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shì shī
  • a rally to pledge resolution before going to war;take a mass pledge
誓师 [shì shī]
  • (1) [a rally to pledge resolution before going to war]∶出征前统帅向战士宣布作战意义,表示决心

  • (武王)躬擐甲胄,以伐无道而讨不义,誓师 牧野,以践天子之位。--《淮南子.要略》

  • (2) [take a mass pledge]∶泛指群众集会庄严地表示决心

  • 誓师大会

誓师[shì shī]
  1. 民主党昨天在国会山召开了竞选誓师大会。

    The Democrats held a pep rally on Capitol Hill yesterday .

  2. 参加北京远南运动会的日本代表团举行誓师大会

    The Japanese delegation participating in the Beijing Far South Sports Meet holds swearing in ceremony

  3. 夏启在军中誓师,是为了使军队事先有思想准备。

    The rulers of Xia Dynasty administer their oaths in the army for they want their people to be mentally prepared .

  4. 周武王在两军将要交锋的时候誓师,是为了激励士卒的战斗意志。

    King Wu of Zhou Dynasty made the oath just before the two armies clash , in order to stimulate the people 's will to fight .

  5. 1917年孙中山在广州组织护法军政府,当选为海陆军大元帅,誓师北伐。

    Sun Yat-sen in Guangzhou in1917 , law-enforcement organizations , the military government , was elected generalissimo naval and ground forces , pledging the Northern Expedition .

  6. 商汤在军门之外誓师,是为了使军队事先了解他的意图以便行动。

    The rulers of Shang Dynasty swore their oaths outside the gate to encampment for they wanted the people to understand the intentions first before going into battle .

  7. 军事上,国家的兼并和扩张战争为教会提供新的传教地区;教会的礼仪为国家提供誓师的形式,教会要负担国家的军事义务。

    In military , the annexed and expanded war provided new territories to be Christianized . The ceremony and propriety of church provided oath-taking forms for state . Church afforded military service .

  8. 女真完颜部首领完颜阿骨打,在统一了女真各部后,于辽天庆四年(1114)九月,率部誓师于涞流河(今黑龙江与吉林省间拉林河)畔,向辽朝的契丹统治者宣战。

    In the 4th year of Tianqing ( 1114 ) , Wanyan Aguda , the leader of the Nuzhens , performed a ritual with his armies on the bank of the Lailiu River ( present-day Jianlalin River between Heilongjiang and Jilin ) and declared war on the Liao .