
  1. 公司法人格的否认及其在我国的适用

    Disregard of Corporation 's Legal Personality and Its Application in China

  2. 论公司法人格的健全与否认

    Approaches to Perfecting and Denying of the Company Legal Personality

  3. 夫妻型公司法人格研究

    The Research on Incorporation Qualification of Couple Companies

  4. 滥用公司法人格的行为包括利用公司规避法律,逃避合同义务和其他债务以及公司形骸化,中国公司法人格否认制度尚未真正建立。

    In China , the system of company 's personality deny has not been really set up yet .

  5. 在承认瑕疵公司法人格的情况下,如何对其瑕疵进行补正。

    How to give remedies to its defects in the circumstance of admitting the qualification of legal person of defective incorporation .

  6. 但是,伴随着经济活动的日趋复杂与多样,公司法人格被滥用的问题也日趋严重。

    However , with the increasing complexity and diversity of economic activities , the abuse of the corporate entity is also becoming increasingly serious .

  7. 公司法人格制度自身存在法律漏洞,无法对公司股东形成一种完全有效的约束机制,是公司法人格被滥用的根本原因。

    The very self of corporation law moral quality system has legal flaws and cannot form a totally effective restriction mechanism for company 's shareholders .

  8. 法人格否认制度的移植过于超前,应更重视建立滥用公司法人格的积极防御机制等。

    Transplantation of corporation personality denial institution seems to be surpassing vanguard , and a new positive defensive mechanism against abusing the corporation personality should be established .

  9. 它通过对公司法人格制度在运用中产生的负面影响进行事后补救,有效地实现了矫正的公平,并以此推动公司制度的发展。

    It effectively realized the correctional fair and pushed forward the development of the company system by remedying the negative effect created in the operation of companies law personality system .

  10. 主观要件是指股东滥用公司法人格的行为存在主观上的故意或恶意,分为主观滥用说与客观滥用说。第四部分是公司法人格否认制度在我国的立法现状与完善构想。

    Subjective element refers to the abuse of shareholders of the existence of subjective intentional or malicious , divided into subjective and objective abuse . The fourth part is the system of legislation and concept improves .

  11. 作为公司法人格存续的最后阶段,公司非破产清算肩负着维护公司各利害关系人的利益平衡,避免因利益不均而引起的纠纷,保证社会经济秩序稳定的重任。

    As the last period of the corporation 's personality , liquidation legal system shoulders the task of protecting benefit balance of the interested party , avoiding the dissension because of benefit balance , and guaranteeing the social and economic order stability .

  12. 股东有限责任为公司法人格独立创造了条件,公司具有了独立人格,有限责任公司迅速成为公司的主流,股东躲在了公司的背后。

    The shareholders ' limited liability creates the conditions for the independent personality of company law , which makes the company has the independent personality and limited liability company quickly become the mainstream of the company and the shareholders hide behind in the company .

  13. 公司法人格独立和股东有限责任原则是构建现代公司法人制度的基石,两者的结合减轻了股东的投资风险,推动公司的资本积累,从而促进整个社会经济的繁荣。

    Personality independence of legal person and the principle of limited responsibilities of shareholders are foundation of construction of legal person system of modern company . Combination of the above two factors reduces investment risks of shareholders , promotes capital accumulation and consequently contributes prosperity of social economy .

  14. 其法律价值目标与股东有限责任、公司独立法人格原则一样,都是为了实现法律的公平与正义。

    Its law value aim is the same as stockholder limited liability and company independence legal person personality principle , all of these are for realizing the equity and right of law .

  15. 它在承认公司具有法人格的前提下,对特定法律关系中的公司及股东的独立人格加以否认,直接追索公司背后成员的责任,以规制滥用法人格的现象。

    It is in recognition of the company under the premise of personality , in a specific legal relationship the companies and shareholders in the independent personality denied , the company behind the direct recourse members of the responsibility to regulate the system .

