
  • 网络publicly traded;Public Traded;open transaction;open marketing;IPO
  1. 这笔交易使Facebook的总值达到500亿美元——远远超过许多公开交易的互联网公司。

    The deal values Facebook at fifty billion dollars -- more than many publicly traded Internet companies .

  2. 根据中国信托业协会(ChinaTrusteeAssociation)的数据,信托资产其中包括贷款、公开交易的证券和私募股权式投资总体增速在第三季度降到了两年多来的最差水平。

    Overall trust assets , which include loans , publicly traded securities and private equity-style investments , rose at their slowest pace in more than two years in the third quarter , figures from the China Trustee Association show .

  3. 他们发行一定数量的可公开交易的股票。

    They issue a fixed number of shares that trade publicly

  4. 纳斯达克1997年建立了高效的电子交易系统(ElectronicCommunicationNetworks,简称ECN),保证每一个计算机终端均能获得所有公开交易信息,使其日交易能力增加到40亿股/天。

    In 1997 , NASDAQ established the high-efficient Electronic Communication Networks ( ECN ), which can ensure every computer terminal receive all open dealing information .

  5. 根据近期其它非公开交易的价值,该交易将使他控制Twitter大约3%的股份。

    The deal will leave him in control of a stake of around 3 per cent , based on the value of other recent private transactions .

  6. 如今,我们了解到了他下一站落脚的地方&黑石集团(theBlackstoneGroup),它刚好也是2006年收购尼尔森的6家私募股权公司之一(尼尔森在2011年重返公开交易市场)。

    Now we know his next stop : the Blackstone Group , one of six private equity firms that purchased Nielsen in 2006 ( it returned to the public markets in 2011 ) .

  7. 标准资本资产定价模型(CAPM)的一个重要假定是,所有资产都是可公开交易、具有充分流动性的。

    On Assets Measurement One significant assumption of the standard CAPM is that all assets are publicly marketable and perfectly liquidity .

  8. 政府允许AIG其余的20%资产(数百万股普通股)继续公开交易。

    It allowed the other 20 % of the company 's equity -- its millions of common shares -- to continue to trade publicly .

  9. 广告业巨头埃培智集团(InterpublicGroup)昨天宣布,同意将其所持Facebook公司0.4%股份的大约一半通过非公开交易作价1.33亿美元出售。

    Advertising giant Interpublic Group ( nyse : IPG ) announced today that it agreed to sell apprpoximately half of its0.4 % stake in Facebook for $ 133 million in a privately negotiated transaction .

  10. 多种经营公司Cargill和其他股票不公开交易的大公司都在向美国证券交易委员会上报业绩,但依然维持着私人控股的地位。

    Cargill and other big companies without publicly traded equity file their results with the SEC but remain private .

  11. KMV模型利用股价的波动来评估股权公开交易公司的信用风险,它最主要的分析工具是所谓的预期违约率EDF。

    KMV model makes use of the fluctuation of stock prices to assess the credit risk of open corporations , and its main analyzing vehicle is the so-called Expected Default Frequency ( EDF ) .

  12. SEC指控称,2009年3月31日,万格在市场收盘前半小时将WoodbridgeHoldingsCorp.(一家住房建筑商,该股现已不再公开交易)股价由40美分推高至62美分。

    On March 31 , 2009 , the SEC alleged , he drove the price of Woodbridge Holdings Corp. , a home builder that is no longer publicly traded , to 62 cents , from 40 cents , a half-hour before the market closed .

  13. 我们的股票公开交易,我们欢迎所有的股东。

    Out shares are traded publicly and we welcome all shareholders .

  14. 我在澳大利亚、印度尼西亚以及非洲收购公开交易的农场。

    I buy publicly traded farms in Australia and Indonesia and Africa .

  15. 很大程度上私人合伙公司已经可以公开交易。

    Intensely private partnerships have become publicly traded companies .

  16. 中国石油公开交易股份的总价值为725亿美元。

    The total value of PetroChina 's publicly traded shares is about $ 72.5 billion .

  17. 实现目标最好采用循序渐进的方式,而不是借助一两宗引人注目的公开交易。

    Better to get there by degrees , than through one or two knockabout public deals .

  18. 2001年开始公开交易,有里斯本和伦敦证券交易先后加入。

    It was first traded publicly in 2001 and has since added other exchanges in Lisbon and London .

  19. 由于信息不对称,中小投资者倾向观察公开交易信息来获取有用信息。

    Because of the unbalanced information situation , they are apt to acquire useful information through public exchange information .

  20. 英国石油补充称,它对这项投资表示欢迎。我们的股票公开交易,我们欢迎所有的股东。

    BP added that it welcomed the investment . Out shares are traded publicly and we welcome all shareholders .

  21. 他指出,投资者对于金融中介的不信任,正在同时侵蚀公开交易股票的供给和需求。

    A lack of trust in financial intermediation is eroding both supply and demand for public equity , he argues .

  22. 看待此次合并的正确方式不是视其为德国与美国的对立,而是公开交易与私募交易的对立。

    The right way to look at this merger is not as Germany versus the US but as public versus private .

  23. 上市公司的非正当关联交易有非真实交易、非公开交易、非公平交易三大类型。

    Illicit associated transactions of listed companies have three kinds of type & non-true transactions , non-open transactions and unjust transactions .

  24. 第六章土地市场公开交易制度主要是从价格机制和竞争机制研究土地市场调控的制度保障。

    Chapter 6 concentrates on the land public transaction institution , analyzing the institutional prevention from price and competition mechanism perspective .

  25. 它是我国唯一的上市电信制造商,股票公开交易都在香港和深圳证券交易所上市交易。

    It is China 's only listed telecoms manufacturer , with shares publicly traded on both the Hong Kong and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges .

  26. 以公司各部分为独立,公开交易的实体而得到的公司价值,也叫私有市场价值。

    The value of a company if each of its parts were independent , publicly traded entities . Also called private market value ( PMV ) .

  27. 这标志着股票发行者和投资者的重大转变,许多人更乐意通过私下而非公开交易购买公司股票。

    It marks a dramatic shift among issuers and investors , many of whom prefer to buy stakes in companies through private rather than public deals .

  28. 但相比几个月前在不公开交易中(业内某些参与者被排除在这一过程外)设定的基准价格,现货价还是具有一些优势。

    But they still have advantages over a benchmark number set several months earlier in a private deal , from which some industry participants are excluded .

  29. 楼继伟近日表示,剩下的大部分资金将用于购买公开交易的产品,不过其中一部分可能用于更直接的股权投资。

    Most of the rest will be dedicated to publicly traded products , although some could be used for more direct stakes , Mr Lou said yesterday .

  30. 中国官方媒体公布的数字显示,自10月17日会议以来,中国的保险公司已大幅削减了公开交易股票的净卖出量。

    Chinese insurers have sharply reduced their net sales of publicly traded stocks since the October 17 meeting , according to figures published in state - controlled media .