
  • 网络equipment failure rate
  1. 为减少生产中设备故障率,提高产品的产能和质量,必须提高生产自动化程度。

    In order to reduce equipment failure rate in production and increase the production capacity as well as the products quality , it is necessary to elevate the level of automation .

  2. 拆除若干组损坏频繁的十字抄板,代之以升举抄板,改造后设备故障率降低,连续运行时间延长,企业效益提高。

    Necessary improvements are made on the key structure of cross-flight , so that decrease the equipment failure rate , prolong the successive operating time , obtain good benefit for the enterprise .

  3. 为解决机加工生产线不良品率较高和设备故障率较高的问题,成立了精益生产(TPS丰田生产方式)导入及推广的项目小组。

    In order to solve the problem of higher product rejection rate and higher rate of equipment failures in machining production line , A Toyota Production System ( TPS ) implementing group has been set up .

  4. 基于更新理论的复杂设备故障率表达

    Failure rate expression of complex equipment based on renewal theory

  5. 电气设备故障率参数的一种最优估计算法

    An algorithm for optimal parameter estimation of the failure rate of electrical equipment

  6. 当然,全员生产力维护还能有效降低设备故障率。

    Of course , TPM can also solve the machine utilization problems too .

  7. 基于偏最小二乘法的设备故障率计算

    Calculation of failure rate of power equipments based on partial least square method

  8. 起重设备故障率的似然估计与大修时限

    Likelihood estimation and overhaul life of lifting appliance

  9. 设备故障率和设备维修策略

    Malfunction Rate of Equipments and the Maintaining Tactics

  10. 生产实践证明,此改进可降低设备故障率,提高产量。

    The production practice shows that the design can reduce the equipment failure and improve the production .

  11. 我国煤矿机械设备故障率高一直困扰着煤炭生产和运输,其中机械传动齿轮的失效是造成煤矿机械设备不能正常运行的主要原因。

    Domestic coal mining equipment features high failure rate and this has been influencing coal production and transportation .

  12. 例如,一家制造公司调整生产部件和设备故障率和误差使其接近正常水平。

    For example , a manufacturing company tracks production parts and equipment failure rates and deviation around averages .

  13. 获取电气设备故障率的精确性直接关系到电力系统可靠性指标的可用性和科学性。

    The accuracy of the failure rate of electrical equipment directly governs the availability and rationality of the reliability indices of power system .

  14. 该项技术不仅降低了设备故障率,减少了维护工作量,而且具有良好的节能效果,值得在条件合适的厂家推广使用。

    The technique is worth spreading because of its good effect on lowering failure rate of equipment , lessening maintenance and saving energy .

  15. 对于提高采区供电系统保护动作的选择性和可靠性,改善采区供电质量,减少设备故障率,进而减少因故障频发而造成的无计划停电现象,具有重要意义。

    It has vital significance on improving the Selective and reliability of protection system , power supply quality and reducing equipment failure in mining area .

  16. 相比于传统的阈值型方法,该方法具有较好的性能,尤其是设备故障率小及固定费用相对部件费用较高时。

    Compared with generally used threshold , One-Stage-Analysis method achieves better performance especially when the maintenance setup cost is large or the asset failure rate is small .

  17. 与传统的机械搅拌和液体循环搅拌相比,具有生产效率高,能耗低,无机械磨损和腐蚀,设备故障率低等多项优点。

    Compare with traditional technology , such as mechanical stir and liquid-cycle stir , it has the merits of high-efficiency 、 low-energy 、 no-mechanical abrasion and eroding 、 low-rate of equipment malfunction etc.

  18. 对高炉煤气洗涤系统一文喉口存在的问题进行了分析,提出相应改进措施,通过改进降低了设备故障率,提高了除尘系统运行的安全性、可靠性。

    The problem with the first venturi tube throat inlet of BFG washing system was analyzed with advancing the corresponding measures of improvement , thus reduced equipment failure rate and enhanced operation safe reliability of the dedusting system .

  19. 经降低振幅改造,降低了设备故障率,延长了其使用寿命,并对避免振动筛产生摇摆振动提出了建议。

    Through modification of reducing amplitude , the equipment fault ( failure ) rate was reduced and its service life was prolonged , and the suggestions were put forward for preventing the vibratory screen from producing rock vibration .

  20. 上下密封阀由直动+转动的曲臂结构改为转动单一动作的直臂结构,减少了设备故障率和非计划检修时间;

    The upper and lower seal valve are changed from that of crank structure to straight arm structure that only actuates single action , as a result , the equipment failure rate and unscheduled down time are reduced ;

  21. 往复式空气压缩机的振动是其主要故障标志之一,通过振动分析仪器对空压机的常见故障进行采集分析,可以有效地降低设备故障率,实现状态监测和预知维修。

    Vibration is one of the mark malfunctions of reciprocating air compressors . Analyzing the malfunctions occurred frequently with vibration analyzer the malfunction rate of the equipment can be reduced effectively the condition detection and pre-maintenance can be realized .

  22. 该模式不但维修成本高,且设备故障率居高不下,已不能适应目前电力工业发展和改革的需要,因此必须研究以可靠性维修为中心的新的维修策略。

    It is with high costs to maintain and the fault rate of the equipment remains high . It can 't meet the electric industrial development and need of the reform at present , so we must study the new maintenance tactics by RCM .

  23. 目前军工企业实行是计划性预防维修方式,不但维修成本高,且设备故障率居高不下,已不能适应目前企业发展和改革的需要,因此探索一种更适合军工企业实际的设备维修模式十分必要。

    At present , war industry enterprise practices plan prevent maintenance manner . The mode can not fit present demand of enterprise development and reform because of its high maintenance cost and fault rate , therefore it is necessary for war industry enterprise to explore a applicable equipment maintenance mode .

  24. SCR为无触点、静止元件,可有效降低设备运转故障率;

    The SCR is a static element switch without touch-point . It can efficaciously reduce to the failure rate of the device .

  25. 根据状态检修实时数据推算出设备当前故障率,将小概率事件近似原则和事件树分析法应用于电力系统的N-k故障研究中,建立了N-k故障概率的分析模型。

    On the basis of real-time data of CBM , the current failure probability of equipments is calculated . Applying rare event approximation and event tree analysis technique to the study of N-k contingency , the failure probability model for N-k contingency is built .

  26. 施工设备最优故障率的确定

    Determination of the Optimal Rate of Breakdown of Construction Equipment

  27. 在雷电过电压作用下变电站设备绝缘故障率计算方法探讨

    The Calculating Method of Insulation Risk of Substation Device Under Lightning Overvoltage

  28. 目的研究电能质量下降对医疗设备的故障率和医疗设备安全运行产生的影响。

    Objective To research the influence of electrical energy quality descend on error rate and safety traffic of medical equipment .

  29. 通过应用变频器对上料台架的驱动控制系统进行改造,上料台架的运行特性得到明显改善,设备的故障率有效降低并产生显著的综合经济效益。由此获证变频器应用的效能与价值。

    After modification on drive control system of charging table by using frequency converter , the running performance was improved obviously , and the ratio of equipments malfunction was decreased effectively .

  30. 介绍了应用微机控制系统实现生产环境恶劣的乙炔装置的自动控制,以减轻操作人员的工作强度,降低设备的故障率,保证连续稳定的生产。

    Automatic control of acetylene units in bad production environment by microcomputer control system was received . Work strength and rate of breakdown were reduced , and continuous and stable production was guaranteed .