vocabularies , strengthening language knowledge , enriching expressing skills and improving expressing quality .

  24. 惟有具备足够的文化储备、高超的语言表达技巧和恰如其分的交际策略,才能在跨文化交际中立于不败之地。

    Effective intercultural communication depends on enough cultural reserve , a sober mastery of both source and target languages , and the appropriate communicative skills .

  25. 他的作品反映出传统的儒道思想,在文体、表达技巧和语言上受古典文学影响颇深。

    The works reflects our traditional ideology of Confucianism and Taoism . , deeply influenced by the classics in its styles , expressive techniques and language .

  26. 高超的语言表达技巧是一位优秀教师必不可少的基本功,是教师提高教学水平的最有效途径。

    The superb language expression technique is the basic achievement of an excellent teacher 's essential to have and is a teacher exaltation teaching level of most valid path .

  27. 在色彩,形状运动、音乐、节奏等细节问题上的反复推敲,也使动画语言与表达技巧得到本质性的提高。

    In color , shape movement , music , rhythm and other details on the repeated scrutiny , but also make the animation language and presentation skills are essential to improve .

  28. 这份表格提供机会让会员们针对训练,包括讲师、内容、表达技巧、场地等等,提供意见与建议。

    The form provides the opportunity for members to give feedback in regard of the training , including the facilitators , content , presentation skills , venues , and so on .

  29. 因此,为了客观,本文通过研究两者表达技巧以及内容的不同之处来发掘了东方主义的痕迹。这是有必要的。

    Therefore , to be objective , it is necessarily for the thesis to have explored the trace of Orientalism by studying the different expression techniques and content of the two .

  30. 本文对几何形态的心理体验导向与设计进行了一定的表述的同时,还对心理体验的纪念性空间序列组织结构的表达技巧进行了分析论证。

    In this paper , the orientation and design of psychological geometry experience was expressed , and the presentation skills of the organizational strucrure of memorial space of psychological experience were demonstrated .