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  • computer virus
  1. 何谓计算机病毒?

    What is a computer virus ?

  2. 计算机病毒是危极计算机系统安全与完整的一种威胁。

    A computer virus is one kind of threat to the security and integrity of computer systems .

  3. 计算机病毒在系统崩溃后往往依然存在。

    Viruses tend to be good at surviving when a computer system crashes .

  4. 计算机病毒的基本组成部分是这样一组指令,

    The essential component of a virus is a set of instructions which

  5. 象其它威胁一样的是,计算机病毒可以引起程序或数据的丢失或改变。

    Like other threats , a computer virus can cause the loss or alteration of programs or data .

  6. 与很多其它威胁不同的是,计算机病毒可以在没有人的直接干预下,从一个程序传播到另一个程序,从一个系统传播到另一个系统。

    Unlike many other threats , a computer virus can be spread from program to program and from system to system without direct human intervention .

  7. Windows环境下计算机病毒的分析与研究

    A Study and Analysis of Computer Viruses Which Is Based on Windows

  8. 方法应用多Agent技术与生物免疫系统原理相结合的方法设计计算机病毒检测模型。

    Methods The way used to design computer virus detecting model are multi-Agent technique and vertebrate immune system principle .

  9. 随着Internet的迅猛发展和广泛应用,计算机病毒及黑客的破坏活动也随之猖獗,网络的信息安全问题已显得日益突出。

    With the rapid development of Internet and the comprehensive application , the virus and the hacker 's destruct is also rampant .

  10. 另外,本文给出了和计算机病毒有关的脚本语言和PE格式文件的一些知识。

    In addition , it shows some script language and PE file type of computer virus etc.

  11. 首先改进了原始的K最近邻检测方法,使其更适合于对计算机病毒进行预测。

    First improved the primal K-nearest neighbor algorithm , which can make it more suitable for computer virus detection .

  12. 基于Multi-agent的计算机病毒免疫系统

    Computer Virus Immune System Based on Multi-agent

  13. 然后本文又将其与多agent技术相结合,构建了基于免疫的多agent计算机病毒免疫系统和基于免疫的多agent入侵检测系统。

    This paper integrates the technology of artificial immune system and multi-agent . builds an agent architecture computer virus immune system ( CVIS ) and an agent architecture intrusion detection system .

  14. 目前IM安全方面的研究主要是针对计算机病毒传播的研究,如:IM系统中蠕虫病毒传播研究等。

    At present , the safety research for IM system is mainly on computer virus such as IM worm propagation research .

  15. 随着信息化程度,Internet开放性以及信息高速公路运营能力的提高,计算机病毒的传播能力和破坏能力也是以惊人的速度增长。

    Along with the enhancement of the informationization level , Internet openness and information highway operation ability , the propagation ability and destructive power of computer virus are also growing at an alarming rate .

  16. 以往针对IM系统的安全性研究大多是针对计算机病毒方面的研究,关于消息传播方面的研究基本上都是定性的论述。

    In the past , the studies on IM system security have focused on computer viruses , and researches on information dissemination are basically qualitative discussion .

  17. 一种基于PXE技术的计算机病毒防护方法

    Method on Computer Virus Protection Based on PXE Technique

  18. 计算机病毒描述语言VDL

    Description Language VDL for Computer Viruses

  19. 将生物免疫原理与Multi-agent技术相结合,构建了基于Multi-agent的计算机病毒免疫系统(MACVIS)。

    This paper builds a computer virus immune system based on multi-agent ( MACVIS ) through integrating the principle of biological immune system with the technology of multi-agent .

  20. 重点介绍了利用计算机病毒的TEMPEST攻击实验,以及在专业无反射屏蔽实验室,对演示计算机产生的泄漏发射信息所做的重建实验。

    Especially , we present the attack experiment with the computer virus and complete the information reconstruction of compromising emanation experiment in professional non-reflection Shielded Enclosures laboratory .

  21. 非常抱歉,我将课堂资料晚发了,要知道现在在FLI,计算机病毒对我们来说是个大问题。

    As you know , computer viruses and problems have been a major issue for us here at the FLI for a while now .

  22. 0A0C计算机病毒的分析、诊断与清除

    Analysis , diagnosis and removal of the computer virus named ″ 0a0c ″

  23. 用ms-dos6.2的doublespace功能防范计算机病毒。

    Protecting computer from viruses with doublespace of ms-dos6.2 .

  24. 结合计算机病毒的原型,对Symbian手机病毒的原型给予研究与设计,并对病毒原型的破坏性与传播性进行了详细的介绍与分析。

    According to the prototype of computer virus , we research and design the prototype of mobile virus basing on Symbian , introduce and analyze the destroying and transmitting of the prototype .

  25. 本文对WIN-T的计算机病毒对抗也做了分析研究。

    Finally this thesis has done the analysis research to the WIN-T computer virus countermeasures .

  26. 生物免疫系统成功防御生物病毒的例子启发我们构建计算机病毒免疫系统(CVIS)。

    The successful defense of biological immune system against biological viruses show us a good example to build computer virus immune system ( CVIS ) .

  27. 加州圣巴巴拉大学(UCSB)的计算机病毒科学家们近日就他们对僵尸网络的研究结果发布了一篇研究报告。

    Researchers at the University of California Santa Barbara have published a paper ( PDF ) detailing their findings after hijacking a botnet for ten days earlier this year .

  28. 报告列出了利用计算机病毒使位于RasLanouf海岸的石油精炼厂停工的方法。这种病毒类似于去年导致伊朗铀浓缩机系统崩溃的Stuxnet蠕虫。

    The study outlined ways to disable the coastal refinery at Ras Lanouf using a computer virus similar to the Stuxnet worm that led to a breakdown in Iran 's enrichment program late last year .

  29. 从出现至今,Rootkit技术发展非常迅速,应用越来越广泛,现在更是被入侵者当作计算机病毒和木马程序开发的利器,而视窗操作系统无可避免地成为入侵者的目标。

    From the emergence of so far , Rootkit techniques development very quickly , applications become more and more extensive , now more is an intruder as computer viruses and Trojan horses , developing a sharp object , and Windows operating system will inevitably become an intruder .

  30. 单位用户计算机病毒的防治措施及策略

    Measures to prevent and control computer virus for work unit users