
kù tuǐ
  • trouser legs;leg
裤腿 [kù tuǐ]
  • [trouser legs] 裤子穿在两腿上的筒状部分

裤腿[kù tuǐ]
  1. 他继续前行,穿过湿漉漉的草地,裤腿全湿透了。

    He moved on through wet grass that soaked his trouser legs .

  2. 他提起裤腿。

    He hiked up his trouser legs

  3. 这条牛仔裤的裤腿太长。

    These jeans are too long in the leg .

  4. 他的裤腿儿塞在靴子里。

    His pants were stuffed inside the tops of his boots .

  5. 电暖炉的火刚开始烧着他的裤腿。

    The electric fire had begun to singe the bottoms of his trousers

  6. 她身穿一套裤腿两边有白色条纹的亮绿色慢跑服。

    She wore a bright green jogging suit with a white stripe down the sides

  7. 她走在海浪里,不得不把裤腿卷到膝盖处。

    Walking in the surf , she had to roll her pants up to her knees .

  8. 保罗&12539;卡(PauleKa)白色锤花缎宽松裤一条裤腿所用的布料足够做一条裙子了。

    One leg of the Paule Ka slacks in white hammered satin could have made a skirt .

  9. 最近,他身穿卷起裤腿的卡其裤,骑着两轮电动车前往明治大学(MeijiUniversity)给学生演讲,成为一大新闻。

    He made news recently when he arrived at a speech for Meiji University Students in Japan wearing Khaki Pants rolled up above his shoe tops ( see photo above ) and riding a two-wheeled , stand-up electric bike .

  10. 时尚警察(TheFashionPolice)节目对瘦腿紧身裤裤的流行发表了以下评论:“并不是只有瘦人才可以穿紧身裤,‘紧身'指的不是穿者的身材,而是收紧裤腿。”

    Speaking about the drainpipe trouser 's widespread appeal The Fashion Police commented : ' You don 't need to be skinny to wear skinny jeans : the word ' skinny ' refers to the cut of the leg , not the shape of the wearer .

  11. 即使在维也纳会议上,一些所谓的女士们仍穿着高腰服装,并故意弄湿,使其显得透明,而新式的、两条裤腿完全分离的贴身开裆内裤(drawers)几乎完全无法保护她们的羞怯。

    Even at the Congress , some of the so-called ladies were still wearing high-waisted dresses deliberately dampened to make them transparent , their modesty barely protected by the new-fangled drawers that had two legs wholly unconnected to one another .

  12. 那些可怕的小动物会顺着我的裤腿爬上来。

    The horrid little creatures would crawl up my trouser leg .

  13. 袖子和裤腿在天气炎热时可以取下。

    Sleeves and trouser legs can be removed in hot weather .

  14. 裤腿儿上护着膝盖的部分。

    The part of a trouser leg that covers the knee .

  15. 裤腿的底部是有弹力的,有可调节的维可牢带。

    The leg bottoms are elasticized and have velcro tab adjusters .

  16. 他跌交时裤腿破了,还染上了血。

    His pants leg was torn and bloodied when he fell .

  17. 他撩起裤腿给他们看那伤口。

    Peeling back his trouserleg , he showed them the wound .

  18. 其他共同特征还有,褶皱、锥形裤腿以及松紧腰带。

    Other common features include pleats , tapered legs and elastic waistbands .

  19. 裤腿没有卷起的时候,毛了边的下半截就在灰土里拖来拖去。

    The fringed legs dragged in the dirt when not rolled up .

  20. (裤子)裤腿底部像喇叭一样张开的。

    ( of trousers ) having legs that flare at the bottom .

  21. 他一把拉起裤腿,给我看他腿上的青肿。

    He hiked up his trouser leg and showed me the bruise .

  22. 他洗了左手,在裤腿上擦干。

    He washed his left hand and wiped it on his trousers .

  23. 樱木耐心地等着母亲调整着他的裤腿。

    Sakuragi waited patiently as his mother adjusted the leg of his pants .

  24. 母亲把裤腿改短了。

    Mother took up the legs of the trousers .

  25. “把裤腿放下来。”牧师小声说。

    Pull down your pants , whispered the pastor .

  26. 尖利的岩石撕破了他的裤腿。

    The sharp rocks cut through his pants legs .

  27. 他泳裤左裤腿冒出来的是什么东西?

    What 's coming out of the left leg of his swim shorts ?

  28. 孩子们抓住我的裤腿。

    The children were ckawing at my trouser legs .

  29. 如今的牛仔裤大多越往下裤腿越小。

    Most jeans these days taper towards the ankle .

  30. 袖口要塞进手套内,裤腿要塞进鞋子里。

    Trouser-legs should be tucked inside the footwear and garment sleeves into the gloves .