
  1. 或许雷华斯将变成杀手们的游乐场。

    Maybe Juarez will now be a play ground for killers .

  2. 拿伯对亚哈说,耶和华绝不许我将祖先的产业给你!

    And Naboth said to ahab , Jehovah forbid that I give the inheritance of my fathers to you !

  3. 在英国,35%增长率的日子或许行将结束,因此,为了利用规模经济,我们不得不着眼更远的地方。

    Perhaps the days of 35 per cent growth in the UK are coming to an end so , to use economies of scale , we have to look further afield .

  4. 这通常是一件好事,因为它充许您将问题分成几部分,但是当您对父类进行变更时,它会产生不好的影响。

    Often this is a good thing because it allows you to isolate parts of the problem , but it also has downstream consequences when you make changes to the parent class .

  5. 阿尼本不愿与赫五力为敌,但为了保护心上人许,他决定将赫五力挡在尼密阿大森林外。

    Nemean refused to fight with Hercules but to protect his beloved , Nemean decided to beat Hercules .

  6. 没有人敢无视自己母亲的建议,爱丽找出并点亮了蜡烛,然后许下祝福,将圣烛台放在了窗台上,用晚上剩余的时间在她自己的房间内学习。

    Never one to ignore her mother 's advice , Ellie dug up the candles , lit them , said the blessings , placed the menorah on her window sill and spent the rest of the evening in her room studying .

  7. 受许人可能从许可人那里学到一切能学的东西,当许可协议到期时,受许人自己将独立继续经营。

    A licensee may learn all it can from the producer and then proceeds independently when the licensing agreement expires .