
shè bèi ɡēnɡ xīn
  • Device updates;updating equipment
  1. 设备更新最优期限的探讨

    Approach to the Best Time Limit of Updating Equipment

  2. 要进一步提高纺纱质量,满足产品高品质、高档次要求,进行设备更新和技术改造、提高设备性能是关键。

    Updating equipment , reforming technical and improving equipment performance are the key to improve spinning quality and fulfill high quality demand of products .

  3. 基于Excel的设备更新决策分析模型

    Decision-making Analysis Model of Equipment Update Based on Excel

  4. 基于语言OWA算子的企业设备更新决策

    Decision-making based on language OWA operator for enterprise equipment updating

  5. 基于故障模式、影响和致命度分析(FMECA)的机械设备更新决策

    Based on FMECA replacement decision of machinery

  6. 针对设备更新决策分析中的大量计算工作,研究了运用Excel的功能完成决策分析的方法。通过一个案例的分析证明了该方法的有效性。

    Aiming at a great deal of calculating work of decision-making analysis on equipment update , the approach of decision-making analysis was researched by using Excel , which validity was illustrated .

  7. 合理计提折旧费促进机械设备更新

    Calculate And Collect Depreciation Charge Reasonably to Promote Mechanical Equipment Renewal

  8. 数字化放射科设备更新的发展策略探讨

    Investigation of Developmental Strategy About Digital Radiologic Equipment ′ s Update

  9. 矿用局扇节能降耗及设备更新与设计

    Energy-saving , consumption-reducing and Equipment Renewing and Designing for Mine Fan

  10. 企业设备更新决策的不确定性分析

    An Analysis to the Uncertainty of Decision-making in Enterprise Equipment Renovation

  11. 年度成本在饭店设备更新中的应用

    The Application of Annual Cost to the Renewal of Hotel Equipment

  12. 技术进步条件下有关设备更新周期的基础研究

    Investigation on the Cycle of Equipment Renovation under Technological Progress Conditions

  13. 建筑设备更新最佳时点的动态决策研究

    The Best Time to Update Construction Equipment of Decision-Making Dynamics Research

  14. 设备更新分析中动、静态关系一致性研究

    Research on the Convergence of Static and Dynamic Relationship for Equipment Replacement

  15. 预测与网络分析在设备更新中的应用

    Application of the Prediction Theory and Network Analysis to Renewal of Equipment

  16. 马兰矿井设备更新改造分析

    Analysis the Malan Coal Mine of Equipment Renew and Improving

  17. 纺织企业滤尘设备更新的技术经济分析

    Techno-economic Analysis of Dust Filtration Equipment Renovation in Textile mill

  18. 我国企业设备更新策略的动态规划法

    The Dynamic Programme Method on Strategy of Equipment Renewal of Industrial Enterprise

  19. 设备更新方案的比较与选择在企业生产管理中的应用

    Comparison and Selection for Equipment Renewal Plan in Production Management of Enterprise

  20. 基础生物学实验室功能转变与设备更新

    Changes of Function and Equipment update on Basic Biology Laboratory

  21. 但是银行却不愿意为店主的设备更新提供贷款。

    Banks are reluctant to lend to franchise owners for the upgrade .

  22. 基于凸情形下在线设备更新问题的竞争分析

    Equipment replacement problem on convex case and its competitive analysis

  23. 农业设备更新决策的研究河北省智能农业发展现状

    The present situation of the development of the intelligent agriculture in Hebei province

  24. 矿山设备更新决策的模糊评价

    Vague Evaluation of the Policy about Mine Equipment Renewal

  25. 动态规划及其在机器设备更新中的应用

    Application of Dynamic Planning to Renewal of Machine Equipment

  26. 施工机械设备更新和改造的分析

    Analysis of updating and remoulding of construction plant equipment

  27. 设备更新的技术经济分析

    Technologic and Economic Analysis of Equipment and Installation Renewal

  28. 设备更新最佳时期决策方法研究

    The Decision Method of Best Period of Renewal of the Equipment Is Studied

  29. 分析了目前解决设备更新问题的一般方法。

    Nowaday general method for equipment updating is discussed .

  30. 林业企业设备更新决策的研究

    Studies on the Equipment Renewal Decisions of Forestry Enterprises