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sǐ zuì
  • capital crime;capital offence;penalty of death;capital offence (or crime);offend;mortal sin
死罪 [sǐ zuì]
  • (1) [capital offence (or crime)]∶应该判处死刑的罪行

  • 犯了死罪

  • 便逃得性命时,烧了大军草料场也得个死罪!--《水浒传》

  • (2) [offend]∶旧时用于请罪、道歉的套语,表示有所冒犯

  • 不知大驾光临,有失远迎,死罪!死罪!

死罪[sǐ zuì]
  1. 中国古代也曾将出口桑蚕定为死罪,但也以失败告终。

    The Chinese empire once made it a capital crime to export silkworms : that failed , too .

  2. 几个月后,由于警方在对约翰内斯堡一个农场的突袭中找到了有关南非游击战的计划,曼德拉受到了蓄意破坏以及阴谋推翻政府的指控,而这是一项死罪。

    Months later , he was charged with sabotage and conspiracy to overthrow the government , a capital crime , after a police raid on a Johannesburg farmhouse turned up plans for guerrilla warfare in South Africa .

  3. 那个时候,谋杀总是判死罪。

    In those days murder was always punished with the death penalty .

  4. 死罪已免,活罪难饶。

    The death sentence is revoked ; but not living punishment .

  5. 谋杀可判死罪。

    Murder can be a capital offence .

  6. 死罪,死罪!

    It 's all my fault .

  7. 这样他们就不会得到死罪的惩罚。

    To a charge that won 't mean the death penalty .

  8. 军事法院判处四人死罪。

    Military courts have already sentenced four men to death .

  9. 我做了什么不重要,我已经被判了死罪。

    Doesn 't matter what I do . I 'm dead already .

  10. 法官宣布了判谋杀者死罪。

    The judge pronounced the capital sentence upon the murderer .

  11. 根据刑法规定,谋杀可判死罪。

    According to the criminal law murder can is a capital offence .

  12. 死罪包括在安息日检柴禾。

    Capital offenses ranged from gathering sticks on the sabbath .

  13. 你知道袭击埃及人是死罪吗?

    You know it is death to strike an egyptian ?

  14. 换言之,他被控谋反,最高死罪之一。

    In other words he 's accused of treason a high capital offense .

  15. 基督徒也不必治死罪;基督已经为我们治死罪了。

    Nor need he mortify sin ; Christ has mortified sin for him .

  16. 你要明白拥有收音机是死罪。

    I hope you realize the penalty for having a radio is death .

  17. 可能会免除你的死罪。

    And you might spare yourself the death penalty .

  18. 我们在每个街角、在每个家中都看到死罪。

    We see a deadly sin on every street corner * In every home .

  19. 任何与七死罪有关的书。

    Anything relating to the seven deadly sins .

  20. 严格限制死刑与严厉惩罚死罪&当代死刑制度的基本特点与未来走向

    Limiting Death Penalty Strictly and Punishing Crimes Severely

  21. 他们犯有死罪,但群众未直接受害。

    They have committed capital offenses , but the masses were not the direct victims .

  22. 但凡有人这样做,并回来谈论,处罚就是死罪。

    The punishment for those who did , and came back to discuss it , was death .

  23. 在我们的民族,一个女人在公众地方抛头露面就是死罪。

    Among our people , it is death for a women to show her face in public .

  24. 最终被判死刑的犯罪通常称为死罪。

    Crimes that can result in a death penalty are known as capital crimes or capital offences .

  25. 你到处可看到死罪,在街头,在每个家中。

    You see a deadly sin on almost every street corner , and in every home , literally .

  26. 他的判决是很温和的;他并不判你死罪,只宣布把你放逐。

    A gentler judgment vanish 'd from his lips , not body 's death , but body 's banishment .

  27. (希腊神话)俄狄甫斯的女儿,因不服从父亲而被判死罪。

    ( Greek mythology ) the daughter of King Oedipus who disobeyed her father and was condemned to death .

  28. 他被那里的国王定为死罪,在被砍头之前,活活地剥了皮。

    There he was condemned to death by the king , and before being beheaded he was flayed alive .

  29. 祭司长和我们的官府竟把他解去,定了死罪,钉在十字架上。

    20The chief priests and our rulers handed him over to be sentenced to death , and they crucified him ;

  30. 结果同性恋行为变为一种罪行,早期的法庭将同性恋判为死罪。

    As a result , homosexual activity became a crime , for which the penalty in early courts was death .