
  • 网络algorithm;computer algorithm
  1. 正序电压滤过的计算机算法研究

    Algorithm Researches on the Positive - Sequence Voltage Filter

  2. 有限域GF(p)中逆运算的计算机算法

    A Computer Algorithm for the Computation of Inverse in Finite Field

  3. 基于DEM的洪水淹没计算机算法优化研究

    Optimization study on Algorithm of flood submergence based on DEM

  4. CAD利用专业的计算机算法分析医学影像,发现并检出病变部位,帮助放射科医生提高病灶检出率,被称为放射科医生的第二双眼睛。

    CAD implements professional computer algorithm to analyze medical image . Lesions could be detected to help radiologists improve detection rate .

  5. 本文提供一种求m序列优选对及其构成平衡Gold码的计算机算法。

    This paper provides an algorithm for the realization of optimum m-sequence pairs and balanced Gold codes with the help of a computer .

  6. 描述了有限域GF(p)中元素的逆的快速计算机算法,并给出了一个求逆的具体计算实例。

    A computer algorithm for the computation of inverse in finite field GF ( p ) is given .

  7. K阶常系数线性递归数列的通项公式与通项的计算机算法

    The general term formula of order k constant cofficient linear recursive sequence of number and the computer algorithm of the general term

  8. 计算机算法(Java语言和其他语言的算法)的第二个限制是它基于二进制而不是十进制。

    The second limitation of computer arithmetic ( the Java language 's and others ' ) is that it 's based on binary rather than decimal .

  9. 用Mason公式化简信号流图的计算机算法

    A computational method of using Mason formula to simplify the signal flow graph

  10. 基于无约束最优化理论解析溶液自由基EPR波谱的计算机算法

    An algorithm for analyzing EPR spectra of solution free radical based on unconstrained optimization theory

  11. 经典Ramsey数下界的计算机算法

    The algorithm for lower bounds of classic Ramsey number

  12. Fe-Ni合金超精细场分布的计算机算法

    Algorithm for determining the hyperfine field distribution of Fe-Ni alloys

  13. WCO-32型第二代红外线轴温探测系统热轴判别标准的计算机算法

    Computer-Based Algorithm for WCO-32 Model Second Generation infrared Hot-Box Detector Alarm Decision

  14. 本文对MGIS中的空间分析理论与应用作了研究,主要立足于数学模型与计算机算法,通过分析与建模,目的是在战场空间数据基础上,重点解决机动和侦察问题。

    In this paper , the spatial analysis theory and applications mainly based on mathematical models and computer algorithms in MGIS is researched .

  15. 为了避免在故障计算中重复计算全网阻抗矩阵元素,介绍了一种规范的计算机算法,对算法的核心部分,即故障描述矩阵Yf进行了分析。

    In order to avoid calculating the impedance matrix elements of the whole network repeatedly , a canonical computer algorithm suiting for various complicated fault is introduced in this paper .

  16. 表格作业法用于最佳运输问题&计算机算法及实例

    Optimum Freight Transportation Problem by the Table Operation Method-algorithm and examples

  17. 本文给出绘制等值线图的一种计算机算法。

    This paper describes an computer algorithm for contour map plotting .

  18. 复杂穆斯堡尔谱超精细场分布函数的计算机算法

    Computer algorithm for hyperfine field distribution function of complex Mossbauer spectrum

  19. 工程图剖面线的实用计算机算法研究

    Research on the Computer Algorithm for Drawing Section-Lines in Engineering Graphics

  20. 沥青拌和机烘干筒传热理论与计算机算法

    The Heat Transmission Theory of Asphalt Mixer and the Computer Calculating

  21. 城市公交网络出行路径选择的计算机算法研究

    Computer Algorithm of Route Choice of Trip in Urban Transit Network

  22. 发电系统风险常数M值的计算机算法

    A Computer Algorithm Calculating the Risk Constant M of Generation Systems

  23. 处理非线性问题修正迭代法的计算机算法

    The Computer Method on Modified Iteration Method for Non-linear Problem

  24. 《计算机算法设计与分析》教学经验浅谈

    Experience of Teaching " Computer Algorithm Design and Analysis "

  25. 同轴度误差的解析评定与几种计算机算法

    The Analytical Evaluation of Coaxality Error and Some Algorithms with a Computer

  26. 电力设计中短路电流的计算机算法

    Short-Circuit Currents Calculation Method with Computer for Electric Power Design

  27. 计算机算法设计与分析是计算机科学的一门核心课程。

    Computer algorithm design and analysis is the core of computer science .

  28. 事故树的一种数据结构及其计算机算法

    A Data Structure and a Computer Algorithm of Accident Trees

  29. 计算机算法的信息执行回收与程序的效率

    The loopback of computer algorithmic information research and efficiency of running program

  30. 替代节点法分析电路的计算机算法

    The Computer Calculation of Substitute Node Method for Circuit Analysis