
  1. Klaus马上就要出现在现代的神秘瀑布镇上了,他的到来势必给我们所喜爱的角色们带来毁灭性的打击。

    Klaus is making his way toward present-day Mystic Falls , and his arrival will wreak havoc for all of our favorite characters .

  2. 是的,老伙计们又回来了,至少是那些活过了《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》(HarryPotterandtheDeathlyHallows)的角色们。该剧的第一幕就是小说的最后一幕,也使用了不少同样的对话。

    And yes , the old gang is back , or at least the members of it who survived Ms. Rowling 's final Potter novel , " Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows . " The first scene of the play is identical to the last one in that novel , and uses much of the same dialogue .

  3. 当角色们说了一件事情。

    While the characters said one thing .

  4. 请像布雷特·巴特勒和安格斯·桑普森这样的大咖来给小角色们增色。

    Casting great actors like Brett Butler and Angus Sampson to give small parts an extra kick .

  5. 一切进展得都如此自然,就像角色们都身处一个永恒的现在。

    Everything seems to flow naturally , as if the characters are in an * eternal present .

  6. 主角在故事中的发展很重要,所以我要赋予角色们深刻的思想。

    Character development is really important so I need to give the characters themselves some serious thought .

  7. 但当人们提到小说,会认为角色们都是作者想象出来的。

    But when people think fiction , they may assume the characters come from the author 's imagination .

  8. 卡尔弗特喜欢玩家们在学习英语的过程中游戏中的女孩和男孩角色们扩大的吸引力。

    Calvert likes how the game has girl and boy characters to broaden the appeal while the players are learning English .

  9. 这些次要的探索与传奇命运互相连结,而角色们则能够从它们当中分配到一个或者更多。

    The minor quests are tied to epic destinies , and one or more of them can be distributed among the characters .

  10. 不像在一部800页的小说里那样,8个半小时的时间不足以使得小角色们占领中心舞台。

    And eight-and-a-half hours is not enough time for all the minor characters to occupy center stage as they can in a800-page novel .

  11. 关于新的联盟,还有在舰队及不在舰队里的角色们的联盟破裂。

    RM : It 's about new alliances and broken alliances among the panoply of our characters within the rag tag fleet and without .

  12. 当创建这些辅助的交流工具时,一定要记住人物角色们是设计和决定的工具,他们并不是目的本身。

    When creating such communication aides , it 's important to remember that personas are design and decision-making tools , not an end in themselves .

  13. 这个部份提供了一系列的冒险连结,你可以利用它们让玩家的角色们卷进逐渐展开的事件当中。

    This section provides a serious of adventure hooks that you can use to involve the player characters in the events that are about to unfold .

  14. 这部小说通过许许多多的声音将一系列疲惫而又往往非常风趣的角色们的生活联系起来,而每一个声音都在力争更多的亮相时间。

    This novel relates , through multiple voices , each jostling for airtime , the lives of a frazzled and often very funny cast of characters .

  15. 在整个表演的过程中,舞台上会一直有一面大的幕布,向观众们播放着神秘的画面,也就是角色们所即将进入的梦幻场景。

    Large screens appear on the stage throughout the show that display imagery and clues to the audience about which fantasy characters are going to appear next .

  16. 《绯闻女孩》的角色们在戏中享受特权和奢侈的生活,但是在荧幕外,有一位演员已经彻底失去了这些。

    The characters on Gossip Girl may have lived lives of privilege and luxury , but off-screen , one of the show 's stars has lost it all .

  17. 如果电视剧中的角色们在行动前能停下来好好想想或者是心里默数到10,很多悲剧就都不会发生了。

    So much misery could be avoided on soaps if only they stopped themselves for a moment , took a breath , and counted to ten before taking action , good or bad .

  18. 你将会贴近游戏史上最受喜爱的角色们中的一些,几乎每个玩家都对他们有着多年的体验。

    You 'll be up close and personal with some of the most treasured units in gaming history ; units most every gamer already reveres and has had many years of experiences with .

  19. 但在韩国,角色们为爱作出牺牲,故事情节也更贴近现实。这对大多数朝鲜人来说真是新鲜玩意儿。

    But across the border , characters are seen to make sacrifices for love , and often feature more relatable and realistic story lines , which is fresh and shocking to most North Koreans .

  20. 作为一位阅读过多部武侠小说的读者,王家卫说,在20世纪五、六十年代的连载武侠小说中,让角色们在故事情节中时隐时现、于章节内外游离是一种常见的文学写作手法。

    Mr. Wong , a reader of kung fu novels , said that characters drifting in and out of the storyline was a common literary device in serialized martial-arts stories of the 1950s and ' 60s . '

  21. 为今后的三部曲打造精彩的情节会很难,如何成功地把角色们带入电影宇宙也极具挑战,唐老大和他的家人在更大的世界中也不能只是反派的筹码。

    Topping the action in The Fate of the Furious will be difficult , and bringing the characters into a shared universe the right way would be even more challenging , as Dominic Toretto and his family must be more than pawns in a larger realm .

  22. 影片的最后,角色们得到的救赎也远比传统浪漫喜剧来得含蓄和保守——毕竟这是一部大卫•O•拉塞尔式的电影——结尾处的宽恕意味也表现地很低调。

    In the end , the redemption the characters achieve-this is , after all , a David O. Russell movie-is much more reserved and quiet than in a typical romantic comedy . The aura of forgiveness that permeates the ending is played out in a minor key .

  23. 通过展现角色人物们的成长历程,这部剧传达了这样一种核心思想:不管别人怎么想,做你自己就好。

    Through the maturation of these characters , the show imparts its central message : Be your own person , no matter what others think .

  24. 俄罗斯在这场战争中扮演了核心且至关重要的角色,历史学家们永远不应该遗忘这一点。

    Russia 's role was central and critical and this should never be forgotten by historians .

  25. 戴蒙德下月将接受传唤,届时,他将需就自己在此事中的角色向议员们作出解释。

    Mr Diamond will be summoned next month to appear before MPs to explain his role in the affair .

  26. 他们强调妇女在其中的重要角色,女人们靠一己之力从事编织的全过程,并且作者们还描述了,她们作为特殊技能的掌握者而拥有的特别地位。

    They stress the role of women who are alone to practice weaving and describe their special status as custodians of particular skills .

  27. 角色扮演者们对这个爱好最喜欢的方面就是:当他们换上独一无二的装扮时,他们就能摆脱平日的自我,无拘无束了。

    Cosplayers love this aspect of their hobby most : The freedom to escape their everyday selves when they put on their one-of-a-kind costumes .

  28. 他最出色的角色是导演们根据他的才华特征,建议他通过用反思的沉默与微妙的动作来反映人物矛盾的内心世界的结果。

    His most memorable ones are the result of working with directors attuned to his talent for suggesting the conflicted inner lives of his characters through introspective silences and subtle gestures .

  29. 不同于动画电影,游戏是要玩家们主动参与进去的,游戏的角色是玩家们在游戏中的一个身份的体现,所以要考虑进去更多的因素。

    Unlike animated movies , players take the initiative to get involved in the games , The role of games ' players as a manifestation , Therefore , more factors should be taken into account .

  30. 而与研究人员预期大相径庭的是,地域性比生物多样性在垃圾消耗方面扮演了更为重要的角色—昆虫们在街道中清理垃圾的量是公园的2至3倍。

    Contrary to their prediction , location played an even bigger role in garbage consumption than biodiversity did - insects gobbled up two to three times more food in the street medians than they did in the parks .