
  • 网络Western Australia;West Australia;Margaret River;FREMANTLE
  1. 浅谈西澳SINO铁矿选矿厂的设计

    Discuss about design of SINO Iron Ore Mine in Western Australia

  2. 有关屎壳郎惊人力量的研究报告由克奈尔和西澳大学的雷•西蒙斯教授共同撰写,已在《皇家学会学报B类》上发表(译者注:B类指的是生物科学领域)。

    Onthophagus taurus 's amazing feats of strength are chronicled by Knell and Professor Leigh Simmons of the University of Western Australia in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B .

  3. 上月,在监管部门激烈的反对声中,必和必拓放弃了与力拓(riotinto)在西澳成立铁矿石合资企业的计划。

    BHP last month responded to overwhelming regulatory opposition to its proposed Western Australian iron ore joint venture with Rio Tinto by jettisoning the deal .

  4. 不久后,必和必拓(BHPBilliton)从这个西澳港口发运的铁矿石将采用市场价,而不再采用谈判达成的年度合约价。

    Soon the price of iron ore leaving BHP Billiton 's port in Western Australia will be based on market prices rather than negotiated annual contracts .

  5. 此前,中西部公司和Murchison曾进行合作谈判,希望在西澳的中西部地区开发一个新的铁矿石枢纽。

    Midwest and Murchison , which have held tie-up talks before , hope to develop a new iron ore hub in Western Australia 's midwest region .

  6. 在向香港证交所提交的一份声明中,中信表示,将于周五向西澳高等法院申请禁止令,制止Mineralogy用自己发出的通知来中止中信方面的采矿权。

    In a statement to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange , Citic said it would seek an injunction in the supreme court of Western Australia on Friday to restrain Mineralogy from relying on the notice to terminate its mining rights .

  7. 澳大利亚西澳大学佩思分校的MathewMartin-Iverson说这可能是因为调整视觉神经活动的神经传递素同时受到了情绪的影响。

    Mathew Martin-Iverson at the University of Western Australia in Perth says this could be because the neurotransmitters which regulate nerve activity in vision could also be involved in emotion .

  8. 堪培拉方面的决定,为美国石油集团雪佛龙(Chevron)开发西澳离岸天然气田做出最终投资决定铺平了道路。雪佛龙拥有高更项目50%的股权,并且是该项目的运营商。

    Canberra 's decision paves the way for Chevron , the US oil group that is 50 per cent owner and operator of Gorgon , to make its final investment decision to develop the project 's gas fields off the coast of Western Australia .

  9. 西澳极好的产区生产的伟大的葡萄酒闻名于世。

    Western Australia is famous for great wines from stunning locations .

  10. 她听说你年假要到西澳。

    She heard that you plan to visit Western Australia during your vacation .

  11. 英。桑德斯教授,澳洲西澳大学社会与文化学院院长。

    Professor Ian Sanders , Head of School , Social and Cultural Studies .

  12. 西澳的玛格丽特河以盛产口味浓郁的赤霞珠和梅洛而著称于世。

    River in Western Australia is world renowned for its flavourful Cabernet and Merlot .

  13. 大量银行和矿业公司纷纷拥入佩斯–西澳的金融首府。

    Bankers and mining companies have piled into Perth , the financial capital of Western Australia .

  14. 大部分的澳洲人使用日光节约时间,但西澳、北领地或昆士兰则没有。

    Most of Oz does DST , but not Western Australia , The Northern Territory or Queensland .

  15. 今年年初,西澳大学一位教授对草甘膦的过度使用进行了评论。

    Earlier this year , a professor at the University of Western Australia the overuse of glyphosate .

  16. 西澳北部位于热带,冬夏两季为旱季和雨季所取代。

    Wa is tropical in the north , where the dry and wet seasons replace winter and summer .

  17. 在西澳,最重要的酒展示皇家珀斯展览,吸引多达2500个参展项目。

    In Western Australia the most important show which attracts up to2500 entries is the Royal Perth Show .

  18. 最近通过立法的是西澳地区,几个星期前的事。

    The most recent one to pass and be enacted was Western Australia a couple of weeks ago .

  19. 西澳大利亚洲的工会代表西摩恩·麦泽克说,经济放缓的速度令人震撼。

    Western Australian trade union representative Simone McGurk says the speed of the slowdown has come as a shock .

  20. 据西澳柯廷大学进行的一项研究显示,女性将首先彻底退出吸菸行列。

    A study by Curtin University in Western Australia suggests that women will be the first to butt out for good .

  21. 一家矿业巨头的管理人员表示,2000年时西澳只有三家铁矿石企业。

    In2000 there were only three companies producing iron ore in Western Australia , says an executive at one of the mining giants .

  22. 我们的主校区在距西澳首府佩斯以南6公里处的本特立。

    Our main campus is situated in bentley , six kilometres south of the centre of perth , western australia 's capital city .

  23. 西澳国家网球学院首席教练乔·麦卡锡在新的一年也将与“明日之星”再续前缘,第二年任教。

    Coach Joe McCarthy , head coach of the Tennis West Australia National Academy , will return to China for a second year .

  24. 政策制定者期望澳洲年经济成长率借由像雪佛龙在西澳430亿元哥尔工天然瓦斯合资案的带动在2012年底前达到4%。

    Policy makers expect Australia 's annual growth to accelerate to4 percent by the end of2012 , boosted by projects such as Chevron Corp.

  25. 在西澳州,水分保持是一个大问题,以致这个问题在2005年洲选举上成了一个焦点问题。

    Water conservation is a huge issue in Wa and in the lead-up to the2005 state elections , it became a focal point .

  26. 陕西关中小麦品种(系)两个试点淀粉凝胶破碎力及硬度平均值均大于西澳面条小麦品种(系),粘聚性平均值均小于西澳品种(系);

    The average of Guanzhong varieties ( lines ) starch gel fracture-force , hardness were biger , but Cohesivness was smaller than western Australian 's.

  27. 小麦品种淀粉特性综合聚类结果表明:陕西关中两年度大部分小麦品种(系)淀粉特性与西澳面条小麦不同品种(系)可聚为一类。

    The results of categorize of wheat starch property indicate that most Guanzhong varieties ( lines ) were similar to Australian varieties ( lines ) .

  28. 关中小麦与西澳面条小麦品种(系)比较,其淀粉糊化温度较高,峰值粘度和膨胀体积较小;

    Guanzhong wheat starch pasting temperature is higher , and the peak viscidity and swelling volume are smaller than western Australian varieties ( lines ) .

  29. 两个星期前,举办了西澳最受期待的葡萄酒评选活动,评选西澳顶级葡萄酒。

    A couple of weeks ago , one of the most anticipated wine events in West Australia was held to judge West australia 's top wines .

  30. 提出这一研究结论的西澳大学的研究者还发现母乳中可能含有促进大脑发育的物质。

    The researchers , from the University of Western Australia , also suggested that there may be substances in breast milk that help the brain develop .