
pèi shì
  • ornament;accessory
配饰 [pèi shì]
  • [ornament] 随身的装饰物,包括女性的首饰及男性的打火机、领带别针、手表甚至眼镜等

  1. 在佩戴“宣言珠宝”的时候,所选择的衣服和其他配饰都要相对低调。

    When wearing a statement piece of jewelry , choose clothes and other accessories that are pretty calm .

  2. 配饰也会使你产生靡肿或修长的视觉效果。如果你腹部赘肉很多,则避免佩戴宽腰带,那会使你的腹部成为焦点。

    Accessories can also make you look fatter or thinner . Avoid using a large belt if you have tummy , since you are drawing attention in your tummy .

  3. 此外,他们还会在服装、配饰、书籍、杂志、教练、专用饮食等方面有支出。

    In addition , runners often spend on other areas , such as apparel , accessories , books , magazines , coaching , specialty1 food and drink , and so on .

  4. 信托自由儿的发型通常都很自然。虽然有能力购买一些时尚的设计师服装,信托自由儿却更愿意穿旧货店的衣服,便宜的T恤,破旧的牛仔裤,戴着嬉皮士或波西米亚风格的配饰。

    A trustafarian often wears his or her hair in natural styles . Although able to purchase fashionable designer clothing , a trustafarian prefers to wear thrift2 store clothes , inexpensive t-shirts , worn jeans and other hippie or bohemian accessories .

  5. 该公司输掉了一宗侵犯版权的法律诉讼,被告是一家在配饰产品上使用IPHONE商标的中国企业。

    It lost a copyright infringement lawsuit against a Chinese company that was using the iPhone trademark on accessories .

  6. 我唯一喜欢的男性配饰是袖扣,并且即使我从Gap这样的店里买了一件衬衫,我都会买适合它的袖扣。

    The only accessory I like for men are cuff-links and even if I buy a shirt from say , the Gap , I 'll have the cuffs adapted to fit them .

  7. Beats公司更是把高端耳机变成了连说唱歌手、摇滚巨星也趋之若鹜的时尚配饰。

    Beats took that normality a step further by turning high-end headphones into fashion accessories fit for a rock or rap star .

  8. 在向《财富》杂志《Fortune》提供的声明中,瑞士斯沃琪集团(SwatchGroup)并没有详细解释为什么如此多政客和高管青睐这款廉价配饰。

    In a statement to Fortune , Switzerland 's Swatch Group didn 't have much to say about why politicians and executives might want to wear the budget accessory .

  9. 但在手表和婚戒的严格限制――当然偶尔还会有袖扣――和《周末夜狂热》(SaturdayNightFever)的那种肆无忌惮之间,还是有很多不同程度的配饰选择的。

    But there are many degrees of decoration between a strict limit of watch and wedding ring with the occasional cuff links , of course and the stuff of ' Saturday Night Fever . '

  10. AbbeyDawn品牌沿袭了艾薇儿一贯的朋克风格,皮革、怪异的配饰、提格布再配上粉红色。

    Abbey Dawn by Avril Lavigne features her usual punk look with plenty of hot pinks mixed with leather , quirky accessories and checks .

  11. 这位36岁流行歌手的品牌“BritneySpearsLifestyle”,主打流行时装、头发护理和配饰,有望在明年春天发售。

    The 36-year-old pop star 's Britney Spears Lifestyle range will feature fashion apparel , hair care and accessories . It 's expected to bow next spring .

  12. 走秀的时候,Agnes选择了一款夸张的毛茸茸的配饰,用以提亮她那身暗色的上装。

    On the runway , Agnes chose dramatic feathery flair to add a pop of color to her dark locks .

  13. 金·卡戴珊(KimKardashian)于24日在离开位于迈阿密海滩的克里斯提·鲁布托(ChristianLouboutin)精品店时,亮出了一件能闪瞎眼的配饰。

    Kim Kardashian was sporting an especially sparkly accessory while leaving a Christian Louboutin boutique in Miami Beach today - a huge gemstone ring .

  14. 最后几年,她为奥斯卡·德拉伦塔(OscardelaRenta)设计了一系列珠宝,还为购物网站HSN设计了一系列服装和配饰。

    During her last few years , she designed a collection of jewelry for Oscar de la Renta and a line of clothing and accessories for HSN .

  15. 美国手袋及配饰集团Coach表示,在打击中国假货方面,该公司采取了比许多竞争对手更为高调的策略。中国市场提供了巨大的未来发展潜力。

    Coach , the US handbags and accessories group , says it is taking a higher-profile approach than many of its competitors in fighting counterfeiting in China , a market that offers huge potential for the future .