  16. 该章围绕现代公司法中公司人格独立与公司控制这两大基本特征论述公司治理结构和原则在跨国公司情形下的变迁,并对跨国公司的法律结构和组织结构作了进一步的分析。

    This chapter attempts to analyze the changes of corporate governance structures and principles of TNCs centered on the two fundamental characteristics of modern company law , i. e. , independence of corporate personality and corporate control , and to further analyze the legal and organizational structures of TNCs .

  17. 新公司法应确立法人人格否认制度

    The New Company Law Should Establish the Legal Person 's Personality-denying System

  18. 现代公司法确立的公司人格独立与股东有限责任作为公司制度两大基石保障了公司的正常运行。

    The limited liability system and corporate personality independence established in the modern corporate law has guaranteed the normal movement of the company .

  19. 各国司法实践也一再证明,一人公司股东滥用公司法人格的机会和频率都比普通公司大大增加。

    The justice practice in many countries has proved more than once that the stockholders ' chances of abusing corporate personality in One-Man Company has increased greater than those in ordinary company .

  20. 公司在注销其法人格之前必须进行清算,以了结公司存续期间的法律关系。对法院强制执行的性质的不同理解,在法院撤回委托时,其损失的赔偿将会产生不同的法律后果。

    Liquidation is an important procedure in cleaning up a disbanded company 's credit , debt and residual properties when a company withdraws from the market . Different comprehension of compulsory execution will cause different legal compensation when the law court withdraws the commission .

  21. 我国自引进公司法人制度后,公司法人格被滥用现象层出不穷,严重破坏了公司法人制度的生存环境。

    After the company corporation system was ushered in our country , the phenomenon that the company law personality was abused piles up one after another ; it seriously broke the environment for the company corporation system to exist .

  22. 结果要件亦属于客观要件之一,是指公司法人格利用者滥用公司法人格的行为必须给他人或社会造成损害,且滥用公司法人格的行为与造成的损失之间必须存在因果关系。

    Results are also objective element . Corporate Personality of community must be damage caused by abuse of company law and personality of the losses caused by relationship .

  23. 在法人格否认的价值分析中,认为公司法人格否认制度与公司法人格制度二者不存在位阶之分。

    In the law that the value of personality analysis , the first to confirm that the system of personality in the corporate status in the system that does not exist at the two points of order .

  24. 为了减少投资者在资源配置的过程中的风险,增强公司的活力,人们设计了公司法人格独立制度。

    To reduce investers risks and strengthen corporation 's energy , people design the system of corporate independent personality .

  25. 西方国家为此创设了公司法人格否认系列法理,较为有效地解决了滥用公司法人格问题。

    So in the western countries , the theory of repudiation of corporate personality has been created to solve this problem .

  26. 各国对公司瑕疵设立的法人格规制主要有三种形式,即公司法人格之维持、公司法人格之否认与公司法人格之扩张。

    There are three forms of legal regulation on the establishment of company defects , that is , the personality maintenance , denial and expansion of the company law .

  27. 经公司人格否定评价后的一人公司仅就特定事项在公司法上丧失公司人格,但仍具备成立单位主体的前提。

    After denied by the company law , one-member company lost the qualification , but it still has the premise of unit .

  28. 首先分析了公司法人格否认制度在我国建立完善的客观基础,具体表现为股东利用公司法人格规避债务或合同义务、虚假出资设立有限责任公司、股东与公司人格混同等。

    First , to establish the system in an objective basis , the performance for shareholders avoid debts or obligations under the contract , false-funded limited liability company , confuse shareholders and the company .

  29. 虽然我国《公司法》确立了公司法人格否认制度,在一定程度上规制了股东滥用公司法人格的行为,但仍存在许多缺陷。

    Although the Corporation Law-has established the system of disregard of the corporate entity , and regulates the abuse of corporate entity by the shareholder to some extent , there still exist many defects .

  30. 我国正在进行的国企公司制改革中,体制和人为的因素使得公司法人制度的运用出现了诸多变异,产生了许多滥用公司法人格的行为。

    In the process of state owned enterprise reform towards company system , there are quite some cases of misusing company legal person status , due to the variance of the system and artificial factors in the utilization of company legal person system .