
  • 【物】area of horizon
  1. 从KleinGordon方程出发,利用薄膜brickwall模型,给出了变加速直线运动带电黑洞的熵,得到的熵正好是视界面积的1/4。

    Making use of Klein-Gordon equation , the entropy of this kind of black hole is calculated by thin film brick-wall model . The conclusion is that the entropy is proportional to the area of event horizon .

  2. 结果表明:适当选择截断因子时,静态广义球对称黑洞Dirac场的统计熵与视界面积成正比。

    The results show that the entropy of the Dirac field in a static spherically-symmetric black hole is in proportion with the area of the event horizon when the cut-off parameters are properly chosen .

  3. 利用KleinGordon方程和薄膜brickwall模型,并采用WKB近似方法,求出了VaidyaBonner黑洞的熵,所得的熵正好与该黑洞的视界面积成正比。

    Making use of Klein-Gordon equation , thin film brick-wall model and WKB approximation , we find the entropy of Vaidya-Bonner black hole and this entropy is proportional to the area of event horizon .

  4. 本文的目的是把视界面积谱的研究推广到弦论中的稳态轴对称EMDA黑洞。

    In this paper our main purpose is to extend the research of the horizon area spectrum into the case of stationary axisymmetric Einstein-Maxwell Dilaton-Axion ( EMDA ) spacetime .

  5. 黑洞视界面积定理

    The Theorem of the Event Horizon Area of Black Hole

  6. 计算结果表明所得到的黑洞熵与其视界面积成正比。

    The result showed that this entropy is proportion to the area of event horizon .

  7. 从中揭示了黑洞熵与视界面积之间的内在联系,也进一步表明了黑洞熵是视界面上量子态的熵,是一种量子效应。

    It is found that there is an internal relation between the event horizon and the entropy .

  8. 结果表明,任一时刻黑洞熵都与黑洞事件视界面积成正比。

    It is shown that the entropy of the black hole is proportional to the area of event horizon at any time .

  9. 结果表明,这种黑洞的熵等于它外视界面积的1/4。

    It is found that the entropy of this system is just 1 / 4 of the area of the external event horizon .

  10. 结果表明,通过适当选取截断因子,仍可得出黑洞熵与视界面积成正比的结论。

    The re-sult shows that the entropy of the R-N black hole is still proportional to its surface area if we choose proper cut-off .

  11. 当取适当的贯穿系数时,得到黑洞熵与视界面积成正比的结论。

    When we take an appropriate impenetrate coefficient , we can derive that the entropy of black hole is proportional to the area of horizon .

  12. 这一结果表明,熵与视界面积成正比的结论,不仅适用于整个视界,也适用于视界面上的局部;

    This result indicates that the conclusion that black hole entropy is proportional to its area can be applied to horizon not only globally , but also locally .

  13. 得到黑洞熵不但与黑洞的外视界面积有关,而且也是内视界面积的函数。

    We derive the entropy of the black hole which is not only related to the area of the outer horizon but also the function of the area of the inner horizon .

  14. 计算了广义球对称含荷黑洞视界上标量场的量子态数和自由能,得到了黑洞熵与视界面积成正比的结论,表明黑洞熵就是其视界上的量子态的熵。

    The quantum state number and free energy of the scalar field at the horizon of general non-stationary black hole with charges are calculated and the result shows that the entropy of black hole is proportional to the event horizon area .