
ɡōnɡ sī zī běn
  • corporate capital
  1. 基于行业均值的公司资本结构动态调整

    The Dynamic Adjustment of Corporate Capital Structure Based on the Industry Mean

  2. 公司资本是现代公司的三大要素之一。

    Corporate capital is one of three essential factors in modern corporation .

  3. 第二,TR公司资本成本和资本结构不合理;

    Secondly , TR capital cost and structure are unreasonable .

  4. 结合对会计指标的考察发现EVA并不比会计指标(EPS、ROE)在更大程度上解释了上市公司资本结构的形成;

    However , the influences are not great . Further studies about accounting index discover that EVA does not explain the capital structure more efficiently than EPS and ROE .

  5. 1958年莫迪格列尼(Modigliani)和米勒(Miller)共同提出著名的MM定理,标志着现代公司资本结构理论的形成。

    The modern theory of capital structure originates from the celebrated paper by Modigliani and Miller published in 1958 . In their paper the famous MM irrelevance theorem is proposed .

  6. 自MM理论开始,公司资本结构一直是理论界讨论的焦点问题,如何选择资本结构是现代经济学家反复研究的资本结构之谜。

    Since the appearance of the MM theory , the issue of capital structure has generated great interests among the theoretical circle , and how to choose the capital structure is the " riddle of the capital structure " that makes modern economists study repeatedly .

  7. 目前对上市公司资本结构的研究主要集中在两方面:一是以MM理论为基础的资本结构主流理论,着重研究资本结构与企业价值的关系;

    At present , the study on capital structure of listed company mainly is concentrated on two respects : First , the mainstream theory of capital structure , which is based on MM theory , studies the relation between the capital structure and enterprises ' value emphatically ;

  8. 安徽FYSH股份有限公司资本结构优化研究

    The Research of Anhui FYSH Co. , Ltd for Capital Structure Improvement

  9. 本文试图在对EVA指标体系的理论研究的基础之上,结合我国券商发展的现状,提出引入EVA指标体系是提高证券公司资本配置效率的有效途径。

    This paper mainly discusses the general theory on EVA index system , gave a thorough analysis on development of securities firms of China , and drew a conclusion that developing EVA index system can improve the capital distribution efficiency of securities firms of China .

  10. 公司资本真实与债权人保护研究

    Reserch of Relationship between Capital Reality and Creditor 's Rights Protection

  11. 我国公司资本瑕疵连带责任研究

    Studies on Joint Liability of Capital Blemish of Our National Company

  12. 中国旅游类上市公司资本运营研究

    Study on the Capital Operation of Tourism Listed Companies in China

  13. 公司资本管制改革趋势研究

    Research on the Reform Trend of Regulation in Company Capital

  14. 我国上市公司资本结构极不合理:负债率低;

    The capital structures of marketed companies in China are not optimized .

  15. 中韩上市公司资本结构比较分析

    Research on the Determinants of Capital Structure of Chinese and Korean Companies

  16. 有限责任公司资本运作的三大原则

    On the Three Principles of Capital in the Limited Companies

  17. 论交通行业上市公司资本运营战略

    Studies of the Capital Strategies of Listed Companies in the Transportation Industry

  18. 航空公司资本结构与融资方式研究

    A Study on Airline Companies ' Capital Structure and Their Financing Ways

  19. 中国上市公司资本成本和资本结构实证分析

    The relationship between capital cost and capital structure in Chinese listed corporation

  20. 第三,研究、探索民营投资公司资本化运作的模式及风险防范思路。

    Thirdly , to study capitalization model and risk management .

  21. 中国上市公司资本运营模式分析

    Capitals Operation Mode Analyze of the China Company in Stock

  22. 中国民营上市公司资本结构效应分析

    On Capital Structure Effect of Listed Private Companies in China

  23. 代理成本与公司资本结构的优化

    The agency cost and the capital structure of companies

  24. 第一部分,资本充实原则的逻辑起点,主要探讨了公司资本的含义及其功能。

    Part I mainly discusses the meaning of corporate capital and its function .

  25. 基于税收视角的上市公司资本结构选择分析

    Capital Structure Choice of Chinese-Listed Companies Based on Tax

  26. 我国纺织行业上市公司资本结构现状及对策分析

    Analyse the Present Situation and Countermeasures of Capital Structure on Chinese Textile Enterprise

  27. 谈兖州煤业上市公司资本结构的优化

    The utilization of the capital stucture of the listed company Yanzhou Coal Industry

  28. 山东省上市公司资本结构与经营业绩评价

    Evaluation of Capital Structure and Management Achievement of Listed Companies in Shandong Province

  29. 公司资本信用之法律分析

    A Legal Analysis into the Corporate Capital Credit

  30. 随后介绍了连续时间下,公司资本结构理论的已有结果。

    After that , the outcome of the continuous time model is briefly introduced .