
  • 网络Role Confusion;identity vs role confusion
  1. 家庭对政治、智力和文化活动的兴趣有助于青春期男生同一感的建立,避免角色混乱导致行为问题的发生。

    Family members ' interests on politics , society , intelligence and culture are helpful to the establishment of adolescent boys ' identity , which can prevent from role confusion and behavioral problems .

  2. 当前村卫生室的角色混乱,与预设的角色定位存在分歧。

    Presently , the role of village clinics is chaotic and is different from the existed preinstall role localization .

  3. 许多父母现在正经历着自身的角色混乱和迷惘的过程。

    Then it concentrates its zoo-social behavior and sexual behavior on animals of the same kind as its mother . Many parents are themselves presently experiencing confusion and doubt concerning their own roles .

  4. 自卑对中学生来说是一种重要的心理现象,因为初中阶段是儿童正式迈入青少年时期的一个阶段,这一阶段的主要任务是获得自我同一性,避免角色混乱。

    Self-abasement is a crucial psychological phenomenon of middle school students . Because the period of middle school is the time when children turn into juvenile , the primary task of this period is to obtain self-identity so as to prevent role-confusion .

  5. 我国对食盐实行政企合一的专营管理体制,企业既是行政主管部门,又是经营单位,导致其自身角色混乱,甚至经常错位,从而无法做到公平和效率的平衡。

    Because of monopoly management system , enterprise is not only the administrative department , but also a business unit , it often leads the roles of enterprises in a confused situation , so enterprises can not make a balance between fairness and efficiency .

  6. 在研究网络对人的发展所起的促进作用的同时,不可忽略的是这种生存方式对心理发展的负面影响:(1)造成角色的混乱;

    In spite of the positive influence , we should not ignore the negative effects on the psychological development of people caused by the network : disorder of the roles ;

  7. 专业发展机会缺乏、待遇低下以及工作中领导的态度和自我角色的混乱和冲突是导致幼儿教师职业倦怠的重要因素;

    Loss of professional development opportunity , low salary , attitude of superiors during the work , and self role conflict and confusion are all major factors which cause preschool teachers ' professional listless ;

  8. 周三,两位白宫竞选对手纷纷表示要承担起解决经济乱局的领导角色。经济混乱给它们的竞选活动蒙上了一层阴影。

    The White House rivals maneuvered Wednesday to claim the leadership role in resolving the economic turmoil that has overshadowed their campaign .

  9. 产生负面影响的原因在于角色扮演的混乱、违反规则的快感、网络成瘾的愉悦及自我迷失的无知。

    The causes lie in the confusion by role-play , the pleasant sensation by violating regulations , the pleasure by Internet addiction and ignorance by self-perplexity .

  10. 在这点上,批评奥巴马更有道理&依据是有关政府与企业角色的思路混乱,以及言不由衷。

    Here , it makes more sense to fault Mr Obama – for muddled thinking about the roles of government and business , and for rhetorical indecision .

  11. 改革给教师带来的混乱主要是角色和关系的混乱,因此从这两个方面着手是帮助教师找到清晰的好方法,本文从明晰管理职责和关系,确立新的评判标准和打破机构壁垒展开讨论。

    The confusion caused by revolution is particularly between the roles and relationships , so this will be an efficiently way to find a clearance from these two sides . This paper will discuss a new criterion and break the organization barriers from clear the responsibility and relationships .