
  • 网络End user development;End-User Development;EUD
  1. 此款工具旨在向Web最终用户提供开发Web应用程序的能力,他们不必掌握复杂的编程技能就能进行开发。

    It is intended to provide Web end-users the ability to develop Web applications without their having to master complex programming skills .

  2. 其他的反向Ajax框架并不提供任何事件驱动机制,这迫使最终用户必须开发自己的定制解决方案。

    Other Reverse Ajax frameworks don 't provide any event-driven mechanisms , forcing end users to develop their own custom solution .

  3. 第三是数据源到目标的映射,因为人们,包括最终用户和开发人员,想知道数据从那里来。

    Third would be the source-to-target mappings because people , including both end users and developers , want to know where the data comes from .

  4. 该公司密切合作,最终用户和开发项目经理和现场解决方案的可持续能力对这些不断变化的威胁。

    The company operates in close collaboration with end users and program managers to develop and field solutions for sustainable capability against these evolving threats .

  5. 本文前面讨论的模式是环境的一个有机部分,可以让最终用户和开发人员认识到这些内在好处。

    The patterns that we discussed earlier in the article are a natural part of the environment , making it easy for both end users and developers to realize the inherent benefits .

  6. 我们的下一步动作是成为针对最终用户的BPM开发Studio(同时涵盖非技术用户配置和技术用户配置)。

    Our next move is going to be the development of a BPM Studio for end users ( covering both non-technical and technical profiles ) .

  7. 从最终用户、应用开发人员、系统管理员、对象系统的实施者等不同角度,给出了体系结构的不同视图。

    From the different views of the users , developers and administrators , we give the different view of the architecture .

  8. WEBService不是面向最终用户,而是面向开发人员的,需要开发人员进行二次开发。

    Web Service can 't be used by end user without further development of developer .

  9. 计算机系统的最后的、本的使用着。最终用户是在产品开发完善和投入市场后的个体使用着。

    The final or ultimate user of a computer system . The end user is the individual who uses the product after it has been fully developed and marketed .

  10. 该集成开发环境是面向最终用户,是对面向最终用户软件开发方法的实践。

    The integrated development environment are oriented end-users , are end-user-oriented software development methods in practice .