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  1. 位于关中地区的十一座西汉帝陵,在位置和布局上是否有规律。

    The11 mausoleums of Western Han Dynasty Emperors are located the Shaanxi Guanzhong area .

  2. 对阳陵的研究能够为西汉帝陵制度乃至中国古代陵寝制度提供了重要的资料。

    Obviously , it offer important data on study of the system in emperor 's mausoleum of Han dynasty .

  3. 由于西汉帝陵陪葬的中小型墓葬,在笔者所划区域之外,本篇论文不涉及。

    The Western Han mausoleums are beyond of the area , so the paper will not cover tombs attached to them .

  4. 西汉帝陵大遗址区景观资源类型可分为遗址本体景观、历史人文景观和自然环境景观三大类。

    Landscape resources of the Western Han Dynasty Mausoleum can be divided into three categories : ontology landscape sites , historic cultural and natural environmental landscape .

  5. 西汉帝陵在西咸新区、关中天水经济区等建设的大潮下也处于这种矛盾之中。

    The Western Han Dynasty mausoleum is also in this kind of contradiction , during the construction of Xi Xian New Area and Guanzhong Tianshui Economic Zone .

  6. 在这一理论的认识之上,文中从传统角度和利益相关者角度两个层面对西汉帝陵的当代价值进行评估和分析比较。

    Based on this theory , from two aspects of the traditional and the stakeholder point to evaluate and compare the different results in the contemporary value of Western Han Dynasty mausoleum .

  7. 本文希望可以在有效保护遗址和满足遗产利益相关者之间寻找到平衡,进而保护和弘扬西汉帝陵的当代价值。

    We hope in this way can make a balance in the effective protection of heritage sites and stakeholders , and finally protect and promote the contemporary value of the Western Han Dynasty mausoleum .

  8. 根据重要程度,从5个方面(遗址本体景观价值、自然环境景观价值、历史人文景观价值、遗址区环境景观承载力、景观干扰因素)对西汉帝陵大遗址区景观资源进行评价和分析。

    They were evaluated according to the importance from five aspects , i.e. the landscape value of site ontology , landscape value of the natural environment , landscape value of history and culture , carrying capacity of regional environmental landscape , landscape disturbance factors .

  9. 西汉帝陵及其陵邑置身于这幅庞大的交通网络中,也在一定程度上改变了旧有的交通条件,促使长安地区形成了新的交通格局。

    The imperial mausoleums and the imperial mausoleum counties of Western Han Dynasty in the large transportation networks changed the old traffic conditions to a certain extent and contributed to the formation of the new pattern of the traffic system in Chang ' an area .

  10. 西汉在我国历史上有着重要的地位,西汉帝陵是此时国家精神面貌和强盛国力的象征。

    The Western Han Dynasty has an important position in the history of our country . And the Western Han Dynasty mausoleum is the symbol of the national spirit and strong national strength .