
  • 网络Northwest Pacific;pacific northwest;western north pacific;WNP;PNW
  1. 西北太平洋国家实验室的科学家们称,他们认为“牛奶雨”可能来自日本一座火山喷发出的火山灰。本顿清洁空气机构则表示,他们的科学家认为,俄勒冈州中部地区的灰尘是罪魁祸首。

    Scientists at the Pacific Northwest Nationallab said they believe the rain may have carried volcanic ash from an erupting volcano in Japan , while Benton Clean Air said its staffers believe dust from central Oregon was the culprit .

  2. 几周后,美国西北太平洋岸有只无邪的熊,发现了善用啤酒的好方法。

    A few weeks later a better use of beer was discovered by an innocent ursine in the Pacific Northwest .

  3. 位于华盛顿州的美国西北太平洋国家实验室和本顿清洁空气机构的官员称,已采集了“牛奶雨”的样本。这种雨水给两个州很多地区的汽车上蒙上一层粉末状残留物。

    Officials at both the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the Benton Clean Air Agency , both in Washington state , said they had collected samples of the rain , which left a powdery residue on cars across a wide swath of two states .

  4. 西北太平洋137°E断面海流的纬向体积输送

    Zonal volume transports at 137 ° e in the northwestern Pacific

  5. GIS支持下的西北太平洋热带气旋研究

    Research on the Northwest Pacific Tropical Cyclone : GIS-based Approach

  6. CO2浓度增加对西北太平洋热带风暴气候特征的影响

    Influence of increasing CO_2 concentration on Northwestern Pacific tropical storm climatology

  7. 西北太平洋副高位置东西以及南北位置的偏移对登陆我国厦门以北TC的路径有很大影响;

    The location of subtropical high is responsible for tracks of landfalling TCs to the north of Xiamen .

  8. 西北太平洋深海沉积物微生物多态性分析东北太平洋CC区表层沉积物中的微体生物化石研究

    Study of microfossils in the surface sediments from the CC area of the North East Pacific Ocean

  9. 变化中心位于38°N左右的西北太平洋,且在155°W处向南延伸。

    The center of the interdecadal variation was located at about 38 ° N in the northwestern Pacific , and was extended southward at 155 ° W.

  10. 西北太平洋副热带逆流区及其邻近海域中尺度涡研究南海东北部及其邻近地区地壳上地幔P波速度结构

    Study of Mesoscale Eddies in the Subtropical Ocean of the Northwest-Pacific and Adjacent Area ; P wave velocity structure in the crust and upper mantle beneath northeastern South China Sea and surrounding regions

  11. 西北太平洋超强台风活动特征及其与ENSO的关系

    Characteristics of Super Typhoon Activity over Western North Pacific and Its Relationship with ENSO

  12. 基于TC活动理论模式系统,分析了影响西北太平洋TC路径和强度的年际变化的关键因子。

    Using the developed TC theoretical model system , the key factors affecting the interannual variations of TC track and intensity is examined .

  13. 结果表明:太平洋延绳钓长鳍金枪鱼渔场分布范围广泛,具纬向分布特征,集中分布在30°N线附近的西北太平洋海域和~40°S之间的西南太平洋海域。

    The results showed that the distribution of albacore tuna longline fishing-grounds is wide , and is mainly in the area of ~ 30 ° N and 0-40 ° S of the Pacific .

  14. 西北太平洋副热带高压持续偏西偏北,是近26年来同期副热带高压脊线位置持续在25°N以北时间最长的一年;

    The position of subtropical high consistently located to the west and north than average , it was the most persist one of recent 26-years that the High ridge position locate to such north .

  15. 在夏季的热带西太平洋,低层环流的变化是控制西北太平洋热带气旋(TC)生成的最关键的因子之一。

    The variation of large-scale low-level circulation is one of the key factors in controlling the genesis of tropical cyclones over the western North Pacific in summer .

