
  • 网络BEST COLLABORATION;Best Group;best-of-breed;Group;best of breed
  1. 其中,她与丈夫Jay-Z合作的《DrunkinLove》分别入围了年度最佳录影带和最佳组合两个奖项。

    Among them , she and her husband Jay-z 's cooperation Drunk in Love got a finalist GetWord (" finalist "); for The Best Video of the year and The Best Collaboration respectively .

  2. 前者利用神经网络具有的非线性逼近能力,通过对系统性能指标的学习来实现PID控制参数的最佳组合;

    The first scheme uses the nonlinear mapping ability of neural network to realizes the best parameters combination of PID .

  3. 在利润率R0下的最佳组合证券投资比例系数的计算方法债券投资中单复利比较与应用

    Vestment of the Best Combination under the Interest RateR_0 Comparison between Simple Interest and Compound Interest and its Application in Bonds Investment

  4. 在众多的栽培因素中,其群体质量与N肥施用属主要作用因子,寻求二者的最佳组合数值,是实现超高产的关键。

    The key of realizing it is to seek the best combination of mass quality and applied nitrogen fertilizer which are main factors in many culture ones .

  5. 以不带叶茎段和成熟胚为外植体,在上述两种最佳组合中添加不同浓度的活性炭、VC和水解酪蛋白。

    We choose mature embryo and stem without blades as explant , adding some active carbon , vitamin C or acid hydrolyzed casein .

  6. 在对复合膜的金属粒子体积分数f、厚度d进行多次组合实验后,取得了制备最佳组合膜系的溅射工艺参数。

    Through repeated experiments for varying the volume fraction of metallic particles f and thickness d of composite film , the optimum sputtering parameters were obtained .

  7. 本文将介绍一种最佳组合的方法,面向服务的统一过程或SOUP,用于开展构建工作并随后进行持续优化。

    This article introduces a best-of-breed hybrid methodology , the Service-Oriented Unified Process , or SOUP , to build and then continually optimize .

  8. 由于神经网格所具有的任意非线性表达能力,可以通过对系统性能的学习来实现具有最佳组合的PID控制。

    Possessing the arbitrary nonlinear expressiveness , the neural network can help to realize the PID control with the best combinations by means of the understanding of the system performance .

  9. 培养基最佳组合为淀粉30g/L、蛋白胨35g/L和酵母膏3g/L。添加硝酸钠有利于MTG的积累,酶活比对照提高了31%。

    MTG activity is improved by 31 % by adding sodium nitrate .

  10. 利用ANSYS有限元分析以及实验找到了三个主要参数对于压电式电-气转换器固有频率的影响趋势,得到了三个参数的最佳组合。

    According to the ANSYS finite element analysis and experiment , the influencing tendency of the three main factors has been got , along with the best parameters collocation .

  11. 方法通过单因子实验,分别考察碳源、氮源、有机成分对HBsAg转基因人参细胞生长和HBsAg表达量的影响,并通过不同组合实验,探索氮源浓度、有机成分和起始pH的最佳组合。

    Methods Observe the growth of HBsAg-transgenic ginseng cells and expression of HBsAg in media with various carbon sources , nitrogen sources and organic components at various starting pH values .

  12. 通过实现这两个过程的最佳组合,您可以依靠一个统一的开发模式来进行相关工作,此模式可提供足够的灵活性,以便对SOA生命周期的不同阶段进行管理。

    By combining the best qualities of these two processes , you can rely on a unified development scheme that provides the flexibility to manage the different stages of a SOA life cycle .

  13. 最佳组合为温度35℃,pH值10.5,添加酶量为3%(V/V)。最佳组合能降低糖蜜粘度50%以上。

    The best array is the temperature of 35 ℃, the pH of 10.5 , the amount of enzyme of 3 percent ( V / V ) . This array can decreases over 50 % of the molasses viscosity .

  14. LiteScape会继续使用他们最佳组合的技术。

    LiteScape will continue their use of best of breed technologies .

  15. 结果显示:最佳组合的指标体系是灵敏性、30m冲刺、任务定向、1对1预见性。

    The result showed that optimal combination of index system was agility , 30 m sprint running , task orientation and one to one anticipation .

  16. Graphviz及其处理定向和无向图的过滤器,以及Perl强大的文本处理能力是实现可视化的最佳组合。

    Graphviz , and its associated directed and undirected filters along with the text-processing power of Perl are a great combination for visualization creation .

  17. 结果,以重铬酸钾洗液浸泡1h、250℃干热作用2h的最佳组合,去内毒素效果最好。

    Results : The best combination of immersion in potassium bichromate solution for 1 h and exposure to 250 ℃ dry heat for 2 h had the best efficacy in removing endotoxin .

