  • Litigation;dispute;argue;bring a case to court
  • 在法庭上争辨是非曲直,打官司:~事。~案。~词。

  • 争辨是非:争~。聚~纷纭。

  • 自责:自~。

  • 古同“颂”,颂扬。


(打官司) bring a case to court:

  • 诉讼



(争辩是非) dispute; argue:

  • 聚讼纷纭

    a confused scene of people arguing among themselves

  1. 社团对其成员的处罚是否具有法律效力?法院是否应该受理这类争讼?这些问题都需要理论加以厘清。

    Is it having legal effect ? Does the court should accept this kind of dispute ? These problems are needed to clarify in the theory .

  2. 当前,我国各地区也在尝试着构建多元化的讼外纠纷解决机制,以发挥非诉纠纷解决方式在解决特定纠纷上的优势,这些尝试也取得了一定的成效。

    China is also trying to build a defense outside the dispute settlement mechanism , so that the mechanism of the non-litigation dispute resolution could play an important role in resolving the particular dispute , and it has achieved certain results .

  3. 新英格兰化合物中心(NewEnglandCompoundingCenter)表示,其面临着130起诉讼,另有270人因注射受污染的类固醇药物受到损害而向其提出索赔。

    The New England Compounding Center said it 's facing 130 lawsuits and another 270 people have filed claims , saying they were injured by contaminated steroid injections .

  4. 这起诉讼称,两人在工作中患上了创伤后应激障碍,即PTSD。

    The two men were left with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder ( PTSD ) after working at the firm , the lawsuit alleged .

  5. 口受体、内皮素(ET)和一氧化氮合酶(NOS)三者为,讼气虚证微观网络结构的关键节点,它们的基因表达情况可以部分阐释,二气虚证的基因网络调控机制;

    β - Adrenergic Receptor (β - AR ) - endothelin ( ET ) and nitricoxide synthase ( NOS ) are key points of the gene network structure of HQDS , these three genes expression could partly explain the mechanism of this network regulation ;

  6. 斯诺登称,美国政府若有意改变情报收集方式,其过程将十分缓慢,科技企业可以先于美国政府采取行动,确保用户隐私安全。此前美国检方已根据《反间谍法》(EspionageAct)对斯诺登提起诉讼。

    Mr. Snowden , who has been charged by U.S. prosecutors under the Espionage Act , said technology companies can act more quickly to protect users ' privacy than the U.S. government , which will move slowly , if at all , to change intelligence-gathering practices .

  7. 解析中国古代无讼理念的成因

    Cause Analysis on the Concept of no Suit in Ancient China

  8. 从民间争讼看宋朝社会

    On Society of The Song Dynasty From Civil Disputes and Lawsuits

  9. 论中国传统的厌讼意识及其影响

    On Traditional Sentiment of Detesting Lawsuit in China and its Influence

  10. 论孔子无讼思想的美学基础

    On the Aesthetic Foundation of Confucius ' Idea of No Suing

  11. 有些争论在缠讼几个星期后才得以解决。

    Other disputes have dragged on for weeks before reaching resolution .

  12. 被告申请暂停进行诉讼手续。对一个被告的法律讼诉机构和行为。

    The institution and conduct of legal proceedings against a defendant .

  13. 无讼思想对当下法律实践的启示

    The Enlightenment on Current Law Practice of the Thoughts of Non-litigation

  14. 她当了十五年的讼务律师之后,担任了御用律师。

    After fifteen years as a barrister , she took silk .

  15. 无讼及调解:对我国传统法律文化的反思

    Non-Litigation and Mediation : the Reflections of Chinese Traditional Legal Culture

  16. 讼学的兴衰皆有其深刻的历史根源。

    Both of the rise and decline have its profound historical roots .

  17. 从自理到宪律:对清代民法与民事诉讼的考察&以《刑案汇览》中的坟山争讼为中心

    Inspect on Civil Law and Civil Action in Qing Dynasty

  18. 解读中国传统法律文化中的无讼思想

    Explanation of the " Non-Litigation " Thought in Chinese Traditional Legal Culture

  19. 传统中国法律思想一个重要的特征就是无讼。

    One of the important features of Chinese traditional law is non-litigation .

  20. 议案建议讼任何一方都可以上诉。

    15.The Bill proposes that any party to the proceedings may appeal .

  21. 无讼文化探析

    An Analysis on the Formation Reasons of Non-litigation Legal Culture

  22. 不可在穷人争讼的事上屈枉正直。

    Do not deny justice to your poor people in their lawsuits .

  23. 讼务律师向法庭陈述被告精神不正常

    The barrister represent to the court that the defendant is mentally unstable

  24. 我国古代无讼论再认识

    Re-recognition of " No Lawsuits " Theory in Ancient Times

  25. 好的法官是能够息讼止争的法官。

    Duty of a good judge is to prevent litigation .

  26. 应观其讼庭法院,尤其当遇到法官开庭审案之时;

    the courts of justice , while they sit and hear causes ;

  27. 最后具体分析了名公们的息诉心理和息讼行为。

    Ultimately it was concretely analyzed the extinguishing lawsuit psychology and behavior .

  28. 适用于以合众国为一方当事人的争讼;

    To controversies to which the United States shall be a party ;

  29. 非法证据排除是讼诉活动中一项重大的证据规则。

    Exclusion of illegal evidence is a very important evidence rule in lawsuit .

  30. 从法律价值由“无讼”到正义。

    The transition of legal value from " no lawsuit " to justice .
