
  • 网络papilledema;papilloedema
  1. 视盘水肿(或称视乳头水肿)不是一种独立的疾病,而是一个典型体征,与颅内压力升高密切相关。

    Edema of the optic disc , papilledema , is not an entity of disease , but a typical sign closely associated with increased intracranial pressure .

  2. 良性高颅压视乳头水肿手术治疗

    Surgical treatment of papilledema caused by benign high intracranial pressure

  3. 轻度视乳头水肿及假性视乳头水肿患者视网膜神经纤维层的OCT研究

    Optical coherence tomography of the retinal nerve fibre layer in mild papilloedema and pseudopapilloedema

  4. 结论POEMS综合征患者眼部主要表现为双眼视乳头水肿,发生率约为80.0%,视乳头水肿患者大多伴有颅内压升高。

    Conclusions Papilloedema is found in about 80.0 % patients with POEMS syndrome . Most of the patients with papilloedema have elevated intracranial pressures .

  5. 抗囊治疗后,头痛、头晕、癫痫发作、恶心呕吐、神经衰弱症候群、视乳头水肿、抑郁症状、肌体运动障碍等神经精神症状均较抗囊治疗前明显减少(P0.05~0.01);

    After praziquantel treatment psychiatric symptoms including headache , dizziness , epileptic attack , nausea , vomiting , neurasthenia , papilledema . depression and dyskinesia were significantly decreased compared with pretreatment ( P0.05 ~ 0.01 ) .

  6. 查体:双视乳头水肿,其余无神经系统阳性发现。

    The neurological examination was without positive findings except bi papilledema .

  7. 有视乳头水肿和(或)软体征;

    Papilloedema and / or " soft " signs ;

  8. 本文报告6例颅内肿瘤患者在视乳头水肿出现以前由脑电图作出定位诊断。

    Six cases of intracranial tumours assured by EEC in early diagnosis before the onset of papilledema wered reported .

  9. 本文报告145例颅内占位病变所致颅内高压引起的视乳头水肿,年龄6月~72岁,病程3天~12年。

    This report reviews 145 cases of papilledema caused by intracranial hypertension induced by intracranial space-occupied lesions , age : 6 months to 72 years old , course of disease : 3 days to 12 years .

  10. 方法:系统治疗和观察了视盘血管炎46例,其中视乳头水肿26例、30眼,中央静脉血栓型20例、20眼。

    Methods : 46 cases of optic disk vasculitis ( papilloedema type , 26 cases with 30 eyes ; central vein thrombosis type , 20 cases with 20 eyes ) were treated and followed up systematically .

  11. 结果本组病例显示患者平均手术年龄44岁,症状持续时间平均17个月,头痛和精神障碍为常见症状,视乳头水肿和嗅觉功能障碍是常见体征。

    The average age at presentation was 44 years . Average duration of symptoms prior to diagnosis was 17 months . Headache and change in mood are most frequent symptoms , the principal signs associated with olfactory groove meningiomas are papilloedema and dysosmia .

  12. 结论:儿童、青少年多发,视力下降、突眼、视神经乳头水肿或萎缩、MRICT示视神经肿大是本病的特征,手术是本病的有效治疗方法。

    Exophthalmos ? optic disc edema or atrophy and enlargement in optic nerve is often found by MRI or CT scan . The surgical operation is the most effective therapy for the disease .

  13. 先天性多系统炎性疾病的假性视神经乳头水肿

    The pseudopapilledema of neonatal-onset multisystem inflammatory disease

  14. 视神经乳头水肿是诊断脑肿瘤的一个重要的客观体征。

    Papilloedema of optic nerve is an important objective sign in the diagnosis of brain tumor .

  15. 4例以偏瘫、偏侧感觉障碍起病,被误诊为脑卒中;1例以视神经症状起病,被误诊为玻璃体浑浊、视乳头水肿。

    By hemiplegia and were misdiagnosed as stroke , and 1 by optic nerve syndrome and were misdiagnosed as vitreum turbid , papilledema .