  18. 经优选其添加剂的最佳组合浓度碘为304.33mg/kg,锌为600.20mg/kg。该组合不仅能增产,而且还可获取较高的碘、锌富集量。

    The optimum combining concentration of Iodine and Zinc additive should be 304.33mg/kg of Iodine and 600.20mg/kg of Zinc , The combination not only increases the yield of pleurotus , but also gets higher enrichment quantity iodine and zinc than other treatments .

  19. 在一定的温度和通气条件下,影响醋酸发酵的主要因素为酒精含量、起始pH值和接种量,其最佳组合为酒精含量9%,起始pH值3.4,接种量12%。

    Under the conditions of certain temperature and aeration , the main factors affecting acetic acid fermentation were alcohol content , original pH value and inoculation quantity , and the optimal combination was : 9 % alcohol content , pH 3.4 and 12 % inoculation quantity .

  20. 70~80年代计算机主要用于压力的分析与测量,机械的振动与稳定性分析.并用计算机完成ZnO阀片的选片及串联单柱的组合,达到了满足实际应用要求的最佳组合效果。

    Since the turn of the 70s and 80s computer methods have been applied in measurements and analyses of stresses , vibroacoustics and stability of machinery . The computer methods of selecting elements and carrying out single column combination are highly effective .

  21. 通过正交试验,确定了该饮料的最佳组合方案为A4B1C2D4E2。

    Best of all combination was found to A4B1C2D4E2 by the orthogonal experiment .

  22. 建立了磁光盘泪滴状记录区域的读出模型和COS均衡处理的数学模型,讨论记录区域参数对读出波形的影响及均衡器参数的最佳组合。

    A simple mathematical model of readout process and COS equalization is built in this paper , to study the influence of teardrop shaped domain 's dimension to the readout waveform and the optimal combination of equalizer 's parameters .

  23. 结果三种天然药物对Hp甲硝唑耐药株的最佳组合方案为:臭灵丹(MIC90,77.9mg/ml),石榴皮(MIC90131.1mg/ml),蒲公英(MIC75117.27mg/ml)。

    Results The best combination scheme of the three Natural Chinese herbs on H.Pylori metronidazole resistant strains was Laggera pterodonta ( MIC90 , 77.9 mg / ml ), Pomegranate Rind ( MIC90 , 131.1 mg / ml ), Taraxacum mongolicum ( MIC75, 117.27 mg / ml ) .

  24. [目的]研究环磷酰胺(Cyclophosphamide,CP)诱导小鼠骨髓细胞微核的影响因素,确定其在经口试验中作为阳性对照使用最佳组合。

    [ Objective ] To study the influential factors of inducing micronucleus ( MN ) frequency of mouse bone marrow by cyclophosphamide ( CP ), and decide the best combination of factors in orally for CP as positive control agent in MN test .

  25. 以无侧限抗压强度和试样成本为考核指标,得出水泥土试样在28d和90d时水泥掺入比、添加剂掺入比和水灰比的最佳组合,为实际工程提供有价值的参考。

    The optimum combination of cement-mixing ratio , additive-mixing ratio and water-cement ratio is obtained according to the unconfined compression strength and sample cost , and can act as a valuable reference for practical projects .

  26. 探索在体外单层培养条件下,生长因子转化生长因子(TGF-β1)、胰岛素样因子(IGF-I)和骨形态发生蛋白(BMP-2)诱导MSCs向软骨细胞分化的最佳组合。

    Describing their biological characteristics , and exploring the optimal combination of growth factors , including transforming growth factor - β 1 ( TGF - β 1 ), insulin-like growth factor-I ( IGF-I ) and bone morphogenetic protein ( BMP-2 ), for inducing chondrogenesis of MSCs in vitro monolayer culture .

  27. 结果表明,质量分数为0.12%的分子蒸馏单甘酯和0.16%蔗糖酯S-13与质量分数为0.24%的CMC-Na和0.02%的黄原胶为芝麻奶稳定剂的最佳组合。

    The result show that the combination of 0.12 % glycerol monostearate , 0.16 % sucrose ester of fatty acid , 0.24 % CMC-Na and 0.02 % xanthan gum was the best stabilizer for the sesame milk .

  28. 本文选择了前10种最佳组合。

    The 10 best ranking combinations are listed in the paper .

  29. 评价输入、输出最佳组合的非参数方法

    Nonparametric Approach for Evaluating the Best Combination fo Inputs , Outputs

  30. 惯性式谷物气流清选装置工作参数的最佳组合

    The optimum combination of parameters of inertial grain cleaning by air flow