
  • 网络pr specialist;Public Relations Specialists
  1. 现居旧金山的33岁公关专家史蒂芬·林奇(StephenLynch)认为emoji表情符本身没什么好也没什么不好。

    Stephen Lynch , a 33-year-old public relations professional in San Francisco , holds that emoji are neither good nor bad in themselves .

  2. 你觉得一个公关专家收费多少

    How much do you think a spin-doctor like that cost ?

  3. 否则他也会被康拉德请的公关专家查个底朝天

    He would also be scrutinized by the publicist Conrad hired .

  4. 比如,布莱登•科维茨是用户界面设计专家,戴维•克莱恩是公关专家。

    People like Braden Kowitz in UI design or David Krane in PR.

  5. 所以那个叫比兹·普雷斯通的公关专家

    Which is why P.R. maven Bizzy Preston

  6. 我妈妈雇了一个公关专家

    My mom 's hired a spin-doctor

  7. 必须承认从你的那位公关专家口中听到那些我的确很吃惊

    I must admit , I was a bit surprised when I heard from your publicist .

  8. 纽曼女士是华盛顿一位公关关系专家。

    Newman is a public relations professional in Washington D.C.

  9. “随着离婚率逐年增长,我们的设计理念越来越具有现实意义,虽然这让人感到很遗憾,”自称公关和流行文化专家的柯比里说道。

    With the increasing number of divorces each year , our concept is - regrettably - becoming more and more relevant , ' said Kbiri , who is also a self-proclaimed PR and pop culture expert . '