
tǎo lùn huì
  • seminar;discussion;symposium;conference;forum;powwow;imbizo
讨论会[tǎo lùn huì]
  1. 你参加了这次科学讨论会,有什么体会?

    What have you learned from the symposium ?

  2. 她在美国癌症研究协会SanAntonio乳腺癌专题讨论会上陈述了来自两项研究的发现。

    She presented findings from both studies at the American Association for Cancer Research San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium .

  3. 每门课程都包括10至12次每周一次的非正式讨论会。

    Each course comprises 10-12 informal weekly meetings

  4. 学生们想把讨论会推迟到下星期一下午进行。

    The students would like to defer their discussion until next Monday afternoon .

  5. 你的发言稍微偏离了我们讨论会的主题。

    Your talk is a little aside from the subject of our disussion .

  6. 他在讨论会上提出的几个问题都十分中肯。

    The questions he raised during the discussion were all very much to the point .

  7. 他们正在举行历史教学讨论会。

    They 're holding a forum on new ways of teaching history .

  8. 讨论会的气氛始终很热烈。

    The atmosphere was lively throughout the discussion .

  9. 参加讨论会的医生全体起立,热烈鼓掌。

    The doctor collectivity that attends colloquium stands up , applause ardently .

  10. 他不愿参加这个学术讨论会。

    He was not willing to attend the colloquium .

  11. b值模拟实验专题讨论会简况

    A symposium on the b-value simulative experiment

  12. GaAs、InP集成电路技术的发展&1992年IEEEGaAsIC讨论会评述

    Development of GaAs and InP IC Technology : A Common on ' 92 IEEE GaAs IC Symposium

  13. CSR上的介子物理讨论会日程

    Meson Physics at CSR

  14. 指南和网站将于今天晚些时候在商业罪案局(ICC)年度讨论会上公布。

    The guide and web portal will be launched at the ICC-Commercial Crime Services annual seminar in London later today .

  15. 丹佛电视台消息显示,正是的讨论会并没有开始,因为Holmes已经准备退学。

    According to a Denver TV station , a formal meeting never happened because Holmes had decided to drop out of school .

  16. 虽然您可以用Java语言编写此代码,但是Java的语法限制将会造成如此多的干扰,这将使您失去流畅化界面的优势,导致呈现出讨论会的情况。

    You could write this code in the Java language , but Java 's syntactic limitations would add so much noise that you would lose the benefits of the fluent interface , rendering the exercise moot .

  17. 2012年拱心石艾滋病毒疫苗的专题讨论会会议将侧重于基本的免疫学和HIV-1病毒学方面的突出问题,挑战该领域。

    The2012 Keystone Symposia meeting on HIV Vaccines will focus on basic aspects of immunology and HIV-1 virology to highlight issues that challenge the field .

  18. 此外,课堂讲座与在线讨论会和视频等将仔细分析如何在Twitter、商务社交网站LinkedIn和谷歌社交平台Google+上培养粉丝。

    Meanwhile , class lectures and online seminars and videos dissect how to cultivate a following on twitter , LinkedIn ( lnkd ) and Google + ( GOOG ) .

  19. 在周四召开的分析师季度讨论会上,将有机会听到微软首席财务长克里斯•里德尔(ChrisLiddell)的详细说明。

    Microsoft Chief Financial Officer Chris Liddell will have a chance to give details during the company 's quarterly earnings call with analysts Thursday .

  20. RWASE是一次单日讨论会,主题是从敏捷的角度来研究软件工程。

    RWASE is a one-day workshop that is focused on the research of the Agile perspective of software engineering .

  21. 此次讨论会选址于达拉谟大学考林伍德学院中的Dales套房,发起者们希望能探讨出一条引领大家通往新的实证研究的道路,同时也将在会议中表达各自的观点、聆听他人的想法。

    It 's being held at the Dales Suite , Collingwood College , Durham University and organisers are looking for leads to new empirical studies , as well as giving their own opinions and hearing others .

  22. 这次题为“比迪烟工人与政府政策”的讨论会,由研究与发展集体组织,在该市CIRDAP的礼堂举行。

    The discussion titled " Bidi Worker and Government Policy " was organised by Research and Development Collective ( RDC ) at CIRDAP auditorium in the city .

  23. 地球物理韵律现象学术讨论会

    First Symposium on rhythm in geophysical phenomena in dunhuang , 1986

  24. 15号上午有讨论会。

    There 'll be a discussion on the morning of the15th .

  25. 第四届全国杀虫微生物学术讨论会概况

    4th Nation Colloquium on the Microbial Control of Insect , Wuhan

  26. 中国白菜国际学术讨论会论文综述

    A review of papers discussed at the international Chinese cabbage Symposium

  27. 科学与技术促进环保与发展泛非专题讨论会

    Pan-African Symposium on Science and Technology for the Environment and Development

  28. 公营部门制造企业财政问题讨论会

    Seminar on financial aspects of manufacturing enterprises in the public sector

  29. 全国玻璃钢工业发展讨论会会议纪要

    The summary of the Symposium of the national FRP Industry Development

  30. 资本主义发展历史进程的哲学思考试论村镇建设的新阶段&为迎接中国建筑学会村镇建设学术讨论会而作

    On the Development of Capitalist Society New Stage in Rural Development