
  • 网络public debt
  1. 1815年,英国的公共债务达到了GDP的260%。

    In 1815 , UK public debt was 260 per cent of GDP .

  2. 即便如此,预计公共债务与gdp的比率仍将达到150%的峰值。

    Even so , public debt is forecast to peak at 150 per cent of GDP .

  3. 希腊政府预测,明年公共债务将升至GDP的190%。

    The Greek government predicts public debt will rise to 190 % of GDP next year .

  4. 的确,经济崩盘解释了希腊公共债务相对于GDP爆炸式增长的原因。

    Indeed , the economic collapse explains why its public debt has exploded relative to GDP .

  5. 西班牙2007年的净公共债务也只有GDP的27%。

    Spain , too , had net public debt in 2007 at just 27 per cent of GDP .

  6. 希腊在欧元区GDP及公共债务中所占的比重仅分别为2.2%和4%。

    Greece accounts for only 2.2 per cent of eurozone area GDP and 4 per cent of public debt .

  7. 但由于发达国家的公共债务超过了gdp,这造成财政干预的空间减小。

    But with public debt in the developed world exceeding GDP , there is less scope for fiscal activism .

  8. 就在2007年,欧元区的公共债务仅为GDP的66%。

    As recently as 2007 , the euro area 's public debt was only 66 per cent of GDP .

  9. 中央政府2010年底所公布的官方公共债务仅为GDP的19%。

    The official public debt of the central government wasonly 19 % of GDP at the end of 2010 .

  10. 届时,公共债务应大概相当于gdp的30%,远低于其它同等级国家的水平。

    By then , public debt should be about 30 per cent of GDP much lower than similarly rated peers .

  11. 当它在2001年加入欧元区时,其公共债务已经超过gdp的100%。

    When it joined the euro in 2001 , its public debt was already more than 100 % of GDP .

  12. 想想看(根据最新的总统经济报告(EconomicReportofthePresident)):一半以上的联邦公共债务掌握在外国人手中。

    Fact ( according to data in the latest ' Economic Report of the President ' ): More than half the federal debt in public hands is held by foreigners .

  13. 严苛的财政紧缩令局面雪上加霜,其公共债务与GDP比例正逼近200%。

    Exacerbated by a draconian fiscal austerity , its public debt is heading towards 200 per cent of gross domestic product .

  14. 投资者也正把注意力转向比利时,该国公共债务占国内生产总值(GDP)比率为欧元区第三高。

    Investor attention is also turning towards Belgium , which has the third highest public debt to GDP ratio in the eurozone .

  15. 这么做将延长该国衰退持续的时间,而且到2016年,该国公共债务占GDP的比率仍将达到148%。

    This would prolong the country 's recession and still leave it with a public debt-to-GDP ratio of 148 per cent by 2016 .

  16. 此外,欧元区总体公共债务仅占其gdp的84%,而财政赤字仅占6%。

    Moreover , overall eurozone public debt is only 84 per cent of GDP , while its fiscal deficit is 6 per cent .

  17. 它能将除德国和法国之外的欧元区国家的公共债务削减到相当于GDP的一半以下。

    It would bring down eurozone public debt , excluding that of Germany and France , to below half of gross domestic product .

  18. 他表示,此次危机将导致美国公共债务倍增,至国内生产总值(gdp)的80%左右。

    He said the crisis would result in a doubling of US public debt to about 80 per cent of gross domestic product .

  19. 答案不那么明显:至少在2016年之前,西班牙的净公共债务和总公共债务占国内生产总值(gdp)的比重都更低。

    Not obviously : Spain will have lower ratios of net and gross public debt to gross domestic product until at least 2016 .

  20. 诺贝尔经济学奖得主、麻省理工学院(mit)经济学家彼得戴蒙德(peterdiamond)认为,美国已出现失业危机和公共债务问题。

    Peter Diamond , Nobel laureate and MIT economist , argues that the US has an unemployment crisis and a public debt problem .

  21. 在英国,危机直接和间接造成的公共债务增加相当于GDP的近一半。

    In the UK the increase , as a direct and indirect result of the crisis , will be close to 50 per cent of GDP .

  22. 20年后,政府赤字惊人,总体公共债务膨胀至gdp的200%。

    Twenty years on , the government is running a yawning deficit and gross public debt has swollen to a sumo-sized 200 per cent of GDP .

  23. 为了支持这一体系而造成的公共债务比欧盟十五国的其它国家增加地都要快,现在已经达到了GDP的66%。

    Public debt incurred to prop up the system has grown faster than in any other EU-15 country , and now amounts to66 % of GDP .

  24. 首先,根据绿色预算,净公共债务占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例,将在2013年到2014年达到70%的峰值水平。

    One is that , according to the Green Budget , net public debt will peak at 70 per cent of gross domestic product in 2013-14 .

  25. 这将使美国公共债务达到GDP的70%,并使政府永远付出仅仅相当于GDP0.2%的成本。

    That would raise US public debt to 70 per cent to GDP and would cost the government a mere 0.2 per cent of GDP , in perpetuity .

  26. 相比之下,新兴市场的公共债务还不到gdp的三分之一,预计到2015年会降至四分之一。

    In contrast , public debt levels are less than one third of GDP in emerging markets and are projected to decline to only a quarter by 2015 .

  27. 巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)警告,如果不采取紧急措施控制日益上升的公共债务,美国经济可能陷入“双底衰退”。

    Barack Obama warned that the US economy could head into a " double-dip recession " unless urgent steps were taken to rein in mounting public debt .

  28. 葡萄牙的公共债务已经占到国内生产总值(gdp)的92%,其纾困方案可能会相当于gdp的50%。

    Portugal already has public debt of 92 per cent of gross domestic product . Its bail-out package is likely to be equivalent to 50 per cent of GDP .

  29. 该委员会呼吁进行意义深远的税收和支出改革,旨在到2035年前将公共债务占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例降至40%。

    The panel called for a far-reaching mixture of tax and spending reform , aiming to reduce public debt to 40 per cent of gross domestic product by 2035 .

  30. 根据国会预算办公室(CongressionalBudgetOffice)的备选财政设想,到2020年,公共债务可能会从去年GDP的44%上升到87%。

    According to the Congressional Budget Office 's alternative fiscal scenario , public debt could rise from 44 per cent of GDP last year to 87 per cent by 2020 .