
sǐ xínɡ fàn
  • Condemned person;prisoner under sentence of death
  1. 17名死刑犯申请宽大处理遭到驳回后即将被处决。

    Seventeen prisoners held on death row are to be executed after their pleas for clemency were turned down .

  2. 死刑犯器官移植问题研究

    Research on Organ Transplant from Prisoners Body under Sentence of Death

  3. 我有没有说过我专管死刑犯?

    Did I mention that I was in charge of death row ?

  4. 我必须相信死刑犯确实犯下了罪行。

    I had to believe that the condemned had committed the crime .

  5. 保护死刑犯权利的保障措施

    Safeguards guaranteeing protection of the rights of those facing the death penalty

  6. 最近都不会有死刑犯要行刑了。

    There won 't be any executions for a while .

  7. 对于那些死刑犯来说,这是一种仁慈的快速解脱。

    It was a mercifully quick end for those condemned to die .

  8. 死刑犯捐献器官可行性研究

    Research on the Flexibility of Death Penalty Criminals ' Donation of Their Organs

  9. 特别为等待处决的死刑犯设置的牢房。

    A cell block reserved for convicts awaiting execution .

  10. 我曾有幸在最大限度安全保证下为死刑犯工作了六个年头。

    I had the privilege of working on death row for six years .

  11. 死刑犯器官或尸体捐赠的立法保护

    Legislative Protection On Donation Of Organs Or Bodies Of Prisoners Sentenced To Death

  12. 再论死刑犯的生育权论罪犯的生育权

    Another discussion on the right to bear of the people of death penalty

  13. 州长赖安暂缓了本州所有死刑犯。

    Governor Ryan suspended all executions in the state .

  14. 中国会在终审以后两周内处死死刑犯。

    China executes the death row inmates within two weeks after final verdict .

  15. 见一个又冷又饿的死刑犯。

    Home-made cookies and , and love-starved murderers .

  16. 我们甚至让死刑犯自己选择。

    We even let the condemned man choose .

  17. 还有几乎所有与我一起为死刑犯共事过的人,

    and almost all of the men that I worked with on death row ,

  18. 但是难道中国不是用死刑犯身上的器官来进行器官移植的吗?

    But is 't China using body parts from persons sentenced to death for transplants ?

  19. 我也代理死刑犯的官司。

    I represent people on death row .

  20. 论死刑犯的权利

    On the Rights of Capital Prisoner

  21. 你们是一排排死刑犯。

    You are death row convicts .

  22. 吸血鬼市长为了体现人道,他让牧师去监狱为死刑犯祈祷。

    Vampire mayor to reflect the humanity , he let priests pray to the prison death row .

  23. 附属监狱的黑牢里当天的死刑犯静候着他们的命运。

    In the black prison of the Conciergerie , the doomed of the day awaited their fate .

  24. 如果死刑犯真的想被处决的话,他们确实应该走上那么几步。

    They really ought to walk a little by themselves , if indeed they want to be executed .

  25. 囚车每天都载满了死刑犯,颠簸着沉重地驰过街道。

    Every day , through the stony streets , the tumbrils now jolted heavily , filled with Condemned .

  26. 如何论证死刑犯实体权利保障的正当性,是一个关涉死刑犯实体权利保障的根基性问题。

    How to demonstrate the legitimacy of the protection of substantive rights of death-row is a foundational issue .

  27. 原本包括海耶斯和科米萨耶夫斯基在内的11名死刑犯仍然将会被处刑。

    Originally , the 11 people on death row - including Hayes and Komisarjevsky - were still to face execution .

  28. 但是除了我的道德上的反对,注射或电椅对死刑犯是不人道的。

    But aside from my moral objections , executing someone with a lethal injection or the electric chair is inhumane .

  29. 在诸多的死刑犯实体权利当中,最重要的当属人格尊严权。

    Among the entity rights of prisoners sentenced to death , the right of personal dignity is of the greatest importance .

  30. 论死刑犯的亲属及辩护律师的及时获知裁决权&一个已决死刑案件引发的思考

    The Right of Knowing Award in Time of the Folk and the Defense Attorney of the Prisoner under Sentence of Death