  16. 西北太平洋风暴在东南沿海(27°N,120°E)附近登陆的频次最高,在此以北随纬度急剧下降。

    Along the China coast line , the highest landfall frequency of cyclones is located in the southeast coast ( 27 ° N , 120 ° E ) and the frequency rapidly decreases north to it .

  17. 利用Argo资料研究2001&2004年期间西北太平洋海洋上层对热带气旋的响应

    Upper ocean response to tropical cyclones in northwestern Pacific during 2001 & 2004 by Argo data

  18. 利用FY-2C资料对西北太平洋海域云分类的研究

    A Study of Cloud Classification in the Northwestern Pacific by Using FY-2C Data

  19. 主要结果有:(1)西北太平洋TC平均增强速率为4.97hPa/6h,标准差是4.54hPa/6h。

    Main results are as follows : ( 1 ) Average TC deepening rate is 4.97 hPa / 6 h and the standard deviation is 4.54 hPa / 6 h.

  20. 结果表明,在靠近西北太平洋副高活动的主体部分(即130°E、140°E)高度变化与西风指数变化不存在相关,说明互相具有独立性。

    The result shows that there existed no relation between the variation in near past ( 130 ° E , 140 ° E ) of main body for northwest Pacific subtropical anticyclone and the westerlies index .

  21. 主要对中太平洋和西北太平洋5座海山的17个铁锰结壳新壳层样品进行了结构构造分析和REE含量测定。

    17 ferromanganese crust samples in Central Pacific area and West Pacific area were analyzed structurally and the REE contents were determined with the ICP_MS method .

  22. 西北太平洋是CFC11的一个重要的汇区,此外在赤道东太平洋上升流区还存在一个小的汇区。

    The Northwest Pacific is an important sink of CFC-11 and there is a weak sink in the eastern equator .

  23. 南海西部冷涡区域上层海洋营养盐的动力学西北太平洋SST暖水区、ITCZ对东北冷涡及副热带高压的影响

    The Influence of SST Warm-Water Region and ITCZ in the North-West Pacific Ocean on the Northeast Cold Vortex and the Subtropical High

  24. 基于Argo浮标资料的西北太平洋模态水的空间结构及年际变化

    Spacial Structure and Annual Variation Estimated from Argo Float Data for Subtropical Mode Water in the Northwest Pacific Ocean

  25. 应用Argo剖面浮标观测的温、盐度资料,分析了西北太平洋海域冬、夏季的温、盐度分布、水团结构及其分布。

    The temperature and salinity profiles of the ARGO floats in the warm pool of the northwestern Pacific were analyzed .

  26. 分析热带西北太平洋和南海的表层至100m的水温变化与热带气旋活动的关系。

    The relationship of heat content in the tropical Northwest Pacific , South China Sea and the movement of tropical cyclone which generated in these oceans was analysed .

  27. 本文通过EOF分解,分析讨论了西北太平洋副热带高压季节性移动与海温场之间的联系。

    Based on EOF , the relation of the seasonal movement of the subtropical high over the Northwestern Pacific with SST has been discussed .

  28. 西北太平洋季风区(5°~25°N,120°~160°E)是亚洲-太平洋季风区与亚洲-澳大利亚季风区的一个重要部分,也是一个独立的季风区。

    The monsoon region of western North Pacific ( WNP )( 5 ° - 25 ° N , 120 ° - 160 ° E ) is an important part of Asian-Pacific and Asian-Australian monsoon region , and is a distinct monsoon region .

  29. 华南地区TC的活动与OLR月平均距平之间的关系在一定程度上取决于西北太平洋副热带高压的气候位置。

    The relations between the activity of TC in southern China and the monthly mean OLR departure depend on the climatic location of the subtropical high over northwest Pacific .

  30. 因此,无论在年代际时间尺度还是在年际时间尺度上,夏季APO强弱变化与西北太平洋热带气旋多寡之间均存在显著联系。

    Therefore , the in-phase relationship between APO and the tropical cyclone frequency over the western North Pacific is significant both on the interannual and interdecadal timescale .