
pèi shòu
  • Placement;ration;ration merchandise for sale
配售 [pèi shòu]
  • [ration merchandise for sale] 某些产品,特别是生活必需品在不能充分满足供应的情况下,按照政府限定的数量和价格销售给消费者

配售[pèi shòu]
  1. 战时汽油实行配售。

    Gasoline was rationed during the war .

  2. 原股东之一britishland决定不参与本次全数承销的配售,其股份将因此面临严重稀释。

    British land , also one of the original shareholders , faces significant dilution having opted not to take part in the fully underwritten placing .

  3. 由于塔塔汽车配股的认购不足,塔塔集团只得将旗下塔塔咨询服务有限公司(TataConsultancyServicesLtd。)的一部分股份套现以购入配售股份。

    The group plugged a shortfall in Tata Motors'rights issue last month by selling a stake in outsourcing arm Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.

  4. 马钢H型钢加工配售分公司用钢结构技术承担了福建师范大学学生公寓楼工程。

    Ma Steel H - beam machining and distribution subsidiary company took part in the student s apartment building of Fu Jian teacher - training college with steel construction technology .

  5. FDA还授权允许更多医务人员配售达菲和瑞沙,包括一些公共卫生官员和志愿者。

    The FDA also gave more healthcare workers authority to distribute Tamiflu and Relenza , including some public health officials and volunteers .

  6. 高盛配售15亿美元Facebook股票的计划正是华尔街所觊觎的交易类型。高盛不得不把募资对象限制为国际投资者。

    Goldman Sachs ' $ 1.5bn placement of Facebook shares , which it had to limit to international investors , is the kind of business Wall Street covets .

  7. 但KKR坚信不动摇,当年9月甚至通过直接配售,买进了更多股票。

    But KKR kept the faith , even buying more shares that September via a direct placement .

  8. 机构投资者在新股网下发行配售家数的增多,没有降低信息不对称,降低IPO抑价。

    Institutional investors in the placing of new shares issued under the net increase in the number of companies ,, does not reduce information asymmetry , lower IPO under-pricing .

  9. 而任何局部的、技术性或者形式上的IPO变革措施,诸如核准制、单纯市场化询价、股票配售方式等等都是治标不治本的方法。

    And any local , technical or formal IPO reform measures , such as the approval system , simple market-based inquiry , the stock distribution , and so are palliative approach .

  10. 如果像预期那样,Facebook投资者和承销商在未来几周通过超额配售,额外出售6300万股股份,此次发行规模可能超过通用汽车。

    If an additional over-allotment of 63m shares of Facebook held by investors and underwriters are sold in the coming weeks , as they are expected to be , the IPO could surpass GM.

  11. 公司资金的一大部分将源自周五IPO所募得的184亿美元,但条件是公司出售所有超额配售权。

    A good chunk of that money will come from the $ 18.4 billion in proceeds Facebook could raise in the IPO on Friday , provided that the whole overallotment is sold .

  12. 说明在新股配售份额一定的情况下,且承销商没有权力分配新股,对机构投资者的配售并没有起到降低IPO抑价的作用。

    Indicate the placing of new shares share certain cases , and the underwriter has no power distribution of new shares to institutional investors , placement , and IPO under-pricing does not play a reduced role .

  13. 根据数据提供商dealogic的数据,友邦保险的股票配售将是亚洲今年规模最大的大宗交易,也是第四笔涉及友邦保险的大宗交易。

    The AIA placement would be the biggest block trade in Asia this year , and the fourth involving AIA , according to Dealogic .

  14. 我们可以配售费用方式,向分销商支付不多于单一「可赎回」ELI面值3%之佣金。

    We may pay commission by way of a placement fee of up to3 % of the Nominal Value of a Single Callable ELI to the Distributors .

  15. 机构投资者参与配售比例与IPO抑价正相关,对机构投资者的新股配售份额的提高对IPO抑价无明显的降低作用。

    The proportion of institutional investors to participate in the Placing and the IPO under-pricing is related to the placing of new shares to institutional investors , to increase the share of IPO under-pricing no significant reduction in the role .

  16. 两位知情人士透露,普拉达此次IPO仍然进展顺利,因为至少有90%的股票将配售给机构投资者,且此次发行已获得逾4倍的超额认购。

    The IPO is still on track because at least 90 per cent of the shares will be allotted to institutional investors , and the offer is more than four times subscribed , two people familiar with the matter said .

  17. aquila表示,向宝钢股份配售股份所得将用于加快矿业资产的开发。

    Aquila said proceeds of the share placement to Baosteel would allow it to accelerate the development of its mining assets .

  18. 这家瑞士公司计划将ipo的20%至30%配售给所谓的基石投资者和锚定投资者,这些投资者在正式发行之前承诺认购股份,且所持股份通常会被锁定一段时间。

    The Swiss-based company plans to allocate between 20 and 30 per cent of its IPO to so-called cornerstone and anchor investors , which commit themselves to buy ahead of the launch of the flotation and usually are locked in for a certain period .

  19. 然而,与散户投资者不同,机构投资者不必为香港的首次公开发行(ipo)提前拿出资金,这样,它们就可以更容易针对热门发行提交大额订单,以期获得较大配售额。

    Unlike retail share applicants , however , institutions do not have to present their money upfront for Hong Kong initial public offerings . That makes it easier for them to submit big orders for popular offerings in the hopes of receiving a bigger allocation .

  20. 周二晚间,高盛宣布,传奇投资者沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)以购买优先股的形式向高盛注资50亿美元,而其后高盛将配售价值50亿美元的普通股。

    On Tuesday evening , Goldman declared that Warren Buffett , the legendary investor , was handing it $ 5bn of new capital in the form of preference shares and the bank would follow up with a $ 5bn equity sale .

  21. 此外,凯利在报道称,舆论认为高盛公司(GoldmanSachs)已经在Facebook上市股承销权的竞争中占得先机,因为Facebook去年价值15亿美元的私股配售就是由高盛经手管理的。

    Kelly adds that Goldman Sachs ( GS ) is considered to have " pole position " for underwriting rights , due to its managing of a $ 1.5 billion secondary sale last year , and that Facebook is unlikely to use a Dutch auction model .

  22. 这只名为OrigoPartners的基金刚刚宣布,将通过配售新的普通股来筹集资金,目标是筹资3000万美元,投入进展良好的投资机会。

    It 's called Origo Partners and has just announced a fundraising through the placing of new ordinary shares that will aim to raise $ 30m ( 20.7m ) to put into well advanced investment opportunities .

  23. 二十年前,意大利的Luxottica集团&一个眼镜配售的先行者,发起了赠送光明组织。

    Italy 's Luxottica Group , a leader in prescription eyewear , launched Give the Gift of Sight twenty years ago .

  24. 国有股配售定价研究

    Study on the pricing in the allotment of state owned shares

  25. 战略配售和网上发行将采取定价发行的方式。

    The strategic allotment and the on-line offering will adopt fixed price offering .

  26. 合理确定国有股配售价格的一种新方法

    A New Method for Determining the Proportional Selling Price of the State-owned Stocks

  27. 国有股减持的一种有效工具:配售

    An Effective Instrument of Decreasing the Holdings of State-Owned Stock : Stock Allocation

  28. 这项禁令将禁止对这盘录像带的出售,配售或者分发。

    The injunction prevents the sale , distribution or dissemination of the videotape .

  29. 全流通的竞价调整配售方案

    Bidding-adjusting-selling Scheme for Free Negotiability of the Stock

  30. 超额配售选择权对新股股价影响的实证研究

    The Empirical Study on the Effect of Over-allotment Option to Initial Published Stock Price