  16. 与此同时,芬迪的“bugs”系列(每件售价500英镑)——霓虹色卡通式夹子款手包配饰,也成为年轻人时尚手袋不可缺少的配饰。

    Meanwhile , the house 's " bugs " - neon-bright clip-on handbag accessories with cartoon faces that retail for about 500 a piece - have become an essential feature of the street-style uniform .

  17. 它们模仿zara或mango的款式,再添加一些在本土市场受欢迎的艳俗配饰,但价格要低很多。

    They mimic the styles of Zara or mango , with a few garish flourishes popular in the local market , but at a substantially lower price .

  18. 跟随摄影师BridgetFleming的镜头来看看米兰街头各种颜色碰撞,精美的配饰和漂亮的印花吧:

    Take a close up view of all the clashing colors , amazing accessories and pretty prints from the streets of Milan Fashion Week .

  19. 美国配饰品牌Coach在积极扩大在华销售的同时,正计划将多达一半的制造活动转移出中国,以规避不断上升的劳动力成本。

    Coach , the US accessories brand , is planning to shift up to half of its manufacturing out of China to escape rising labour costs at the same time as it moves aggressively to expand its sales in the country .

  20. 丹麦设计师苏菲比莱布拉赫(SophieBilleBrahe)设计的当代风格珍珠配饰诸位也不妨留意:既简约又奢华。

    Also worth noting is Sophie Bille Brahe 's contemporary range of pearls : understated and luxurious .

  21. 1997年,他招来马克·雅可布(MarcJacobs)为路易威登设计鞋履和成衣,此外还为路易威登增添了腕表、珠宝和配饰系列。

    In 1997 , he gave the brand further impetus by recruiting Marc Jacobs to design shoes and ready-to-wear clothing for Louis Vuitton , which also added watches , jewelry and other accessories .

  22. 从路易威登(vuitton)到罗杰维威耶(rogervivier),多功能款项不断涌现,你今天所见的配饰明天就可能呈现出完全不同的形状。

    From Louis Vuitton to Roger Vivier , multifunctional items are proliferating , and the accessory you see today may take on an entirely different shape tomorrow .

  23. 在分析IvankaTrump的832款服装和配饰时,劳伦斯发现,至少有628款是进口的,其中有354款在中国生产。

    In an analysis of 832 clothing items and accessories sold by Ivanka Trump , Mr Lawrence found that at least 628 items were imported , 354 of which were made in China .

  24. 还配有金属质感的皮革、网眼、反光性面料。这件配饰的点睛之笔是Gucci那招牌式的SEGA字体。

    Featuring a mix of metallic leather , mesh and reflective fabric , the accessory is defined by the Gucci patch with the graphic font of SEGA . "

  25. 奢侈配饰网站Editorialist联合创始人凯特・戴维德森・赫德森(KateDavidsonHudson)最近怀着五个多月的身孕去米兰和巴黎参加时装周。

    Kate Davidson Hudson , co-founder of the luxury accessories website Editorialist , recently traveled to Milan and Paris Fashion Weeks while she was more than five months into her pregnancy .

  26. 另有12%的女性会在图片分享网站Instagram上快速浏览照片,以确保她们的朋友中没有人最近穿过同样的衣服鞋子,或者用过其他相似的配饰。

    Another 12 per cent have a quick look on picture sharing site Instagram to ensure that none of their friends has been pictured recently in the same outfit , or something similar .

  27. 但是,手套作为服装配饰的潮流衰退了,这家公司现在只有三名裁缝,称为机械工,他们和詹姆斯及其丈夫安德鲁·劳森(AndrewLawson)协同工作。

    But the popularity of gloves as a fashion accessory waned and the business now has just three sewers , known as machinists , working in tandem with Ms. James and her husband , Andrew Lawson .

  28. ESCADA是国际知名的高级女装及配饰品牌,在国际奢侈品市场占据重要地位。

    ESCADA is an international fashion company for women 's apparel and accessories , which is active on the international luxury goods market .

  29. Bebold:accessorisetheseason维多利亚·贝克汉姆的时尚选择可能有失误的时候,不过她对于配饰的把握一向正确。她的理念是:越大越好,越大胆越好。

    Victoria Beckham might have her fashion faults , but when it comes to accessorizing she gets the message : big , bold , and more , more , more is her mantra .

  30. 上周,一些网民来到深圳腾讯公司总部呈交诉状,控告该公司没能充分保护他们的账号安全,致使他们的QQ秀头像、服装以及配饰被偷。

    Last week , several netizens went to Tencent ` s headquarters in Shenzhen to file a complaint , accusing the company of not adequately protecting their accounts . They ` d had their QQ Show avatar , clothes and accessories stolen .