
  1. 设备寿命周期费用分析是将LCC理论用于设备一生各类技术决策问题权衡的有效方法。

    Life Cycle Cost Analysis is the effective way which LCC theory is used to resolve each kind of technical decision problem in the whole life of equipment .

  2. 以设备寿命周期为基础确定更新规划方向

    The Determination of Renovating Plan Based on the Life Cycle

  3. 林业机械设备寿命周期费用的计算、分析和应用研究

    Calculation , analysis and application in costs of life period of forest machine

  4. 设备寿命周期的决策方法

    The decision method of life span cycle of device

  5. 探索使设备寿命周期最经济的新途径

    Explore new ways by which enable LIFETIME-CYCLE cost of equipment to be most economical

  6. 关于设备寿命周期的数学论证

    Mathematical study of equipment life cycle

  7. 从寿命周期费用的角度出发,提出了设备寿命周期费用管理的一些具体的做法。

    Mention some detailed means about life cycle cost management for the purpose of life cycle cost .

  8. 本文阐述了设备寿命周期综合管理的意义、要素及设备管理的经济分析方法。

    This paper summarizes the meaning and factor of the instruments and equipment action cycle comprehensive management , and introduces the economic analysis of the management .

  9. 输变电设备寿命周期成本过高已经成为影响输变电工程投资效益的一个重要因素。

    High Life Cycle Cost ( LCC ) of Transmission and Distribution Equipment has become one of important influencing factors for the development of power industry .

  10. 视情维修的成本是设备寿命周期费用的重要组成部分,因此,降低视情维修成本是维修管理追求的一个主要目标。

    Its cost is an important part in the equipment life cycle cost . Therefore , to reduce OCM cost is an important mission in maintenance management .

  11. 以上三个问题,归根结蒂还是反映在发电企业的投资以及经营成本上,可用设备寿命周期成本来表示。

    The above issues are reflected in the investment and operating costs of the power plant , which can expressed by the life cycle cost ( LCC ) .

  12. 人们日益意识到要提高港口的经济效益就必须追求设备寿命周期费用最经济和设备综合效率最高。

    It is important to seek the life period of device most economical and the integrated efficiency upmost in order to improve the benefit . People has more and more realized this .

  13. 全寿命周期成本管理是对设备寿命周期内的经济性进行评价,输变电设备可靠性管理则是对设备投入运维后的运行和管理质量进行评价。

    Life cycle cost management is the economic evaluation of equipment in its life cycle , power transmission and transformation equipment reliability management is the assessment of equipment maintenance and management quality after its commissioning .

  14. 该项目通过研究石油设备寿命周期费用规律,采用多指标综合评价思想进行在用设备综合评价,建立石油设备管理的经济评价体系。

    On the basis of studying the regulation of life cycle cost a management system of oil filed equipment is build . In this system , the synthetic appraisal method with multi-index performance is adopted .

  15. 因此要降低设备寿命周期费用、提高设备的运行可靠性,一是要改进设计和制造,消除影响设备安全高效运行的因素,提升设备的先天性能。

    There are two important aspects to improve operation reliability and reduce life-cycle costs of equipments . One is to improve design and manufacture so as to eliminate factors affecting safe and efficient operation of equipments and advance nature of them .

  16. 从经济学的观点出发,分析了热能设备寿命周期内发生的各种费用,提出了以最低寿命周期费用或最大寿命周期经济效益为目标,对热能设备进行优化设计与管理的方法。

    On the basis of economics , the life cycle costs of energy system are analysed , and the optimum designing and management method for energy system according to its minimum life cycle costs or maximum life cycle economic benefits is proposed .

  17. DK企业设备全寿命周期管理体系的构建及其应用研究

    Building DK Corporation Life Cycle Management System of Equipment and Application Study

  18. 电力一次设备全寿命周期组合化管理模式及实施

    Life Cycle Cost Management Mode and Implementation of the Primary Electricity Equipments

  19. 数控设备的寿命周期费用分析

    The Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Numerical Control Equipment

  20. 通过提高维修在设备全寿命周期中的作用实现可持续制造

    Realize the Sustainable Manufacturing by Improving the Role of Maintenance in the Plant Life Cycle

  21. 医疗设备全寿命周期费用分析评价体系的构建

    Construction of the Analysis and Evaluation System of Life Cycle Cost of the Medical Equipment in Hospital

  22. 网络机房是各校近几年重点投入建设的教育装备之一,在网络机房的一生管理中,故障是计算机系统设备在寿命周期过程中必然要发生的现象,维修是必不可少的又一个管理环节。

    In recent years network computer room is one of the educational materials put into emphatic construction in each school .

  23. 这些开关装置可以大幅度提高电网的运行可靠性,逐步减低设备的寿命周期成本,提升供电企业的劳动效率。

    Theses switchgear assembly can greatly improve the operation reliability of power grid , gradually lower down the life cycle cost , step up the labor efficiency of power supply enterprise .

  24. 采用设备全寿命周期费用的概念,具体量化维修费,可降低运行成本,实现投资效益的最大化。

    Application of definition of whole-life cycle fee of equipment together with concrete quantification of equipment ′ s maintenance & repair fee can reduce running cost thus maximize function of investment .

  25. 以设备全寿命周期管理为主要运行流程,分析和设计了在此流程运行下的支撑环境,主要包括组织、制度和设备管理信息化三部分。

    With the main run flow of equipment life time cycle management , the paper analyse and design the flow running environment . It include three parts : organize 、 system and equipment management information .

  26. 目前,我国输变电工程造价管理模式对项目在竣工后生产运行阶段的考虑比较粗略,导致许多输变电设备在寿命周期内就要不断的进行大修和技术改造。

    Currently , the management mode for power engineering cost roughly consider the manufacturing phase after the completion , which resulted in a large scale of heavy repair and technology reconstructing for the electric equipments within their life circle .

  27. 对于常规变电站的智能化改造,应地制宜,结合变电站的设备全寿命周期技术,分别从一次设备、二次设备、自动化系统等方面入手,分析比较常规变电站的智能化改造的不同方案。

    For conventional substation intelligent transformation , combined with the whole life cycle , the primary device , the secondary device , automation and other aspects , have discussed considering the realization of conventional substation intelligent transformation of different schemes .

  28. 现有寿命周期费用估算方法普遍存在估算精度低的问题,该文提出寿命周期费用预测的仿真方法,建立了复杂可维修设备的寿命周期费用仿真模型,并验证了该模型的正确性。

    To solve this problem , this paper presented a simulation method used for equipment life cycle cost prediction . A new life cycle cost simulation model of complex repairable equipment is established and the validity of the simulation model has been examined .

  29. 近年来,配网企业普遍引入设备全寿命周期管理的理念,强调对设备的全寿命过程进行计划、组织、协调和控制,向设备管理人员提供智能决策支持,加强对设备的管理。

    In recent years , power supply enterprises generally introduces life cycle management concept to provide for intelligent decision support , and strengthen the management of power equipment , which emphasizes the life process planning , organization , coordination , and control to the power equipment .

  30. 用设备的全寿命周期费用概念实现降低运行成本

    Running cost reducing through the definition of whole-life cycle fee of equipment