
huánɡ wèi
  • throne
皇位 [huáng wèi]
  • [imperial throne] 天子之位

  1. 刘询承皇位以后,立许妃做皇后。

    After Liu Xun ascended3 the throne , he made Imperial Concubine Xu his queen .

  2. 为了躲避一同竞争皇位的哥哥——庇格玛里翁(Pygmalion)的迫害,她逃离了现在位于黎巴嫩的腓尼基城邦泰尔。

    She fled the city of Tyre located in present-day Lebanon in order to escape the wrath of her brother Pygmalion , who was her contestant to the throne .

  3. 当我们最后一次在Genovia离开米娅等人的时候——剧透警告——公主成功地保住了她的王位,并在与恋人(皇位竞争者)NicholasDevereaux经历了很多戏剧性的事情之后成为了女王。

    When we last left Mia etc in Genovia - SPOILER ALERT - the Princess managed to secure her right to the crown and was made Queen after a lot of drama with love interest ( and royal rival ) Nicholas Devereaux .

  4. 明仁天皇现年82岁。1989年,他继承战时的天皇——父亲裕仁天皇的皇位。根据NHK的报道,明仁天皇告诉身边的助手,他有意在离世前将皇位传给自己的儿子——现年56岁的皇太子德仁。

    According to NHK , the public broadcaster in Japan , Emperor Akihito , 82 , who in 1989 succeeded his father , the wartime Emperor Hirohito , told close aides that he intended to pass the throne to his son , Crown Prince Naruhito , 56 , before he dies .

  5. 我的兄弟们为了皇位相互杀戮。

    All my brothers are killing each other for the throne .

  6. 你登上皇位后能带来公义和真理。

    Cannot justice and truth be served better upon a throne .

  7. 参与皇位之争就相当置于生死之境。

    Struggles for the emperor 's favor could become life-or-death situations .

  8. 我们找到了俄国皇位的继承人。

    We have found the heir to the Russian throne .

  9. 清朝满族的皇家宗法与其皇位继承制度

    The Imperial Patriarchal Clan and the Inheritance System in the Qing Dynasty

  10. 日本女性皇位继嗣问题初探

    A Study in Female Succession to the Japanese Imperial Throne

  11. 他的野心越来越大,最后甚至密谋要篡夺皇位。

    He became so ambitious that he finally plotted to usurp the throne .

  12. 但是纵观中国古代史,以嫡长子身份当了太子并顺利继承皇位的可以说少之又少。

    However , there were few such cases in the ancient Chinese history .

  13. 但是难道蜜娅公主不是皇位的第一继承人吗?

    But isn 't Princess MIA first in line to ascend the throne ?

  14. 1926年是裕仁天皇继承皇位的年份。

    1926 was the year of emperor hirohito 's accession to the throne .

  15. 他打败所有对手,登上皇位。

    He beats all the rivals to the throne .

  16. 太子是皇帝确定的皇位继承人。

    Prince is heir to the throne which is determined by the emperors .

  17. 但高洋还是担心自己的皇位不保。

    He worried that his throne might be insecure .

  18. 而与此同时,胡安娜的父亲与丈夫私底下共谋篡夺她的皇位。

    Concurrently , her father and husband covertly conspired to usurp her throne .

  19. 又失去了王太子年轻的皇位继承人

    The death of the Dauphin , the young heir to the throne ,

  20. 只有苏西马可能继承皇位。

    Only prince susima can claim the throne .

  21. 我在1952年继承皇位。

    I ascended to the throne in 1952 .

  22. 他被期望去成为皇太子和皇位继承人。

    His expected much from his son and made him crown prince and heir apparent .

  23. 北齐储君的建立与皇位继承问题密切相关;

    The establishment of crown princes and the succession to the throne were closely related .

  24. 25岁的伊丽莎白在举国期待与各界的疑虑中继承了皇位。

    The 25-year old Elizabeth came into an inheritance of high hopes and deep anxieties .

  25. 在元首制下,皇帝拥有最高统治权,大多数皇帝都希望将皇位世袭。

    Under the principate , most emperors with the highest authority favored the hereditary system .

  26. 这就是为什么只有他从不争夺皇位。

    That is why he is the only one who has never fought for your throne .

  27. 日本纪子妃产子,结束女性能否继承皇位之争。

    Princess Kilo 's new baby boy ends Japan 's debate on female succession to throne .

  28. 不论男女,对皇位都有继承权,包括孙子、堂兄妹。

    Male or female can both have the heirship to the throne , including grandsons , cousins .

  29. 明朝后妃在皇位继承危机中的作用

    The Role of Empresses and Imperial Concubines in the Crisis of Succession to the Throne in Ming Dynasty

  30. 所以,我们要看一看清朝皇位继承的296年的发展的轨迹。

    So , we should have a look at Qing Chaohuang the contrail of development of296 successive years .