
  • 网络End Cost;total end cost;Final costing
  1. 索赔是一项业务性很强、根基工作很细的工作,索赔的成功与否直接影响到工程项目标工期和最终成本。

    Claim is that a business be very strong , foundation work very thin of work , claim of success or not direct influence arrive engineering item of work period and end cost .

  2. 大规模发行所需的广告宣传会增加一部电影的最终成本。

    The promotion of a big release can inflate a film 's final cost

  3. 运用矩阵变换理论,研究ABC系统实施过程中为减少系统复杂性所进行的成本动因合并和最终成本动因个数的确定问题。

    Using matrix transformation theory , this paper discusses cost drivers combination and the number of cost drivers in implementing ABC system .

  4. 此外,据调研公司Tin&TantalumSupplyChainInitiative的凯•尼莫称,美国的多德-弗兰克法案要求供应商记录金属的产地,将导致其最终成本上升多达2%。

    Plus , Dodd-Frank legislation requires suppliers to document where their metals come from , adding as much as 2 % to the final cost , says Kay Nimmo of the tin & tantalum supply chain initiative .

  5. 对一支ETF基金进行大量交易,通常会缩小基金份额价差,从而降低散户投资者的最终成本。

    A lot of trading in an ETF tends to narrow the spreads at which its shares are offered and thus lower the ultimate costs for individuals .

  6. 诚然,最终成本可能高出估值。

    True , costs are likely to end up higher .

  7. 消除这些根源的最终成本是否比继续对表现症状进行管理的成本低?

    Will removing the cause ultimately cost less than continuing to manage the symptom ?

  8. 以费用为导向的建设项目计划和控制,侧重包含在最终成本估算内的成本项次。

    Expense oriented construction planning and control focuses upon the categories included in the final cost estimation .

  9. 通过最终成本计算结果,决策者可以根据具体工程实际选取适合本工程的维护维修方案,并为维护管理概预算提供依据。

    By the cost result , the decision-makers can select specific maintenance and repair plan for their own project .

  10. 公共债务方面的一线成本很高,但纳税人承担的最终成本不需要很高。

    The upfront cost in terms of public debt is high but the ultimate cost to taxpayers need not be .

  11. 至于房产抵押危机解决方案的最终成本赔偿金和法律费用的具体数字,目前大家只能猜测。

    The ultimate cost of the mortgage crisis in terms of settlements , awardsand legal fees can only be guessed at .

  12. 变更和索赔的成功管理直接影响到工程项目的工期和最终成本。

    The successful management in modification and claim has a direct influence on the time limit and ultimate costs for a project .

  13. 不同情况下运营、车辆、维修和维护、能耗及营销的最终成本。

    Final costs of operating , rolling stocks , repair and maintenance , energy and marketing on the basis of different scenarios .

  14. 最后,激光切割是一系列过程,孔数增加,制作的时间增加,影响钢网最终成本。

    Finally , laser cutting is a serial process , so time-to-manufacture increases as aperture count does , impacting the stencil 's final cost .

  15. 保尔森在福克斯电视台星期天新闻节目上说,这个计划的最终成本可能会比初期支付的经费要少。

    Speaking on Fox News Sunday , Paulson said the plan 's ultimate cost will likely be less than the initial outlay of funds .

  16. 清洁和重建工作没有截止日期,但朱预计最终成本将达到大约25亿美元。

    There is no deadline for finishing the cleanup and restoration work , but Zhu estimates that the final cost will reach about $ 2.5 billion .

  17. 他认为,尽管为印度农村教师开发工具的前期成本很高,但该计划的最终成本将低于向全国派遣眼科专家队伍。

    He believes that despite the initial cost of creating the toolkits for teachers across rural India , the scheme will ultimately cost less than sending teams of ophthalmologists across the country .

  18. 导致最终成本动因个数小于系数矩阵秩的合并必然损失产品作业成本的精确性。

    The accuracy of the product activity cost will certainly decrease in the combination after which the amount of the final cost drivers is smaller than the rank of the coefficient matrix .

  19. 苏瑟称:壳牌公司不能确定这项高科技方案的最终成本会是多少、接受度如何,不过在试点计划中的开销不算大。

    Shell is uncertain of how much the high-tech initiative will ultimately cost or how the devices will be received , although the pilot program is not a major expense , Susse said .

  20. 该方法为设计人员提供了成本方面的决策依据,达到了产品最终成本的有效控制,在产品装配成本的估算中是正确和有效的。

    The result shows that the ANN model is far better than the regression model in assembly cost estimation . This method can provide information about the product cost for the designer to control the cost effectively .

  21. 该模型对整体定制产品采用事例推理的方法,从事例库中检索最为相似的事例,对定制零件采用小波网络估算成本,然后对成本进行累加与调整,得到最终成本值。

    The model was based on the whole selected the most similar cases from the case database and a wavelet network was used to estimate the custom-made parts . Subsequently a final cost was modified according to accumulating adjusting formula .

  22. imf还对纾困计划的最终财政成本做了最新估算(见图表)。

    The IMF also provides new estimates of the ultimate fiscal costs of rescue efforts ( see chart ) .

  23. 对于那些正在考虑采用Flex平台的人来说,这次改动应该清除了最终的成本和许可障碍。

    This change should eliminate one of the final cost and licensing barriers for those considering adopting the Flex Platform .

  24. 上月在旧金山为美国医院协会(AmericanHospitalAssociation)做报告时,他主张建立响应能力更强、更以患者为中心的医疗体制,这反过来也将提高效率,并最终降低成本。

    In a presentation last month for the American Hospital Association in San Francisco , he argued the case for more responsive , patient-centred healthcare that would in turn be more efficient and end up costing less to provide .

  25. 通过SWOT分析,得出虽然产品比较简单,但只有我们更快的扩大生产量,开发多品种的蛋挞样式,最终降低成本,企业的获利能力也会得到进一步的提升,从而为企业进一步提升了市场竞争力。

    Through the SWOT analysis , the conclusion is that though the product is relatively simple , we can increase the profitability based on expanding the production capacity more quickly , developing more species of egg tart style , and ultimately reducing the costs .

  26. 件杂货运输中,由于不同货主的货物品种多、批量小,增加了货物装卸的难度和时间,并且出错率高,最终导致成本增加。

    In the general cargo transportation , It takes a long time to load and unload cargoes for the variety .

  27. 相反,危机与更大的产出损失有关,而且会增加紧急状况的最终财政成本。

    On the contrary , it is associated with greater output loss and increases the ultimate fiscal costs of a bailout .

  28. 把最终的成本估算转化成与组织的成本报告兼容的项目预算并不是一项简单的工作。

    Converting a final cost estimate into a project budget compatible with an organization 's cost accounts is not always a straightforward task .

  29. 但许多人的看法恰恰相反。他们认为,专利会延缓创新转化为产品和服务的过程,并增加它们最终的成本。

    But many others believe the opposite – that patents delay the translation of innovation into products and services and increase their eventual cost .

  30. 这无疑增加了劳务输出公司的成本,最终导致成本转嫁给劳务输出人员的现象。

    This will undoubtedly increase the cost of labor export company , which eventually led to the rising costs onto the phenomenon of export workers .