
  • 网络edema;Corneal Edema
  1. 裂隙灯显微镜常规检查,记录角膜水肿的范围、内皮面KP及皱褶等的变化。

    Corneal edema , endothelial surface and the changes of KP were recorded by Slit lamp microscope .

  2. 4组均观察到前房有台盼蓝出现,C组的部分兔眼和D组的全部兔眼可以观察到随着眼压的升高有轻到中度的角膜水肿。

    Eyes in all four groups were observed trypan blue in anterior chamber . Part of the group C and all of group D can be observed mild to moderate corneal edema with the increase of IOP . 2 .

  3. 前房内注射全氟丙烷(C3F8)气体治疗急性角膜水肿

    Acute corneal hydrops treated by intracameral injection of perfluoropropane ( C_3F_8 ) gas

  4. 近年来对CNV机制的学说有角膜水肿学说、缺氧学说、新生血管生成因子和抑制因子之间失衡学说及炎症细胞浸润学说等。

    Recently there are many hypothesis about the pathogenesis of CNV such as corneal edema , hypoxia . disbalance between angiogenesis factor and anti angiogenesis factor , infiltration of inflammatory cells .

  5. 结果术中玻璃体脱出ECCE组和Phaco组分别为2.86%和3.43%;术后角膜水肿两组分别为7.4%和8.5%。

    Results In the ECCE and Phaco groups , intraoperative vitreous loss rates were 2.86 % and 3 . 43 % separately and postoperative corneal edema were 7.4 % and 8.5 % .

  6. 而10只注入DNR眼出现严重的内皮性角膜水肿混浊,前房大量纤维索性渗出特等明显的炎性反应眼底及视网膜电图无法检查。

    But in 10 DNA treated eyes , be-cause of severe inflammatory response such as comeal edema and severe fibrous exudate in anterior chamber , the fundus and ERG could not be studied .

  7. 术后早期并发症:角膜水肿及弹力层皱褶5眼,脉络膜脱离l眼,前房及瞳孔区纤维渗出6眼;

    Early complications included corneal edema and folds of corneal Descemet 's membrane in 5 eyes , choroids detachment in 1 eye , formation of fibrous membrane in pupil area and anterior chamber in 6 eyes .

  8. 结果平均累积能量复合参数(AECP)与晶状体核硬度和角膜水肿成正相关。

    Results The mean accumulated energy complex parameter ( AECP ) is positive correlation versus the lens nucleus hardness and corneal edema rate .

  9. 结果两组病例术中晶状体核分离出晶状体前囊口困难发生率、娩核时晶状体后囊膜破裂发生率、IOL植入率及术后5天角膜水肿发生率有显著性差异。

    Result To comparing the two groups , the lens nucleus difficultly separated out anterior capsule opening ' incidence rate , the posterior capsule disrupt incidence rate when the nucleus were take out , the IOL implantation rate and corneal edema incidence rate in 5 days post-operation had significant deviation .

  10. 结果眼外伤以挫伤性前房积血、角膜水肿混浊及外伤性虹膜炎为多见;

    Results the trauma include contusion hematocele corneal edema and opacity ?

  11. 术后角膜水肿发生率较低。

    There was a low occurrence rate of postoperative corneal edema .

  12. 虹膜反应、角膜水肿是术后主要并发症。

    Reaction of iris , edema of corneal were the main complications .

  13. 并发症主要是角膜水肿及虹膜炎。

    The main postoperative complications included corneal edema and iritis .

  14. 角膜水肿10眼(20.8%);

    Corneal edema in 10 eyes ( 20.8 % );

  15. 并发症主要有角膜水肿、后囊混浊。

    Beside , main implications were corneal edema and posterior capsula opacity PCO .

  16. 主要并发症为后囊浑浊、角膜水肿及葡萄膜炎。

    The main complications are posterior capsular opacification , uveitis , corneal edema .

  17. 术后主要并发症为角膜水肿、眼压升高。

    And complication of postoperation were cornea edema and opacity of cornea epithelium .

  18. 主要并发症有后囊破裂,虹膜损伤,角膜水肿等。

    The major complications were posterior capsule rupture , iris injury , corneal edema .

  19. 目的:观察人工晶体植入术后角膜水肿的发生情况。

    Objective : To observe the condition of corneal edema After intraocular lens implantation .

  20. 手术主要并发症有角膜水肿和后囊膜破裂。

    The complications after operations were corneal edema , tears in posterior capsule , etc.

  21. 术后早期并发症有角膜水肿、葡萄膜反应及前房絮状渗出。

    The early complications were corneal edema , uveitis and exudate in the anterior chamber .

  22. 超声乳化白内障吸出术后的迟发性角膜水肿

    Delayed corneal edema after phacoemulsification cataract extraction

  23. 术后1眼发生早期浅前房,2眼暂时性角膜水肿。

    Early shallow anterior chamber occurred in1 eye , and transient corneal edema occurred in2 eyes .

  24. 术后并发症为角膜水肿。

    Postoperation were corneal endothelial edema .

  25. 眼压急性升高也可以引起角膜水肿,使角膜呈现出?汽样外观。

    The acute pressure rise may also cause corneal edema , giving the cornea a steamy appearance .

  26. 术中并发症为晶体后囊破裂,术后并发症为角膜水肿。

    The complication showed laceration of posterior lens capsule in the operation , corneal oedema after operation .

  27. 术中和术后主要并发症为角膜水肿、囊膜破裂和后囊膜混浊。

    The major complications were corneal edema , rupture of posterior capsule and opacity of posterior capsule .

  28. 白内障超声乳化手术切口的长度和宽度对术后角膜水肿的影响

    Effect of the length and width of tunnel incision of cataract phacoemulsification on corneal edema after operation

  29. 结果注射后72小时,血浆完全吸收,角膜水肿消失,角膜上皮光滑。

    Plasma was absorbed completely at 72 h postoperatively . Corneal edema disappeared and corneal epithelium was smooth .

  30. 并发症有角膜水肿(19.23%)及后囊浑浊(11.53%)。

    Complications were posterior corneal edema ( 19.23 % ) and posterior capsular cataract ( 11.54 % ) .